
Okay.. be surprised! I took this picture with an iPhone.


Dec 9, 2008
Okay, so you guys may remember my thread a while back asking how to take pictures of your colored gemstones... well, being a college student, I can't afford a super-nice camera right now. All I've got is my new iPhone... and here's a pic I took with it!

Overall, I wouldn't say it's of poor quality. Of course, the colors are off (the iPhone added a bit of yellow and took out some purple) and there's a lot more extinction than in the picture than the actual gem, but it's not too shabby!

Here's a pic that I shrank and cropped.

Interesting what the iPhone is capable of, huh? :)
Great picture, and very nice stone! I'd invest into an Iphone if I knew what to do with its other functions... too many for me. But you did a good job. Congratulations on your new Iphone!
Great picture. My blackberry camera is garbage.
Charmy, My BB is not nearly the quality of this IPhone photo either. Thank you for posting. IPhones aren't an option for me as I live on an island and the ATT signal is too weak!!!
Not bad at all for an iPhone picture. I’m too cheap to get a good camera too so I’m using a very old and plain point and shoot. In fact, I’m too cheap to even get an iPhone. :bigsmile:
Beautiful blue!

My new Droid phone takes way better pics of gemstones than my Nikon, :angryfire:
I'm always whining to my husband about the quality of my camera and he says "Well, if you sold some of your stones you could buy a decent camera."

BLASPHEMY! What would I take pictures of???
Nice! I too have abandoned my point and shoot for my phone camera. I have the Google Nexus and the pics come out pretty well on that too.
Nashville, too funny!
StonieGrl said:
Beautiful blue!

My new Droid phone takes way better pics of gemstones than my Nikon, :angryfire:

Thanks! :)

Actually, in terms of picture quality (not resolution), the droid x is supposed to be the best, followed by the iphone 4, then the htc evo. You should show some of your droid pics!
crasru said:
Great picture, and very nice stone! I'd invest into an Iphone if I knew what to do with its other functions... too many for me. But you did a good job. Congratulations on your new Iphone!

Thanks! :)

The reason I chose an iPhone over all the other phones is because it's so user-friendly! You don't need to be tech savvy to use it. You should stop by an apple store just to play with it.. it's really not complicated at all!

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