
Opinions needed on yellow diamond an pear mahenge


Sep 20, 2008
Should I set these two as a bypass? 58 point yellow diamond with 1.1 carat spinel? Do the colors look goofy together, or the shapes? I have been wanting to set my spinel for a while, but I really wanted to do a bypass of some sorts, and I had this diamond.

The diamond has strong yellow fluor in the sun, so take note it can go very yellow when in strong direct sun. This was an evening shot in indirect sun. Thank you in advance for your honest opinions.



Oooooooo..... I love both of the stones, but I'm not sure. I love bypass settings though. I think the disparity in size bothers me more than the colors. Do you have a design in mind? Yellow or white gold? With the right setting it could be stunning, with the wrong setting it could look just...... wrong.

This might sound strange, but what about green gold? Or white with green accents?
Thank you Uppy,
I would like to use white gold halo and a yellow gold basket for the diamond. I would like to set them in the direction like this LOGR. I don't like this LOGR though so don't worry, not getting it, just using it to show the way I would set them together, close to each other, and at that angle. Maybe a halo just around the diamond to make it look larger?
Gorgeous stones, TL. I think they will make a striking by-pass ring that will capture attention. :appl: :appl:
The two stones are a bit small alone, but together should make a substantial ring. (Although, I think a pendant would be lovely, as well. :saint: )
I think it will look fantastic. The color is so pretty together.
I think the key would not to attempt symmetry with the setting, that would just enhance the difference in the stones. I'm looking for some inspiration pictures, but I'm getting a vision of the marquise set almost east/west across the finger with the pear sweeping past it, point closest to the marquise, and the round end curving out away from the ring at about a 45 degree angle.

I'm getting excited about the match!! I love unexpected pieces. Okay, I'm giving a big thumbs up on these two together now :D (like you were waiting for that, right?).
Pink lemonade. I like.

Beautiful stones, TL!

This design is not exactly what I wanted to post - but hard as I try, I can not find the other one. The company's name is Gay Freres and the ring that I really liked was the design from spring 2009. But this one is not bad - one could change the form of the ends depending on the stones.
I am loving that diamond!! No idea about bypass though, as I have never seen one in person. But the stones are beautiful.
Thank you Flygirl, Mochi, herherkitty, RH!

Flygirl, I'm not a pendant person at all.

Thank you Crasru,
I was thinking something a bit more delicate, not so much metal, but I like her bracelets and necklaces. Very cool!
I'd do a yellow and brown diamond in a bypass. I don't think they mesh well together, but I'll still be pleased if you prove me wrong!
I like the combination, especially with 2 diamond halos set east west. I'm bit concern if your finger will be wide enough though.
I like the stones individually and think they will look ok in a bypass setting but I think they could find better partners.
I think Indy's idea of pairing the yellow diamond with a brown diamond would look amazing.
It might be your camera or the reflection off your clothes, but the diamond seems to have a hint of blue/green to it. Am I seeing things? LOL

In your last picture they look the best together, but the (imaginary?) blue/green color in the diamond turns me off to the combo. The mahenge is a stunning color, and I'm sure the diamond is too (I'll admit I don't have much experience in colored diamonds) but IDK I'm just not feeling the combo. I also have a hard time "constructing" the ring in my head to imagine what it would look like (that's one reason my collection is loose stones lol)
Beautiful stones...and they look gorgeous together!

I've had an idea of my own for quite some time along the lines of what you are mulling over right now, except my idea uses two marquises. And, still undecided!

My thinking so far, which might help you, is to have two separate rings made. Both bezel set and both slightly off-set to the shank, like Uppy suggested I think. When worn together they will create the bypass effect, and can then also be worn individually. Imagine also the possibilities of stacking plain bands either side of either ring, in different golds add in some yellow, or white, as the case may be.

I had one picture of an idea for a simple bypass'ish ring, which has lovely flowing lines to may like it also... :))

Another style, with both stones on one ring...

And one more...just to show the angle of the stone setting...with a band. It's a very large stone, but I think it shows what I mean about having the stones at an angle.

These are all UK vendors...but might give you some food for thought...enjoy your planning!



Hey TL- I really want to love this project for you but Im just not a fan of the yellow/ pink combo. I think someone mentioned earlier that the portion size is just a little too off. I love the idea of the spinel in a bypass but to me the yellow diamond just doesn't look right. However- I would also love to be proved wrong! can't wait to see what you decide on doing. I love your pieces!
ohhh..nice looking in the sun!!!
I think the stones, while individually beautiful, are not a good match. They're in that netherworld, both in shape and color, where they're too similar to be a great contrast and too different to mesh. It could work, in the sense that two highly saturated stones in the piece will be inherently eye grabbing, but it might end up looking like John Daly's pants.

EDIT: I think the problem lies in a slight greenish tinge to the yellow diamond, which the pink in the mahenge really brings out.
hehehe..John Daly's pants..hehehe
Thank you so much everyone for your honest opinions, bad or good. I really appreciate them.

Pendywp, those photos really help, and I think that the proportion issue isn't so much an issue after seeing those, and the angles of the stones next to each other, which is what I was envisioning. Stacking rings are a great idea too!

There is no green in the diamond that I can see, I have no idea where that green was coming from. This stone is more of an orange yellow. Here's a photo of the marquise in bright sunlight (all the way to the right of the photo) showing that intense yellow fluor. I just wonder if the pink color goes with it, or would it look like a hot dog with mustard? :sick:

I LOVE Wendy's ideas! She crawled inside my head and pulled out what I wanted to say. That doesn't surprise me though, she and I have a common esthetic. I really like the first one. Anther vendor to consider, especially if you're considering two rings to wear together.
Thank you Uppy!

We do seem to share some very similar ideas/esthetics...oh I have so many pictures running around in my head sometimes - which sadly my purse just doesn't allow to come to fruition! Ah well...I live vicariously through the sometimes stunning pieces that present on here.

I'm not sure I said so before, but your star sapphire ended up being set perfectly! Many congrats on that gorgeous piece...although, as you favourite for that stone was 'winter white' white gold! But the yellow absolutely does it justice...100%. (small apology for the slight threadjack!)

Rosetta - the Leon is magical...a little busy for me, but stunning - nice find. And, the Etienne's...all of them near on perfect to me!

I can see me dropping in some more ideas on this thread

I wish I could say "yes, go for it" but I'm struggling to see how the stones compliment each other. I love them apart but together I'm not sure that they bring out the individuality and beauty that both stones have. The problem also for me is that I really don't like bypass rings either so visualising it is doubly hard!

Having said that, whilst you and I generally love the same stones, I know our taste in settings and colours of gold differs greatly so I can see that this is a ring and combo you'd love.

That really doesn't help does it?! Sorry. :?
I found this ring on the MaeVona fb page

individually they're both gorgeous but together? I think the pink too overpowering for the yellow.

Arcadian said:
individually they're both gorgeous but together? I think the pink too overpowering for the yellow.


Lady_Disdain said:
Arcadian said:
individually they're both gorgeous but together? I think the pink too overpowering for the yellow.



They are both beautiful stones but I don't think I'd use them in the same ring. Bypass rings are great looking rings.
Thanks for the opinions!

Here's a clearer shot in the shade in the evening (late daytime hours), where the Mahenge is not showing any fluor. The diamond is also in it's natural color (no fluor).

When putting them together, I wasn't so concerned as much as the pink stone overpowering the yellow since I thought of the yellow diamond as more of an accent stone, like a white diamond would be. However, people do have a point in stating that opinion. I really appreciate it. I love the photos of bypass ideas too. Thank you all so much!!! :appl:

Uppy that last bypass ring you posted is fabulous. I didn't realize they could be situated like that. Really cool!


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