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Hello ladies - so I know you are all probably sick to death of my where and when to have my wedding posts, but FI and I have decided to revisit the idea of having our wedding next summer rather than waiting two years, mostly because we have decided to scale down and have a much smaller and more intimate wedding than we had originally planned. To make this simpler, I have listed the major pros and cons of each as well as scheduling issues, below:
Spring 2006 (hopefully by April) - I have qualifying exams, which are these big scary exams they make you take in grad school
July 1, 2006 - my dad''s 70th b-day and my cousin''s wedding
August/early Sept 2006 - FI starts first year of law school
May 2006 - FI finishes first year of law school
mid-July 2006 date:
Pros: I obsess less about planning things perfectly, and we can start to set things for certain now rather than waiting. Also means stress is more abbreviated, always a plus. FI is able to "enjoy being engaged," while I have trouble stopping myself obsessing about wedding stuff. Part of me figures if I''m going to obsess, might as well channel it into productive planning. FI will probably be more available to help, especially with things during the last 6 weeks, which I understand is crucial. We can go on our honeymoon before he starts school (great way to relax before the stress). We would be having the wedding while we are both still earning $$ (better for unexpected expenses that might arise). I''m the only one of my friends who is engaged = lots of attention on my wedding and no competition about wedding-related stuff (although it probably wouldn''t be a big issue anyway).
Cons: cuts it a bit closer to my qualifying exams than is probably ideal. Less time to plan, need to start booking things very soon (i.e. this summer). Gives me less time to lose weight. Some uncertainty about mom''s health, especially in early stages of planning process (she is having hip replacement surgery on Wednesday). She should be fine by the wedding, but might not be able to be as involved in the early stages of planning.
June 2007 date:
Pros: more time to plan. Can take honeymoon right after FI''s first year of law school is over (nice reward). More-than-adequate cushion of time after my qualifying exams are over. Money all saved in the bank before we have to start booking things (rather than saving as we go along). Gives me more time to lose weight. We are pretty young and it seems to be more generally accepted to wait. Plus there is a chance that maybe by then some of my friends will be in the same boat and so we can bond over wedding planning - people who aren''t engaged somehow aren''t as excited about it.
Cons: its a pretty long time to wait without a compelling reason. Costs go up in the meantime (most places we have asked about it anticipate their prices rising 5-15% by 2 years from now). FI probably not available to help with most of planning since he will be in his 1st year of law school.
Whew OK that was a lot. I''m hoping you ladies will be able to suggest some insights to me. I tend to think its kind of a toss-up with no strong reason to go either way but I am leaning towards the 1 year. FI is leaning towards the 2 years and likes the idea of not having to plan for a really long time (figures since that way he gets out of having to do almost all of the planning and yours truly gets stuck with it...which might happen anyway, but still
) Anyway, I appreciate your thoughts.
Spring 2006 (hopefully by April) - I have qualifying exams, which are these big scary exams they make you take in grad school
July 1, 2006 - my dad''s 70th b-day and my cousin''s wedding
August/early Sept 2006 - FI starts first year of law school
May 2006 - FI finishes first year of law school
mid-July 2006 date:
Pros: I obsess less about planning things perfectly, and we can start to set things for certain now rather than waiting. Also means stress is more abbreviated, always a plus. FI is able to "enjoy being engaged," while I have trouble stopping myself obsessing about wedding stuff. Part of me figures if I''m going to obsess, might as well channel it into productive planning. FI will probably be more available to help, especially with things during the last 6 weeks, which I understand is crucial. We can go on our honeymoon before he starts school (great way to relax before the stress). We would be having the wedding while we are both still earning $$ (better for unexpected expenses that might arise). I''m the only one of my friends who is engaged = lots of attention on my wedding and no competition about wedding-related stuff (although it probably wouldn''t be a big issue anyway).
Cons: cuts it a bit closer to my qualifying exams than is probably ideal. Less time to plan, need to start booking things very soon (i.e. this summer). Gives me less time to lose weight. Some uncertainty about mom''s health, especially in early stages of planning process (she is having hip replacement surgery on Wednesday). She should be fine by the wedding, but might not be able to be as involved in the early stages of planning.
June 2007 date:
Pros: more time to plan. Can take honeymoon right after FI''s first year of law school is over (nice reward). More-than-adequate cushion of time after my qualifying exams are over. Money all saved in the bank before we have to start booking things (rather than saving as we go along). Gives me more time to lose weight. We are pretty young and it seems to be more generally accepted to wait. Plus there is a chance that maybe by then some of my friends will be in the same boat and so we can bond over wedding planning - people who aren''t engaged somehow aren''t as excited about it.
Cons: its a pretty long time to wait without a compelling reason. Costs go up in the meantime (most places we have asked about it anticipate their prices rising 5-15% by 2 years from now). FI probably not available to help with most of planning since he will be in his 1st year of law school.
Whew OK that was a lot. I''m hoping you ladies will be able to suggest some insights to me. I tend to think its kind of a toss-up with no strong reason to go either way but I am leaning towards the 1 year. FI is leaning towards the 2 years and likes the idea of not having to plan for a really long time (figures since that way he gets out of having to do almost all of the planning and yours truly gets stuck with it...which might happen anyway, but still