
Opinions Please!


Mar 13, 2012
As some of you know, I am searching for a 6.5 mm tsavorite. I contacted several vendors and have heard from Bruce Bridges from He has two antique cushions available. One is 6.45 x 6.25 medium plus and a 1.41 6.5 X 6.25 medium. Both are VS clarity. Below are photos although they are quite small.
Pics not up yet or having trouble?
This was the best I could do and it was hard for me! I kept getting a message that an extension zip was not allowed - whatever that means!
Bruce told me that I can have the stones shipped and the charge will be $30 to return one and $50 to return both.
I was sent two photos but it was a challenge for me to post just this one! Perhaps a Pricescoper who is more savvy than I can blow this one up. I was able to do so on my computer but not for posting purposes. I will try to get the other one up but in the meantime, any thoughts are appreciated.

Hopefully, this is the second photo and not the same one I posted. I am having a really tough time. Keep getting the message "No extension files allowed!"

Finally! The second photo!!!!

I'm afraid to say that I just can't see them; the images are just too small. :blackeye: :(sad
All I can tell is that they are green and squarish. Are you decent with MS Paint? If so, you can crop the picture (cut out just the two stones) from the original enlarged picture, open a new file, paste the cut out picture, then re-save it under a new file name. I tried to enlarge your picture to edit it but in doing so, lost too many pixels and ended up with blurry stones that did little good.
I tried my best but I am fairly computer illiterate. I'm embarrassed to admit that my 12 year old is much more computer savvy than mom and I will wait until tomorrow and see if he can do what you asked. Thanks.
Chrono, did as you requested (or rather my son did) but we keep getting a notice about "extension document not allowed". So my next option is to have the stones sent to me. I have no problem losing the shipping fees but the stones are a bit high for my budget. Off the top of my head I would estimate the cost per carat at approximately $900 and I know that I am pretty close.
What are the three alphabets after the dot of your file name? Is it .zip, .jpg, .png or something similar? Do you know the email address of a PSer (just yes or no is sufficient. Don't say who or post the email).
I've done my best to enlarge these. I've enlarged each photo twice to different levels.

I noticed in the photos you posted that photo 2 looks VERY odd! Can you see in your photo that it looks like the background has been cut out (look at the edges of the fingers). No idea why! Anyway, you can see it in the cropped images as well although I haven't done it!

Looking at these, although they're blurry, my preference would be for the one on the right which seems to be a bit more lively and slightly lighter than the one on the left. The one on the left looks to be quite dark in the first and second photos. Also, the one on the left appears to be a slightly more rounded cushion cut than the one on the right that is slightly more square. However, that's purely a gut feeling based on the photos that are not good to assess anything!


LD - you have a sharp pair of eyes! I went back to the original attachment I was sent and did see that it was cropped although I too have no idea why. Also, I was told that the stone on the right is a medium color and the stone on the left a medium plus. It is hard to tell but there seemed to be some darkness in the middle of the stone. I did not notice that the medium plus stone is rounder than the other stone until you pointed it out. I am learning to look a bit more critically.
Anyway, I an waiting to hear from a few more vendors I reached out to and then I will decide whether to have these stones (or just one stone) shipped to me based on what, if anything, others have to offer and the price of their stones. As I mentioned in another post, I am going to shift my funds for the 5mm earring stones into the pendant stone but the prices quoted for the stones I posted were a bit higher than I was hoping they would be.
The journey will continue!!! Thanks for your advice.
Without being able to see the full picture, I cannot guess where the light is coming from or how much there is. Based on the skin colour, probably not a lot of light, therefore the medium plus might be a nicer stone than the medium (concerned it'll be a touch too light). The darkness of the stone could just be from because it is further away from the light source than the other one. And what makes me pause the most is that they both look slightly yellowish green! With the picture being pre-edited before being sent to you, I don't know how to read it as accurately.
I cannot see your picture, after you post your pic here, we may give you some opinions. :D
JLW: can you ask them to resend other photos, or are you just going to get them both in hand and decide from there?

I'd be happy to help you figure out how to get the photos to cooperate if you have a Mac...
How about this one? Scroll halfway down the page.

17715 Tsavorite Garnet,
Md Dk Intense Green. 1.13 cts cushion cut measuring 6.1x5.2x4.4 mm, v lt incl, from Kenya. The color does not get better than that displayed by this gem that exhibits fine cutting as well.
Priced at $400/carat or $452.00/gem

I've bought from them once or twice before (ages ago though). Their gems don't tend to be top quality but every now and again there are nice ones. This is well priced and I'd ask whether you can see a handshot.
I saw that one too and was sorely tempted to recommend it until I realized the size is too small, plus it needs to be as square as possible because of the setting.
Excellent find! My experience purchasing from them is that they use a quite bright, direct light source when taking their photos, so what I've seen in hand is considerably darker than their photos. So I was pleasantly surprised that it is a bright stone of what looks to be medium tone - even if its darker in hand, it still has that brightness and will perform well, whomever buys it. This one may just need to be added to the SGBTS thread!
I know you put the 5mm earring stones on the back burner in favor of focusing your efforts and budget on the pendant stone, BUT I just got offered these and felt it was too good of a deal not to mention!

Back story: I am looking for a 5.2-6mm round tsavorite for myself (single stone). I've contacted just about every vendor I know of, to no avail. Jaimeen was nice enough to send me 4 to look at, but that was all he had. One of them was right in terms of the color, but was cut with such a flat crown that it didn't sparkle very well. So I passed, and my hunt continues... One of the vendors I contacted offered me a 5mm pair, which I have no use for, as I already own 5mm earrings. However, they looked like they could have real potential, even though the pic isn't the greatest. This vendor cuts most of their own stones here in the US but does not have a website. I will say they are well-known and reputable. I will not mention their name here for fear of someone else swooping in and taking them out from under you.

They are 5mm, 0.98 carat total weight, and priced at $245 total with an unbeatable 4-week return policy. (That pricing makes me feel like I **WAY** overpaid for my tsav pair!) IF you are interested, you can reach me through my DB listings. I have the same username there, and for easy searching, am selling a Barry Bridgestock amethyst.

tara3056|1359131054|3363436 said:
I know you put the 5mm earring stones on the back burner in favor of focusing your efforts and budget on the pendant stone, BUT I just got offered these and felt it was too good of a deal not to mention!

Back story: I am looking for a 5.2-6mm round tsavorite for myself (single stone). I've contacted just about every vendor I know of, to no avail. Jaimeen was nice enough to send me 4 to look at, but that was all he had. One of them was right in terms of the color, but was cut with such a flat crown that it didn't sparkle very well. So I passed, and my hunt continues... One of the vendors I contacted offered me a 5mm pair, which I have no use for, as I already own 5mm earrings. However, they looked like they could have real potential, even though the pic isn't the greatest. This vendor cuts most of their own stones here in the US but does not have a website. I will say they are well-known and reputable. I will not mention their name here for fear of someone else swooping in and taking them out from under you.

They are 5mm, 0.98 carat total weight, and priced at $245 total with an unbeatable 4-week return policy. (That pricing makes me feel like I **WAY** overpaid for my tsav pair!) IF you are interested, you can reach me through my DB listings. I have the same username there, and for easy searching, am selling a Barry Bridgestock amethyst.

Tara you need to be careful. You can't advertise your stones (or mention that you have some for sale) on here. If you're still within editing time I suggest you remove that bit of your post.
I have not fallen off the face of the earth but a family emergency sort of set me off track and off my computer for the last month. I missed the last few posts sent under this heading. Now that the family emergency has more or less passed, the search begins again. I was in touch with Gene from Precision Gems as I had written to him prior to the emergency. Sadly, he had two tsavs that seemed nice but were not the right size for my pendant and one stone that would have fit perfectly but was too included for my taste. Gene was very responsive and honest about his stones and I am sorry that he did not have what I needed. It appears that I am going to have a hard time locating a stone because, as many of you know, I need a very specific size stone. I am again in contact with Bruce Bridges and I am most likely going to have him send me one of his stones (he sold the 1.29 ct one). If I do so I will post photos and will appreciate your feedback.


You have NO idea how upset I am about missing your post. I had a family emergency so I really didn't have the time or desire to check out my favorite sites (Pricescope being one of them) or do much in the way of looking for a stone other than to respond to one or two vendors who e-mailed me as I had contacted them prior to the family situation. I am back now and I tried to find you on DB. I was SO very interested in the 5mm earrings and who the vendor was. Thank you for thinking of me. If you are selling on DB, please let me know so that I can contact you in the hopes that I can get the name of the vendor who had the 5mm stones. Maybe, maybe they are still available! I put the 5mm tsav dream on hold because of budget concerns but I could certainly have managed the price for those stones. Also, for that price I would not have been super fussy!!!!!
Ooops. I meant to say that Roger Dery had three tsavs but none were appropriate, not Precision Gems.

You mentioned that you are looking for a tsavorite. Any luck? Is it my imagination or does there seem to be a dearth of tsavorites out there????? Prior to putting my search on hold for a while, several vendors had contacted me after I had e-mailed them. One had no tsavorites and the other (very well respected on this site) told me that tsavorites were becoming too pricey and he was passing on them.
Green garnet prices have continued to increase steadily month after month.
Hi again - welcome back!

I imagine those particular 5mm tsavs may be gone, and I doubt lurkers will be reading this deep into the thread before you see this, so I'll go ahead and post the vendor info for that pair I posted - they were from Vance Gems. They are a well-respected vendor and usually travel with shows like Intergem, but they do not have a webpage yet. You can find them on Facebook, which is how I contacted them. Elke was very responsive and helpful.

---- Threadjack for my own tsav-seaching rant:

YES, I am desperately looking for a tsav - round, 5.3-6 mm. Vance had one and sent it me, but it was just a bit too dark :nono: I already have a set of 5mm earrings that I wear in ID jackets + a tsavorite ring, so I'm looking for a smallish round tsav to put in a pendant to complete the suite. Ordinarily, I would want a larger stone for a pendant, but in this case, I'm hoping to take a single ID jacket with larger diamonds (they have jackets with 5 and 10 pointer diamonds for center stones between 5mm and 6mm) and modify it into a pendant for much less than the cost of having one custom made. So that's why it doesn't matter if the tsav isn't huge - the diamonds will be big enough to round out the piece and it will match my jacketed earrings perfectly.

I'd thought finding a smallish tsav would be kind of easy, but it is just. not. happening. Almost no one has any available, and of the few I've seen, they are either too dark/light/badly cut :( I know they may be more expensive now, but dang it, I'm willing to pay (within reason)!
I should also add that I would be a bit afraid that the tsav pair I posted would be too dark, after seeing how the one I got was also too dark. But it never hurts to have a new vendor to contact, and their return policy is great, so.. *shrugs*
Hi Tara,

Cellentani had an IDJ jacket modified into a pendant (bet you already knew that!) and I loved it so much that I was planning to do the same with a tsavorite until she put her pendant up for sale.
I am despairing that I will never find a tsavorite, even though I have significantly increased my budget by putting aside the 5mm stones for a while and putting all my $ into the pendant stone. Prior to my "sabbatical" I had contacted Eric from Swala and so far Swala has come up with nothing - not one stone to show me - just like most of the other vendors I contacted. Have you tried Swala? I have heard some positive and negative things about them but some of the stones other Pricescopers purchased from them were really gorgeous. I was in contact with Bruce Bridges again yesterday about the two stones whose photos I had posted last month. Only one is available now and since the photos were very small, I don't know if the color (medium) of the one he has left will be what I am looking for although I certainly hope so.
Thank you for the vendor's name.

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