
New Stone


Mar 13, 2012
6.6mm and 1.42 carats. Tsav is a medium-dark green. I am nervous that once set it might black out under certain lighting conditions. My other two tsavs are medium to medium plus in color and I have no experience with darker colors. I'm wondering if the tsavs is a touch too dark - too much extinction. Photos taken at night. My apartment is rather dark even with all the lights on.




Strange but photos are darker on my computer screen than they are on my iphone.
Eek! Looks sooo dark. Another try.

I've just purchased a trillion version of your stone, same colour, same saturation, everything. If the light hits it just right it lights up amazingly, almost glows, but I wondered the same thing as you about setting and blacking out. I hope you get some experts chiming in so I know what to do as well!
I am disappointed that I couldn't get a daylight shot because by the time I got the stone it was dark. I couldn't capture it but in some lights, even in my dark apt, the color is amazing. However, I don't want it to look like mud half of the time after it is set.
People have suggested foiling the bottom to know how it would look in a closed setting like a bezel. You can just use aluminum foil
Thanks. The stone would definitely be bezeled. Also, I think that darker tsavs tend to show more extinction.
I think its a great frothy rich stone. Yummers.

But is it too dark for you? I know no tsav comes cheap...
Although it is not quite as dark as in the photos, it is darker than I usually like. However, I already have two mediums and I would like to add a medium-dark to my collection. Tsavs do not come cheap and I haven't really seen enough stones in person to be able to evaluate the way I would like.
Why definitely bezeled? Do you dislike prong settings? That would allow more light into the tsav. You could also do a bezel with an open basket -- I'd at least recommend that to keep it from going black if you're worried about that. Try the foil thing & see how it would look with a closed basket. From what you say, your apartment is about as dark as anywhere you're likely to be -- how does it perform at night with a few lights on?

You don't sound in love with it -- if not, can you still return it? It is pretty dark, but it's all a matter of what it does for you.

What color metal are you thinking of setting it in?
JewelFreak, it is not as dark as the photos but it is a bit on the dark side. I never understand how some folks get good shots of their green stones and no matter what I do I have to take 10 shots of a green stone to get one that is semi-decent but still off color-wise. The problem is that I already have a setting for the new stone. I would take out the stone I have in the setting now and replace it with this stone. Not sure that the setting would work. The stone performed fairly well in most of my house. Took it out into the hall where lights are more like an office setting and the stone performed great but the setting I have is a halo with a fairly closed basket and that is worrisome. Also, as previously mentioned, having two medium colored tsavs helps me evaluate other medium tsavs. I am not quite sure about how dark a medium-dark should be before it is too dark.
I'm afraid its a matter of personal preference, and none of us are you! From what I can see in the photos, that would be too dark and showing too much extinction for me; someone else might say something different.

You might be interested to know that especially indoors, it often takes me 30-50 shots in slightly different locations/lighting situations to get ones that I feel are representative of the stone. It is not often that you can whip out your camera and snap a few quick shots and have them work, unfortunately.
I'm with Minou -- even for outside shots, I take so many, my photo program groans that it's overloaded! Still come out with 1 or none that are right. You have my sympathy, JLW, green stones are hard to photograph (so are blue, yellow, red, orange.....) :cry:

If the tsav is lighter than the pics, it might be ok in the setting you have -- that's a matter of individual taste. I agree w/Minou that if the photos represented it well, it would be too dark w/too much extinction for me, but it's your opinion that counts. You'll have to evaluate & decide if the setting you have will work or maybe look for a more open one. I do like the green I see in it.

--- Laurie
Thanks for the input. Much appreciated. Guess I already knew the stone was not a keeper but it looked so darn beautiful under certain lighting conditions. It helped me realize why some people go over to the 'darker' side! The stone has already been returned. Anyway, that is why I have ended up with mediums. I just have not been able to locate a medium-dark that doesn't have too much extinction for my taste although I have seen photos of such stones right here on Pricescope so I know that they do exist!

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