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I am so fed up with people telling me I should live with my SO before marrying him!!! What would they know, they''ve never been married! Most of them haven''t even been serious enough in a relationship to consider lifelong commitment! And seriously, which couple is most likely to be doomed, I wonder?
Couple A: Two college students who are so much involved in each other that they either spend too much time and energy on each other to get the best grades they could get or choose another program then the one they really want or need to get into in order to be with the other person as much as possible (or both), which ultimately doesn’t get them where they really want to be in their professional lives and/or move in with each other as soon as possible without any form of commitment and even some serious thought as to if they really want the same things out of life, including marriage; or
Couple B: After two years of knowing each other and eighteen months of relationship, the girl leaves 3000 miles away for college because she thought it was the best thing for her professional future, while the guy stays home to finish his community college course, gets a steady job and starts saving money for a house. They have discussed their future together seriously and want to spend the rest of their lives together, get married and have children together. They want to get married once the girl has finished college, after five years of relationship, even if they haven’t lived together beforehand (it took some discussion before they decided, but they finally reached an agreement), and once they are married will be ready to go wherever the most well-paying job takes them.
You’d think it was couple B, since couple A doesn’t raise any eyebrows, and couple B (well, girl B at least) constantly gets told they should live together before getting married…

What I’ve just realized is that the people who tell me that are mostly “couple A” type of people. Honestly, I believe that what my SO and I, aka couple B, are doing and plan on doing is much more reasonable and gives us better chances of success and happiness than couple A. I am not sacrificing my love life and future family life by putting my future professional life first while I’m in college, while they sacrifice at least partly their future professional lives for a future family life that hasn’t even been fully agreed on. However, I might not agree with them, but I don’t go around telling them what they should and shouldn’t do! If it makes them happy, good for them, but I know it wouldn’t make me happy, and I’m not going to do something that would make me unhappy because it’s what other people think is better!
*sigh* It makes me angry that I always seem to have to defend my choices from my peers. Why can’t they just respect that some people think differently and have different goals and values in life, or simply different ways to achieve their goals? I feel so different from the other 20 to 25 year-olds around me, and I’m fed up with being judged all the time. Since I started college last January, I’ve lost count of how often I’ve been told that long-distance relationships don’t work and that my SO and I wouldn’t last, and that I should live with my boyfriend before marrying him because there’s no way we can know how it is to live together otherwise. Sorry to disappoint them, but my SO told me he’s been looking at rings for Christmas (he unfortunately can’t afford one at the moment, but that’s beside the point, the point is that we’re growing stronger every day and he’s planning on proposing, no more thinking, he’s planning!!!) and we do know each other’s living habits already, and I don’t believe they’re going to change (as much as I’d like some on them to

Thanks again for listening to me whine… I''m sorry my post is so long! A friend of mine (who constantly asks me for advice on a successful relationship, by the way...) tried to convince me yesterday that cohabitation before marriage was a marriage-saver. Right. Like you would know. I’m not saying there won’t be any adaptation needed, I’m perfectly aware of that. I just don’t believe it’s absolutely necessary to live with him before marriage or else our marriage will fail…
I feel like an alien. Am I an alien??!