
Padparadscha sapphire opinion ?


Sep 20, 2017
Hey everyone,

One of my friends found an unheated Ceylon pad at the Tuscon gem show last week. The stone is very clean but I'm worried that it's a little too pale in color, basically not saturated enough. I know pad colors are very tough to capture and judge, but worried that this one is too much on the lighter side of saturation. I also think I can see a tilt window but it might just be the slightly shallow cut of the stone. What do you all think ?

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It does have a full-on window that's 20-25% of the face-up surface. However, the tilt window is simply HUGE. I can tolerate a small window or a regular sized tilt window, but the window on this one is simply too much for me to overlook. As far as the shallow cut, that's the cause of the window situation, so the answer is yes it's windowed and yes it's shallowly cut.
GRS has deemed it to fall within the padparadscha category so no questions there. The other issues are the poor cut and pale colouration. Ultimately, it is up to the buyer to decide whether those are deal-breakers for them.
Yep the window is too big. I have a pad that's got a window and it bugs me to death but I get more comments on that ring that anything. It's got a white gold setting with rose gold enhancements. I will eventually replace the stone
The video is very dimly lit so hard to accurately gauge the color and saturation. And there is nothing else in the video to help me assess presence/absence of any manipulation. Of course a 6+ ct unheated Ceylon pad with reputable report should be pretty spendy. This is a compromise stone. If you have a no-compromise budget, then this is not the one for you. OTOH, if you are looking for the most "real estate" (finger coverage) per $, this shallow, pale-ish pad could be tough to beat.

None of my business but I would think that this would look best on someone of either very pale or fairly dark skin tone.
Thanks for your help everyone, decided to pass on this stone. Will keep waiting for that perfect Ceylon pad..
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High saturation & light tone is the classic definition of 'Pads'. I also find the less light tones more obvious, but I've grown up enough to admire small, faintly coloured sapphires; this one is not very light. It really should be shown with a diamond halo, not loose.


why am I writing after you have decided! - it so happens that I've noticed today a light purplish pink stone - perhaps of comparable color intensity, set in a diamond frame www & it delights me enough to write this

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