
Oregon Sunstone


May 17, 2014
I know what it is vaguely and it's fascinating how many of these Jeff Davies sells really quickly. They seem to be very affordable.

What are they used for because they always look pretty brownish to me.

Any pictures of them in jewellery or info would be greatly appreciated to satisfy my curiosity.
Oregon sunstones can be difficult to photograph and are interesting for reasons that can be as varied as the stone itself. They are most known for their schiller phenomena and their pleochlorism...although not all sunstones exhibit these effects...and of course, stones mine in the US often draw interest. So all of these factors in well faceted and affordable stone can make them popular to some even if they aren't for everyone. Maybe someone who collects sunstones can add more :)

I have only one that is set but it probably won't show you what you are looking for as it is red and doesn't look like a typical sunstone. I bought it at the time because it was a beautiful red and more affordable than other red stones that don't brown out.

fwiw - as far as brown stones - I have an andusulite set in a white gold halo - on it's own, you would go ughh at the is even browner than a sunstone but like some sunstones, it's plechoric and flashes other colors. It's my favorite fall ring because it matches autumn leaves. I get as many compliments (and friends who want dibs on it) as some of my more traditional colored stone pieces.
@lilmosun you've got me all curious now! I wish I could see one in real life!
Oregon sunstones can be difficult to photograph and are interesting for reasons that can be as varied as the stone itself. They are most known for their schiller phenomena and their pleochlorism...although not all sunstones exhibit these effects...and of course, stones mine in the US often draw interest. So all of these factors in well faceted and affordable stone can make them popular to some even if they aren't for everyone. Maybe someone who collects sunstones can add more :)

I have only one that is set but it probably won't show you what you are looking for as it is red and doesn't look like a typical sunstone. I bought it at the time because it was a beautiful red and more affordable than other red stones that don't brown out.

fwiw - as far as brown stones - I have an andusulite set in a white gold halo - on it's own, you would go ughh at the is even browner than a sunstone but like some sunstones, it's plechoric and flashes other colors. It's my favorite fall ring because it matches autumn leaves. I get as many compliments (and friends who want dibs on it) as some of my more traditional colored stone pieces.
I love andalusites! I have wanted one for a while. Sunstones are also really cool. My friend just bought one. I have a nice sherry topaz I bought from mastercut and I’m sure most people would just say “oh, it’s too brown”.
Oh, lit on and earthstreasury also have Oregon sunstone.
I have one large pink-reddish Oregon sunstone and bought a small one from Jeff. Plan to use them together as a pendant but not sure how wearable the stone is.
I have one large pink-reddish Oregon sunstone and bought a small one from Jeff. Plan to use them together as a pendant but not sure how wearable the stone is.

They are rated poorly durability...but should be fine in a pendant...especially if it's a protective setting.

I saw some amazing concave cut golden/green sunstones this weekend at a show...I should've taken some pictures.
I have some small ones I bought many years ago, I will try to post some pics tonight
Sunstones were my first love. I started collecting the inexpensive ones many years go and gave away most of them. They are beautiful in pendants, at least I think so, and can even be worn in a ring if you are careful with your hands. The schiller is what attracted me and, as a result, I don't have many of the green/yellow or red/green ones.
Compared to other gems, the faceted ones seem sleepy and almost hazy. The red ones are the most prized but many people like multicolored ones as well. There are some fabulous examples out there, especially on Earth's Treasury and John Dyer's site. I have lusted after many of John's stones...for example this 16ct beauty:dyer sunstone.jpg

which, thankfully, has sold...Jeff has quite a bit of sunstone rough but he's currently obsessed with the Montana sapphires and hasn't got around to cutting it. Maybe if there is a demand?? lol.

Here are a few of mine:
This one came from Jeff at Earth's Treasury. It's gorgeous but I don't like my setting at all and it's a terrible pic. It's 3 or 4 cts.:
Jeff's pic of the same stone:
earth treasury sunstone.jpg

This pendant came from Barbara at ACS. 20171025_085559.jpg

These little guys are also from ACS. They are slated for earrings, one day soon...

And finally, I have this guy. I don't remember where I bought it but like you were saying, it's just a plain brown stone with not a going for it. A tiny bit of schiller but I like it. 4cts.


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@suzanne2 that is so interesting!!! The faceting makes it look hazy! Is it sparkly in real life or blurry?

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