
Opinions and advice on my green parti sapphire


Mar 7, 2023
Hey, first time posting here! I'm searching for the perfect round cut green/parti sapphire for my e-ring. I ordered one online that I'm on the fence about. I have two days to decide on a return. I did lots of reading through old threads and learned that portuguese cuts make small gems kinda fuzzy, which identified one of the issues I have with this gem. It also seems not very saturated and has a lil window.

First, I'd love to hear what you all think. Don't hold back!

Second, I'm curious to see whether you all have recommendations for great cutters/sellers of Australian sapphires. I love the greens/parti greens from Aus and I want to find a really well-cut gem that will always make me happy to look at. The above gem gets kinda gray in some lights and the hundred little portuguese facets make it fuzzy to the naked eye. I guess I'd want the gem to look better in real life, but it looks better on camera.

Thanks in advance for any guidance you can give me!
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Hello there and welcome to the forum! :wavey:

I love parti and bi-color sapphires... especially the blue-greens. So, I don't see any haziness, but that certainly doesn't mean it isn't apparent in person. Just be sure the gem is nice and clean when viewing it (fingerprints and skin oils from holding it can really dull it out). Likewise, the color looks nice to my eyes, but if you're finding it shows a lot of gray at times, that may be your clue to keep looking for another stone that you love in all lightings. I don't see a glaring window, but there's definitely a tilt there. Tilts bother some more than others. Again, it sounds like this gem may not be speaking to you or ticking all of your boxes. If that's the case, my suggestion would be to return this guy and continue your gem hunt. Good luck!
I'd say the colour is pretty typical for a green sapphire. Sapphires come in excellent blues and yellows, but well saturated greens are very rare - practically non-existent. It won't be easy to find a more saturated green sapphire.

Doug Menadue at Bespoke Gems is a great cutter and has great Aussie parti sapphires. Even if you don't buy from him, his site shows the range of possibilities.
Doug Menadue is the first person that comes to kind for precision cut Australian sapphires locally. There are a few others but they are not online.
No ideas to assist you unfortunately but I wanted to say I love parti Sapphires. I have one that was mined by my husband’s grandfather in the 50’s, set into a ring for his daughter (my now MIL) who then gifted it to me when I turned 50 :kiss2: (and it’s Australian as are we!)

If you have issues with it, return it. This is your engagement ring. You have to absolutely adore this ring, otherwise you're either stuck with something on your finger you don't like, or you chuck it in a box never to be seen again, essentially a waste of money. Go with a stone that gives you joy just looking at it.

With that said, this stone doesn't seem to have a window. What you're showing in the videos is a tilt window which is very common with basically any stone - if you tilt it to the side, you'll be able to see through some portion of it.

The reason it seems hazy to you could also be due to it being small. I've never wanted or bought a party sapphire but I've read warnings by people here who have that these stones look good in large enough sizes to display the colour zoning properly. With small stones it all blends together and doesn't look as good. In any case, it could very well be that you also don't like the cut. Maybe you like it in pictures but don't appreciate it in person. Try looking at different cuts, you'll find something you like.

Last but not least, it's quite common for sapphires to change appearance as the light shifts. Many will bleed colour in low light which is why you're seeing it become grayish. Because quite honestly, it's a very pleasant colour for a green sapphire. But that's just the thing - only the top saturated colours will hold their own regardless of how the light changes. With a green sapphire it will either seem more gray to you, or, if it's a darker tone, will darken even further to near black.
Both of these IG sellers have dedicated sites and some really great sapphires.
Looking on Etsy, there seem to be some great ones there, as well.
What are you looking for, specifically?
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Doug Menadue is the first person that comes to kind for precision cut Australian sapphires locally. There are a few others but they are not online.

I second Doug M would be my go-to lapidary artist in Australia and have purchased a few stones from him, some of them were custom pieces.

DK :))
I can't really see a window face up.

Tilt window is as expected even in precision cut gems when the stone is deep, and Sapphires are normally cut deep in order to bring out the best colours as far as I am aware.

Based on the photos and videos, I personally believe the stone's cutting is good.

DK :))

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