
once again, blue topaz, aquamarine, or something else?


Nov 20, 2012
Hi all, I read through the 2009 thread where someone had a similar question. I have just inherited this lovely ring and would love your thoughts on what the stone is.


Hi gillsgirl, and welcome to the forum! If you look at some of the recent threads on similar topics, you'll see the advice most commonly given is that no-one in the world can tell what your stone is from a photograph. You need to get it appraised by a reputable appraiser familiar with coloured stones, or send it to a lab like AGL or the GIA, to get it identified. You may also find that the geology department at your local university will be able to help - I've had some luck in two different cities, although since it's purely unofficial on their part you may not find a warm welcome.

That said, I think you've narrowed it down to the two most likely candidates after glass. If you know the age of the piece, the metals used, the original purchase price or the jeweler from whence it came those might help suggest what the center stone is, and certainly that info would be valuable to an appraiser. Good luck!
Thank you so much - yes, I will have to find a good appraiser but I don't know one yet - is there a forum here that might suggest one locally? I suspect topaz as it feels quite slippery, much more so than say, amethyst.
I don't know. But I like that setting. Are those pearls?
Very pretty antique setting. The round spheres look like pearls to me too. Are they?

I don't think PS has a list of appraisers for coloured stones, only diamonds although a few are well versed with coloured stones.
There isn't a specific forum for it, but there are members from all over and many of them have used local appraisers. Start a thread asking for appraisers in your area! If you're near a major city, chances are someone's got the goods ;)
Thanks everyone - yes, those are pearls. The topaz (pretty sure it's a topaz now) has a big window but I still think the setting is pretty. And I will take your advice and start a thread asking for appraiser recommendations.
I'm not so sure that's topaz - simply because in one of your photos it takes on a greyish tone. My bet would be aquamarine. Topaz is such a cheap stone that you typically don't find they have windows as the material is abundant. Of course that's a sweeping statement and to be sure you need to have it looked at. A simple RI test by a jeweller who has the equipment should narrow it down.
Interesting, LD! Of course I would be delighted if it were aquamarine - but it feels quite slippery, which is why I guessed topaz. Oh well, I am trying to track down a reputable appraiser and will let you all know what I find out.
I'm not sure if I would put 100% stock in the slippery test. Just have a gemmologist do an RI test and you'll know for 100% sure.

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