I should be sleeping b/c I''ve had a very long weekend but I''ve been doing some thinking instead. The only bm of mine that is in town was supposed to come over today and help w/my cookie favor trial. Just like she was supposed to come dress shopping two times. Just like she was supposed to order the dress when the others did. She didn''t come today. She said she was coming in an email. Even called to ask about what we were going to do, although in a tone that made it clear she didn''t really want to come. So I responded and emailed her my new address w/directions. She didn''t call, email, nothing...
I am upset by it and hurt but not surprised and not as upset given that this isn''t new behavior. I sort of feel numb to it, sort of feel fed up. Since I''ve gotten engaged, the only time she''s been interested is when I asked her to be by bm. She seemed elated. She does ask about wedding stuff but that''s the extent of her interest. I certainly don''t expect her to be involved but it would be nice. It would help to feel like she cares. I do a pretty good job of not letting her uninvolvement affect me. But this time, it''s not working. Not after she said that she''s coming and just blew it off. At least call or email... at the very least.
So tonight, I made a decision not to contact her. I feel I have made many efforts to maintain our friendship but it does not feel mutual. I''m not saying we won''t continue to be friends but it has to continue by her choice and effort.
So that leaves me to the relevant PS topic. I''m not sure how I feel about her being a bridesmaid. Quite honestly, I''m not sure she wants to be in the wedding. And I''m not really sure I want her to be.
I''m not making any decisions or anything tonight, other than choosing not to contact her but I''m feeling very torn.