
Octahedron with "star" inclusion


Jul 31, 2014
Sit down and grab a drink, because this is a journey. Or just scroll to pics :)

Journey stars when I had my little girl. Horrible pregnancy, horrible labor, crappy 8 days in the NICU, and a lot of what I suspect was medical PTSD or similar. Basically, I thought she was going to die, and then when she came home she was miserable and I was afraid she hated life. Turns out she was intolerant of milk protein and had acid reflux. She needed a very broken down amino acid formula + infant oatmeal to keep it down.

During that time I was pretty miserable. The only thing that made me feel better was a bedtime story i made up for her.

Basically it's about how she's actually a star from the sky who chose to come to earth and live a life that might be hard/challenging but also be filled with love. It was one of the only things that gave me comfort. I reminded myself that she chose to be here. And that even if something happened to her that she would just go right back to her place in the night sky.

So once I felt better (i.e. after we figured out her food issues, she was happier, and I got some meds), I wanted a jewelry piece with some kind of star theme.

First I wanted a star brooch so I asked the nice folks in the antique sub forum. But nothing was quite right (except the 10k works of art i can't afford), so that got scrapped.

Then I wanted a star shaped lab diamond, but realized I just don't like how those look, so that didn't work.

Then I remembered the thread about unusual diamonds. And those crazy zimbabwe diamonds with star shaped inclusions. So I researched. A lot.

Turns out people DO sell them, but mostly overseas. And they're usually like 5-8ct and $$. But lots of talking to vendors paid off, and i found one.

2.7ct, 8.5mm and has a perfect 'star' inclusion pattern.

Also fluorescence under uv pen light, but not as strongly in IRL sun (which is unfortunate but not a deal breaker).


This is why i was asking folks for help with a pendant design here

Vendor videos to show the uv effect
LOVE THIS!! That's 100% a stone I would have bought if it had come my way. As I often say, "I don't have jewellery, I have a wearable rock collection." And that's the epitome of a collectible and wearable rock. It's the sort of stone my 'light ring' stone would have been cut from. But better, because you get the full 3D effect. Geekery aside, your story is inspiring and the symbolism is perfect.

I did rather suspect, when you asked about the 'scissors' setting, that you had something like that in mind, but this is so much better than what I had imagined.

Ps @Starstruck8 your ring was one of the first to give much needed inspiration to go this direction so thank you!!
Apologies for not being much help in sourcing, But I'm delighted that you found this.

ETA: I just noticed the vendor videos. The fluorescence is amazing!
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So cool! Can’t wait to see it.
ps. Fun fact: sometimes when you ask overseas vendors for a stone with this kind of inclusuon pattern, they'll refer to it as a "walmart diamind" because what i see as a "star" others see as the walmart logo. That made me giggle more than once.
So now I need to decide whether to send it straight to DK or if i want to take time and money to get it certified by GIA

It's pretty obviously not a lab diamond/stone because I've never seen one that looks like this. But I guess part of me wants paperwork for it. Just for my own peace of mind and info

Has anyone sent stones to GIA directly? How does that even work? Does it take tons of time for them to give a cert?
So now I need to decide whether to send it straight to DK or if i want to take time and money to get it certified by GIA

It's pretty obviously not a lab diamond/stone because I've never seen one that looks like this. But I guess part of me wants paperwork for it. Just for my own peace of mind and info

Has anyone sent stones to GIA directly? How does that even work? Does it take tons of time for them to give a cert?

If you are working with David Klass, they can send the stone to GIA for you. They have done that for me several times.
Sit down and grab a drink, because this is a journey. Or just scroll to pics :)

Journey stars when I had my little girl. Horrible pregnancy, horrible labor, crappy 8 days in the NICU, and a lot of what I suspect was medical PTSD or similar. Basically, I thought she was going to die, and then when she came home she was miserable and I was afraid she hated life. Turns out she was intolerant of milk protein and had acid reflux. She needed a very broken down amino acid formula + infant oatmeal to keep it down.

During that time I was pretty miserable. The only thing that made me feel better was a bedtime story i made up for her.

Basically it's about how she's actually a star from the sky who chose to come to earth and live a life that might be hard/challenging but also be filled with love. It was one of the only things that gave me comfort. I reminded myself that she chose to be here. And that even if something happened to her that she would just go right back to her place in the night sky.

So once I felt better (i.e. after we figured out her food issues, she was happier, and I got some meds), I wanted a jewelry piece with some kind of star theme.

First I wanted a star brooch so I asked the nice folks in the antique sub forum. But nothing was quite right (except the 10k works of art i can't afford), so that got scrapped.

Then I wanted a star shaped lab diamond, but realized I just don't like how those look, so that didn't work.

Then I remembered the thread about unusual diamonds. And those crazy zimbabwe diamonds with star shaped inclusions. So I researched. A lot.

Turns out people DO sell them, but mostly overseas. And they're usually like 5-8ct and $$. But lots of talking to vendors paid off, and i found one.

2.7ct, 8.5mm and has a perfect 'star' inclusion pattern.

Also fluorescence under uv pen light, but not as strongly in IRL sun (which is unfortunate but not a deal breaker).


This is why i was asking folks for help with a pendant design here

Vendor videos to show the uv effect

That diamond is very cool!
Your story about your daughter brings tears to my eyes. I am so sorry that your experience was so difficult and the aftermath less than ideal. Thank goodness you both survived it and are now thriving! Love the pendant in the making and what a special story and piece it will be for her one of these days. A mother’s love is so deep and pure - mine are long grown and yet the depth of that love never waivers!
So much fantasticness!

What a hard time with your baby. That must have been scary with the NICU, and then only to come home and have a constantly upset newborn. I hope she is feeling better and you, too!

Your new diamond is amazing. The fluorescence is actually a pretty color. Yes, do ask DK to send to GIA, just to have all the cool properties documented.
This is such a cool diamond, lovedogs! Can't wait to see it set. I'm glad you and your little girl are both doing better.
This is SO fabulous! I love everything about it - the story, uniqueness, setting. It's not at all how I thought this hunt would end, and I am so happy you found this stone because it's perfect for you! Congratulations!
When I get really emotional, I clam up. This did it and it's beautiful. I can't wait to see.
Little starshine, you are loved.
I'm going to go and pretend I have allergies for a minute.
This diamond has such a beautiful sentiment and thanks for sharing the story. The pendant design is beautiful. Maybe one day your daughter will wear it at her wedding.
@freddyboston @Karl_K

I have a relatively cheap uv light to "set" gel nail polish. Tried to put my diamond under it to see the fluor, but it barely reacted at all. Nothing like the vendor videos.

Is there a specific strength of uv ligjt or type of light i need for green fluor? Or is it just that the nail one is weak?

My VSB diamond got super blue under it, but I'm sure part of that is the strength of the fluor.
pretty much the same LW NM range...looks like vendor is using laser UV light with a tighter point...... so they can focus on / hit the inclusion(star) which i think is where the Fluor comes from...
pretty much the same LW NM range...looks like vendor is using laser UV light with a tighter point...... so they can focus on / hit the inclusion(star) which i think is where the Fluor comes from...

I thought that might be it. So pen ligjt vs a broad nail thingy where it's supposed to get a whole hand instead of any focus
that diamond is awesome!!!
So now that I have the diamond, I'm second guessing the setting a bit.

Because of the orientation of the star, should the setting be more of a full "cage"?
This is what I mean when I say "cage"

So to make it spin, I would do something like this (ignore my horrible drawing skills). Basically it's @RMOO Design, but with a "cage" around the stone vs just the 1 bezel.

Thoughts on this style vs the original one from @RMOO ?
I'm worried the cage will obscure the star, or at the least take the focus off it.

ETA: What about a setting that holds it from the sides, kind of like a tension setting. Or, could the @RMOO one be used without the band across the middle, maybe with a teensy prong or "cup" where the points meet?
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