
Need some help with these earrings please


Feb 2, 2016
Hey guys, stopped in at my favorite pawn shop this weekend and went through ALL their jewelry (like sat there for hours going through a huge jewelry armoire).

I came up away with these earrings that I first thought were rhinestone but I'm wondering if they might be paste? The setting gave me pause. If anyone has an idea about them I would greatly appreciate it!

IMG_4599.JPG IMG_4600.JPG IMG_4613.JPG IMG_4614.JPG

Paste / glass it looks like. Very pretty, hard to date. I’d give them a gentle scrub with some washing liquid and a toothbrush and see how they come up.
You’re a bower bird, just like me.:appl:
Thanks @Bron357, I thought they were so cute but I had to go through loads of jewelry to pair them up, not that I'm complaining!

So I have to tell you even after looking it up I have no idea what a bower bird is but if it's like you then it must be all good.
8CE577A0-821B-4F64-B458-5FAE23BF3025.jpeg A bower bird is an Australia bird (male) that builds very carefully and artisically his “bower” of sticks which he then decorates it with carefully chosen and placed “pretty things” that he finds. The female will arrive and “check out” his decorations and if it meets with her approval, she will enter the stick “bower” and he will be able to mate with her.
@Bron357, that is awesome, I love that he has to make it look pretty for the female bird. Heck I'm lucky if I can get my husband to straighten the blankets never mind making it pretty lol!
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Thanks @stracci2000! Funny thing here is I don't have pierced ears lol! I just couldn't leave them behind, I mean it was just stuff thrown in drawers, they were too pretty to leave behind! Maybe I will get these looked at a little closer, will let you know what I find out!

Hope your kitty is continuing to do well!
Thanks @stracci2000! Funny thing here is I don't have pierced ears lol! I just couldn't leave them behind, I mean it was just stuff thrown in drawers, they were too pretty to leave behind! Maybe I will get these looked at a little closer, will let you know what I find out!

Hope your kitty is continuing to do well!

WHAT??? No pierced ears? Incredible.
Girlie, you must stop what you are doing and march right down to the Piercing Pagoda at the mall. How have you lived your life without pierced ears? :eek2::lol-2::P2There's a whole new world of earrings out there waiting for you.....................!

The kitty is doing OK, but he still refuses to leave our office room except to pee or poo.
But DH spends most of his time in there, so kitty is rarely alone.
I'll keep you posted. Thanks for asking!
BTW, I think the earrings are paste. The stones appear to be hand faceted, not molded or backed with reflective paint.
Yup no pierced ears, I can't stomach sticking something through a hole in my ear:sick:

I don't think it's a bad thing that he stays in that one room, my perfectly healthy cat spends almost all her time on our bed. AND he is using the bathroom, I bet you he will be one spry fellow once those meds/supplements build up.