
Opinion about round diamond (IdealScope)


Apr 5, 2024
Hi everyone,

Firstly, I'd like to thank you all for your extensive knowledge shared on this forum/website. I purchased an engagement ring based on all the threads and learning material provided and would like to get a final check-up from you as experts. Could you please evaluate this stone and let me know what I could do better next time I buy a diamond?


Crown Angle34.7°
Crown Height15%
Pavilion Angle40.8°
Pavilion Depth43%

I tried to make an ideal scope image myself. Not as easy as expected with a set diamond. (see attached)


Thanks and best regards


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Definitely don’t pay for IF. And you’ve already purchased this, yes? So enjoy it and come here for advice before your next one.
Definitely don’t pay for IF. And you’ve already purchased this, yes? So enjoy it and come here for advice before your next one.

Thanks for the comment. Yes, IF (and probably D colour) is overpriced, but in my country clarity is the most important quality factor for a diamond and you would rather buy a small IF clarity stone than a large one with small inclusions. The average diamond engagement ring in my country is between 0.1 and 0.3 carat.

And yes, I bought the stone, but as this will probably not my last diamond I hoped to get some feedback about what could be better for the next purchase. For example I saw that the ideal scope has no clear arrows on the outer ring/the arrows are not as black as the middle arrows and the triangles between the arrows are not the same size. Is this due to lack of symmetry?

In addition, there is also a white spot on the left which is sometimes visible and sometimes not, depending on the ideal scope image. Is this due to leakage or is it due to a mistake made when photographing?
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Most likely minor pavilion twist.
What country are you in?

Here’s what we mean by pavilion twist. The white area you see on the left of your ideal scope. Images may be a little bit of light leakage, but it’s likely an imperceptible amount.

What country are you in?

Here’s what we mean by pavilion twist. The white area you see on the left of your ideal scope. Images may be a little bit of light leakage, but it’s likely an imperceptible amount.


That is not twist, notice its relatively the same between all the arrows(the differences can be explained by tilt).
Its a result of that particular combination and not an issue at all.
It is amazing watching your growth as a diamond geek.
People who want to learn so they can help others is one of the best things that keeps me coming back here everyday.

Wow! Thanks! That made my day!!
I’m trying my best with the help of all you experts!
Wow, thank you a lot for the good information. For my understanding: The black areas 0515vision marked on my diamond would be a problem for the light performance if the areas were uneven, right? So if I select a diamond, I have to look out whether the black areas between the table-arrows are even (or not visible)?
Wow, thank you a lot for the good information. For my understanding: The black areas 0515vision marked on my diamond would be a problem for the light performance if the areas were uneven, right? So if I select a diamond, I have to look out whether the black areas between the table-arrows are even (or not visible)?

You look for variations between the arrows that can not be explained by tilt or lighting.
Then you look at how much variation.
A little black triangle close to the center difference, no biggie.
Large white(leakage color varies by image type) or black(blue in ASET) area variation is an issue.
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Wow, thank you a lot for the good information. For my understanding: The black areas 0515vision marked on my diamond would be a problem for the light performance if the areas were uneven, right? So if I select a diamond, I have to look out whether the black areas between the table-arrows are even (or not visible)?

I agree with Karl, its great that you are diving in deep.
Sorry my responses are often brief and abrupt.
I want to add that in my experience, small deviations in symmetry seen in H&A's and Ideal-scope images are rarely, if ever, discernable.
I consider perfect hearts and arrows (mind perfect) to be the same as the difference between Flawless and VS.
or D and F.
Cant be seen but cost more.
I agree with Karl, its great that you are diving in deep.
Sorry my responses are often brief and abrupt.
I want to add that in my experience, small deviations in symmetry seen in H&A's and Ideal-scope images are rarely, if ever, discernable.
I consider perfect hearts and arrows (mind perfect) to be the same as the difference between Flawless and VS.
or D and F.
Cant be seen but cost more.

Good post Garry,
Like anything else there are degrees.
Some people like me are extremely pattern sensitive and by eye may pick up minor variations.
Just like some people are more color sensitive, some are more pattern sensitive.
With larger stones it becomes more visible.
A level not viewable at .5ct might be obvious to everyone at 5ct.

From a performance standpoint, I agree with Garry the differences can be slight.
Good post Garry,
Like anything else there are degrees.
Some people like me are extremely pattern sensitive and by eye may pick up minor variations.
Just like some people are more color sensitive, some are more pattern sensitive.
With larger stones it becomes more visible.
A level not viewable at .5ct might be obvious to everyone at 5ct.

From a performance standpoint, I agree with Garry the differences can be slight.

True, but remember my standing bet - I put together 10 stones about 1ct. Some are H&A's and some are near enough by my standards. With just the naked eye, can you tell the difference. Put your $1,000 down first. You must get them all right and you don't know how many of each in the 10 stones.
No one has taken this up and its been on the table for more than a decade!

re my statement: "I consider perfect hearts and arrows (mind perfect) to be the same as the difference between Flawless and VS."
What clarity is this Type IIa 1.59ct natural diamond according to GIA?
@Garry H (Cut Nut)
Nope not taking that bet.
I know the approximate answer to the clarity question but im going to leave it open for others to answer.
Step right up and take your best guess!!!
As a relative newbie here, I’m gonna say IF.
Is this strain? Or graining? Don't really know the difference. I don't think it's noted on certs.

@Kim N @DejaWiz @0-0-0 @lovedogs ... anyone else wanna play @Garry H (Cut Nut)'s "Guess the Clarity" game?
VVS1 is my guess.
True, but remember my standing bet - I put together 10 stones about 1ct. Some are H&A's and some are near enough by my standards. With just the naked eye, can you tell the difference. Put your $1,000 down first. You must get them all right and you don't know how many of each in the 10 stones.
No one has taken this up and its been on the table for more than a decade!

re my statement: "I consider perfect hearts and arrows (mind perfect) to be the same as the difference between Flawless and VS."
What clarity is this Type IIa 1.59ct natural diamond according to GIA?

I would also say IF, but with clouds.
I'm going to guess VVS2, but (of course) no mention of the graining by GIA.
My guess is VVS1/IF if it’s only graining.

I would take the H&A bet for $100 if they are 2 ct stones and I know the near H&A standards beforehand!

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