
Opinion On Sapphire Inclusion??


Jan 22, 2014
I've recently purchased this as an engagement ring online from a well-reputed jeweler and I noticed a surface-reaching inclusion. The stone has a GIA Cert (#6157486265), is remarkably clear otherwise and the color and saturation are fantastic. How much will this affect the value/integrity of the stone? It appears, under intense light, to be part of a brown inclusion that goes from the "crack" down a tiny bit below the table.

What are your thoughts?




It looks like a beautiful blue. But yes, a surface reaching inclusion like that is worrisome, especially on the table like that. Are you within a return period?

Do you have more pictures closer to the stone, face on?
Here is another front-on shot from very close. It's in less intense light. As you can see, the inclusion is very, very hard to see. The ring is within return time, but I really do think it's beautiful:

a surface reaching inclusion would worry me greatly.
movie zombie|1390519180|3599757 said:
a surface reaching inclusion would worry me greatly.

It is really gorgeous, but that's an inclusion that you can't cover with a prong or something to protect from everyday wear. If you have time, please take it in to ask for an opinion from someone who can look at in person and best advise you. If its workable - amazing, but if not, another one that makes you just has happy will come up eventually
Yes, it's very pretty....BUT it has a crack that can compromise the entire stone should physic's put it in the crosshairs of pressure. A bump or tap for example. Make sense? In other of the things that sapphire's are treasured for (Mohs of 9) is off the table (pun intended). If it were me and I really wanted to keep it, then the price would have to be so reasonable that I could buy a replacement stone in the future. In the meantime, exercise caution with it.............sorry.
movie zombie|1390519180|3599757 said:
a surface reaching inclusion would worry me greatly.

I agree - and the location really intensifies my worry - for me personally, this stone would not feel "safe." You of course may wish to take the chance... and perhaps insurance could ease the risk of loss? I don't know if the inclusion would affect coverage limits and/or premiums...
It is very beautiful, but that will make it only more painful when it cracks in half.
Even the thermal shock of going out into freezing cold and back into heated homes could make a fracture like that run, especially if a little tap on a doorknob or banister or counter while making cookies or a slip on the ice or a reflex action to catch a falling laptop
really it is a bad inclusion, literally a fault line like the san andreas.
Did you have any warning that this inclusion was there? How did they describe the stone - certainly not eye clean right? I guess I'm just surprised that a reputable seller would not have given you a heads up AND had the price discounted accordingly for someone willing to take the risk. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this for such an important ring.
It sounds like you were not told of the inclusion. I would return the ring and go elsewhere.
Found the site from where the sapphire was purchased and the inclusion is not mentioned. It states it is a handmade ring and is:
"Gorgeous cornflower blue color, great cut, amazing saturation. The stone is a true beauty, untreated and not enhanced, it just sparkles! The GIA certificate makes the stone even more valuable, I consider this ring to be a true investment ..."

Agree that another ring would be better suited as an engagement ring, especially if expected to be worn daily. And with such a description omission, the 5 day return, 10 day exchange policy should be waived by the jeweler without question.

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