So, I posted a couple days ago about the ring being in our house. Well, I knew where it was- still packed in his bag from our trip. Being the lovely girlfriend I am, I decided to do a bit of pretty much the whole bag was emptied except for the ring. I left it sitting there purposefully...thinking he will find a nice safe ( hidden place where I can''t find it). What does he do? Puts it in his change basket on the dresser! My e-ring box is chilling there, staring at me every time I enter and exit our bedroom.
SERIOUSLY?!?! How am I supposed to not obsess when I look at it a million times a day!
If we didn''t have opposite schedules this week I would walk into the room and point at it and do my teacher glare at him. However, this isn''t an option. Perhaps I will leave a sticky note near it saying something witty
SERIOUSLY?!?! How am I supposed to not obsess when I look at it a million times a day!
If we didn''t have opposite schedules this week I would walk into the room and point at it and do my teacher glare at him. However, this isn''t an option. Perhaps I will leave a sticky note near it saying something witty