
No More Gimp?


Nov 2, 2012
Ooh, look what I just ordered! This clasp appears to have little cups to slide the end pearls right up on, instead of using the dreaded gimp. I hope it works!

Did I mention that I hate gimp?

I try to have my pearl strands strung with PowerPro, which is fishing line. It is plastic so it won't get nasty. And it has very tight knots to when and if the weight from wearing the strand pulls the knots tighter, it doesn't "stretch" and need restringing.

So, the reason I have to bother with restringing has always been because of the gimp only. The gold plating wears off and it looks black and gross. It annoys me to no end.

If this clasp works as it looks like it will (?) I will probably change each strand over to something like it, at its next restringing. And then, hopefully, I just won't have to bother with any more re-stringings.

Right? Someone please tell me I am right. (Or not). :)

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I think you may be onto something. Any way to post a larger photo? I can't quite make it out.

And where can one buy those?
Yes! This would eliminate gimp. For example, look at listing number 155872906317 (just search eBay for the number and the listing will come up).

Looking inside one of those little cups I see a bar. You would pass your needle and thread (or beading wire, if using that) around the bar and then back-knot (or if using wire, use a crimp to secure the wire.)

They have many others with the same sort of cup.
Those clasps should still have gimp. Gimp is there both to look nice and to protect the thread at its point of max wear..
Those clasps should still have gimp. Gimp is there both to look nice and to protect the thread at its point of max wear..

But what if you’re stringing with PowerPro?
I don't think you'll need gimp with a tough thread like Power Pro.
I've never used power pro. Does it never break at the loop onto the clasp?
Power Pro is fishing line. 20# test is what I usually use, doubled it's 40# -- it's really quite strong! I've never seen it break and have never accidentally broken it with my bare hands by tugging too hard (whereas I did break Serafil once by tugging too hard.)

I would skip the gimp, personally.
Power Pro is fishing line. 20# test is what I usually use, doubled it's 40# -- it's really quite strong! I've never seen it break and have never accidentally broken it with my bare hands by tugging too hard (whereas I did break Serafil once by tugging too hard.)

I would skip the gimp, personally.

Thank you!
Sounds like power pro does not need gimp. But in other cases you only need about half normal, just to sit over the top of the loop where it's ablative protection is most needed.
I emailed Pearl Paradise and the person who answered said they thought white gold colored gimp does hold up better than yellow gold colored gimp so I didn't just imagine it. Just an FYI if it helps anyone.

I have two small 14k "no gimp" clasps on the way and will update when I get them. I plan to try stringing myself with #20 white PowerPro, which I also ordered. :)
Omg. Yes!! Discoloured gimp is 10/10 why I restring - I use enough thread and glue to haul freight, never ever had a strand break, but the french wire…

@pearlsngems How does the powerpro do with knotting between pearls? Do the knots stay tight?
I’m going to get some, thanks!!
A quick update: I have ordered stuff and am waiting for it all to get here: 20 pound PowerPro, both white and moss green. Two 14k gold clasps with the little cups attached that don't need gimp. And a secondhand bow-shaped brooch, to try using as a (gimp-less) connector or decoration or whatever on a long strand that doesn't need a clasp.

I plan to re-do all of my strands that have clasps with the clasps that don't need gimp, whenever they need re-stringing again, and with PowerPro. I have six or eight strands that could use it now. Will update when I do.
Update: My husband has learned to knot pearls! I just put it all in front of him and he couldn't resist. He started messing around with it until he got it figured out. Ha ha!

I think I have found the secret to probably/possibly NEVER having to get pearls restrung again. I am switching all of my strands over to "gimpless" clasps, one at a time. And the "thread" is PowerPro (fishing line), in this case, "Moss" color, 40 lb.

The clasps are small because I couldn't find any "gimpless" larger ones for a price I wanted to pay. These, in 14k, are a little under $100. I'm used to larger clasps but I think they look just fine. The ripple pearls below are 10-12mm or 11-13mm or something like that. (Please excuse little gap between clasp and pearl on the left side. the pearl had a little bump there so the clasp sits a tad skewed).

