
New BB adularescencent spinel


Jun 20, 2006
This odd stone came in the mail today. It's a pretty pink-lavender color with a glow in strong light. Beautifully faceted, it's toward pink to me, a really interesting stone. I picked it up on a whim, not really sure how to set it...

Barry's description was: 1.19 cts., 6.2mm round brilliant. This spinel is from Tanzania and has a medium/light lavender color. It is quite bright even though it has a peculiar adularescence.

My pictures:
With two topazes and two blue spinels

In strong sun, you can definitely see the glowyness of the pink spinel

Glowy even in the body color




A few more!

Pretty facets!

Showing more lavender in indirect light

Still super bright despite being glowy




And some flower shots since I had one handy...

And one last picture of the facets

Thanks for looking!




I love that stone. I have one the same exact color and adularecence, but it's a native cut and not a Barry cut!! :blackeye: You were really lucky to snag it, and at such a good price.
Great stone!

Barry told me that no other stone he has ever posted generated so many inquiries as that one :appl:
So you're the one who picked that up! I noticed it after the "sold" note had already gone up and I was sad. Good price, too! It looks as cool in your photos as I had hoped!

In terms of how to set it, I really like the way it looks next to your other gems. I saw a costume stacking ring I really liked the other day that had multiple small stones bezel set off-center on each band. I took a really bad picture. I could totally see this stone set like that, with maybe teamed up with something more saturated and something more sparkly.

ETA: SORRY SO BIG! No editing program at my disposable at the moment. Sorry!

Hi everyone! :wavey:

Yup, I got it. Barry mentioned he'd had a lot of inquiries about it, honestly I'm a little surprised, but good for him! He mentioned looking for other ones like it to no avail (as of yet) so it's nice to hear that you have one too TL!

Like I said, I bought it on a whim since it seemed to be a 'trick' stone and a great size for the price. I have a few novelty stones, a quartz with a fluorite crystal in it and a tenebrescent scapolite.

I feel a little bad about the whole thing honestly, I like the stone and plan to keep it but I'm not head-over-heals OMG about it.

Velouria- thanks for the setting idea. The color is so subtle it's going to need something to really set it off. A mess of bezels is a fun idea if I can find it the right companions.
mercoledi said:
Hi everyone! :wavey:

Yup, I got it. Barry mentioned he'd had a lot of inquiries about it, honestly I'm a little surprised, but good for him! He mentioned looking for other ones like it to no avail (as of yet) so it's nice to hear that you have one too TL!

Like I said, I bought it on a whim since it seemed to be a 'trick' stone and a great size for the price. I have a few novelty stones, a quartz with a fluorite crystal in it and a tenebrescent scapolite.

I feel a little bad about the whole thing honestly, I like the stone and plan to keep it but I'm not head-over-heals OMG about it.

Velouria- thanks for the setting idea. The color is so subtle it's going to need something to really set it off. A mess of bezels is a fun idea if I can find it the right companions.

My stone is really pretty and has a blue sheen that gets very intense in sunlight, and it's not too sleepy, but just enough. It's a really cool stone with a soft baby pink color. I'm sorry you don't like yours as much. I think Michael E sold one like that at one time as well. It has this really cool blue sheen, like a moonstone, that "floats" about in the stone. I find these spinels fascinating to look at.
I wondered who had gotten that, and hoped it was a fellow PS'er so I could see other photos of it. It's a very unusual stone, and I can see where it might end up really growing on you.
tourmaline_lover said:
My stone is really pretty and has a blue sheen that gets very intense in sunlight, and it's not too sleepy, but just enough. It's a really cool stone with a soft baby pink color. I'm sorry you don't like yours as much. I think Michael E sold one like that at one time as well. It has this really cool blue sheen, like a moonstone, that "floats" about in the stone. I find these spinels fascinating to look at.

Hi TL- I may well need more time with this stone. I will admit that since I've been at home sick today, I haven't taken it out of the house. I was expecting more of a bluey glow like what you described. There's still time! I have a long bonding window with my stones!

Do you have any pictures of yours?
What a beautiful, tender color! Congratulations!
Aww Merco, I'm glad it went to you, even if it means I didn't get it. I didn't pull my trigger fast enough it seems. It looks pretty cool though.

And should you ever decide to get rid of it.... ;))
Your stones are beautiful!
I can't wait to start my collection. Need to save some serious $$$.
Thanks everyone, it's a unique one for sure.

Freke, if I ever do decide it needs a new home... I love your earring project btw, I've flirted with interchangeable studs/drops myself and even have stones but never worked out the setting!

Thanks divarose, but it doesn't have to be expensive, of all those stones only one was over $100!
So you snapped it up. I was eying it but I was too late to purchase it. It's beautiful. Put me on the list of people to consider if you change your mind about it (I'm sure the list will be long).
The expectation for something like this is going to be different, which might be throwing you off. It will not sparkle like your other spinels and it will not always have the blue sheen (only outdoors, if I’m not mistaken). I think it’s a very neat and cool stone to play with and keep in one’s collection though.
It's lovely! I saw it on BB's site and thought it was super cool.
That is really neat and super sparkly. I think I'll have to get a Barry round someday ahhhhh
Thanks everyone! There seems to be a lot of love for this stone!

Chrono said:
The expectation for something like this is going to be different, which might be throwing you off. It will not sparkle like your other spinels and it will not always have the blue sheen (only outdoors, if I’m not mistaken). I think it’s a very neat and cool stone to play with and keep in one’s collection though.

Chrono-I think what's throwing me is that it's more like a spinel than a moonstone. It actually is fiercely sparkly in low light. I still haven't gotten it outside in daylight (stupid day job!) but I will. I think I was hoping for a strong blue sheen and may not have found the right lighting yet.

cemrn- Barry's rounds are really distinctive and lovely. I picked up my first one second-hand (pser fire sale) and was hooked. His stones aren't always expensive and he's so super sweet. If you have a price range, he might have something sitting around that will fit it. His cuts are blocky and flashy with thick polished girdles. I have a bunch of Dan Stair's rounds as well, and you can see the flavor of each cutter at a glance.
Ahh, I wondered where that stone went. I'm so glad that a PS'er got it so I could see pics. I wasn't sure what the adularescence would be like. Thanks for posting!
Love that BB spinel mercoledi! :love: I'm so glad a PSer got it! Thank you for sharing pictures of it with us. :bigsmile:
Cool stone! But I read the title as "adolescent spinel" and had some funny images in my head. :cheeky:

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