
New Yoga Position- Upside Down Sidewards Dog

If I did that I'd be in traction for a month!
What a sweet baby!!! :kiss2:

The life of a well loved furbaby! Nothing better ❤️❤️❤️

@Wink maybe we can have our furry babies get together and teach a yoga class? :)

The things I learn from my wonderful Dog...

Sideways dog.jpg

Wink, I have one that sleeps just like this. None of us can understand it at all. She has the most amazing spinal mobility and seems happiest curved this way (but only on upholstered furniture, mind you).
This is a thirty year old faux leather couch. One of my better buys. Looks and feels like leather, and only a fraction of the cost. An early Lab Grown Couch...

rofl!!!!! I was drinking water when I read that and spewed water accross the room!!!
My boy always pulls the upper half facing one way, bottom half facing another move. Pretty sure that move would break me… :lol:


Ohhhhh he has mittens!
My sweet ginger baby had them too. *swoon*
This is a thirty year old faux leather couch. One of my better buys. Looks and feels like leather, and only a fraction of the cost. An early Lab Grown Couch...

Oh, I was not making a dig at your couch! I was making a dig at my dog, who thinks she is human and would never deign to curl up on the floor like a dog.

Incidentally, we have a leather sofa (not lab grown) and my other dog took his claws to the back of it to make what looks for all the world like modern art. They are a lot like toddlers, dogs.
Oh, I was not making a dig at your couch! I was making a dig at my dog, who thinks she is human and would never deign to curl up on the floor like a dog.

It never occurred to me that you were digging at my couch, only that your dog preferred upholstered couches.

Where would we be without our cats and dogs and their foibles? In a much poorer place, for sure.
Yes he does! I adore them and I try to hold them all the time (you know...when he lets me :lol:).

:kiss2: My cat was a love, but, like most kitties, she didn't enjoy her paws being manhandled. I'd squeeze that thumb every chance I got though. lol And then they do that weak little tug where they try to pull it away, and your heart just melts even more. I miss that! Hold your sweet boy near and dear, my friend!!