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Apr 5, 2007
Hey woman! You did your vow renewals a couple weeks ago didn''t you? How did it go and how did your gorgeous dress look? Photos, please! And congratulations...
I'll bump this up because I have an (admittedly random) question for Fatafelice too (if you don't mind). I recall your neat vintage postcard save the dates that you had made. We're contemplating doing something similar (but doing actual postcards, not magnets). My question is, did you have the original old postcard to give to the magnet company to copy, or did you send a digital copy/scan of the postcard to the magnet people? We found a digital scan of a postcard online that we'd like to use if possible. Alternatively, we can buy an original postcard for $30, but I'm hoping the digital copy will be sufficient. If you used a digital copy, do you recall if it had to be a certain resolution or anything to come out clearly as a reproduction? Big thanks for any tips on this!

And I second surfgirl's call for photos too!
Surfgirl: Thank you! We did have Wedding 2.0 on June 28th and it was wonderful! I was planning on holding off on posting until I get some pro pics (hopefully soon), but since you asked, I''ll give you a teaser or two...

Here is our bridal party (sorry it is one of those pictures where everyone is looking at a different camera!):

Yay!!! I''ve been checking your blog for ages now! You look beautiful!
Havernell: I sent the magnet company a digital scan (that I altered in Photoshop) and they worked from the file. I don't recall that there was any sort of resolution or size requirement, and I believe I sent them a pretty hi-res image. I used Magnets-for-less and I thought their customer service was great. Some lessons learned, however: Make sure the image you send is exactly what you want OR let them know what needs to be changed. If I had it to do over again, I would have let them add the text, because doing it in Photoshop made it come out a little *off*. Also, I had left some of the empty space around the scan, and it ended up as a black border around the magnet (that I had to go back and trim off each one, because I am OCD). If I had just cropped it down, I could have avoided the hassle. I hope that helps, and I can't wait to see how yours come out!

And since I don't have to wait for pro pics to share this...

I was lucky enough to get to meet one of our fellow Pricescopers at my wedding! She has always been a huge help and inspiration to me (on this board and others), and I so was very excited to not only meet her in person, but to share the day with her (and her wonderful husband)! Any guesses as to who it was?

Here's a tiny clue:

(ETA: I'm the cushion halo, for those who don't know.)

I'm so glad she was able to make it! I much would have preferred your wedding than the mind altering sunburn I got.
Get my rsvp back?

HA! Now who is it?
Amber: No bloggng until pro pics, because I am hoping I look better in those than I do in my friends'' and family''s snapshots (I hate pictures of myself). And no cheating on my little guessing game, ''cause I know you know who it is! ;)
Fatafelice, you look beautiful!!! I''m so happy that you finally got your full wedding and this time, I hope under happier circumstances. You look radiant in your amazing gown and I love that your wedding party isn''t matchy-matchy, I think that looks so much nicer in photos...well done sweetie. My heartiest congratulations for a long, happy, healthy marriage!
Crap! I didn''t post that ''no cheating'' comment fast enough, I guess!

I am sorry to hear about your sunburn, but I am sure Hawaii was still better than my wedding! And the funniest thing was that when we got the mail, I was like, "Who the hell sent their RSVP back so late?!" Then I was like, "Who the hell do we know in Hawaii?!" Then I figured it out, lol. I promise that if there is ever a Wedding 3.0, I will give you plenty of notice!
Sorry to ruin the surprise! Honestly, I would know that ring anywhere, though. I'm so glad you guys had a beautiful time, though, I can only imagine. And when we have our wedding 2.0, you're totally on the list. And there WILL be a wedding 2.0, since I was so not liking ours! Can't wait until the pics come in.

ETA: Should I remove my guess?
Surfgirl: Thank you so much! You have always been so sweet and supportive, and I really appreciate it! (Plus, I love when you comment on a thread and I get to see that gorgeous ring of yours!) The day was beautiful, and I am so happy that we did it.

And since Amber ruined my attempt at building suspense, here''s a better picture of me with my special guest:

Amber: I am so sorry that you were dissapointed with your first - I thought it was beautiful! - but if you do ever have a Wedding 2.0, count me in!

ETA: LOL! No, it is totally fine to leave it! Plus, I think we are past the time limit anyway!

ETA: ROTFLMAO! I am the slowest typist/poster in the world, so you might as well put it back! As you can see, I already posted a pic that gives it away.
Date: 7/9/2008 1:37:38 PM
Author: fatafelice
Havernell: I sent the magnet company a digital scan (that I altered in Photoshop) and they worked from the file. I don''t recall that there was any sort of resolution or size requirement, and I believe I sent them a pretty hi-res image. I used Magnets-for-less and I thought their customer service was great. Some lessons learned, however: Make sure the image you send is exactly what you want OR let them know what needs to be changed. If I had it to do over again, I would have let them add the text, because doing it in Photoshop made it come out a little *off*. Also, I had left some of the empty space around the scan, and it ended up as a black border around the magnet (that I had to go back and trim off each one, because I am OCD). If I had just cropped it down, I could have avoided the hassle. I hope that helps, and I can''t wait to see how yours come out!

Great, thanks for the detailed info! I think it probably makes the most sense to send the scanned image to a printer and ask them if it''s hi-res enough to make a good reproduction and then go from there. Also, good tip about adding text ourselves in photoshop vs. having the printer do it... we were going to photoshop in the writing on the back of the postcard, but now maybe I''ll ask the printer to do it for us.

Glad to hear that the vow renewal was fabulous! Everything looked gorgeous!
Shoot, I''m getting all verklempt just looking at your photos...So much joy in your face. I''m so thrilled you got your special day. Cant wait to see the pro shots!
Date: 7/9/2008 1:55:23 PM
Author: surfgirl
Shoot, I''m getting all verklempt just looking at your photos...So much joy in your face. I''m so thrilled you got your special day. Cant wait to see the pro shots!
Me either! I swear, I have been checking my email obsessively. Maybe I should just drop him a line and see how much longer it will be ''til I have proofs. What do you think? It hasn''t even been two weeks yet, but I know he took all digital. How long do most photogs take?
It all depends on the photographer and how many weddings they''ve got at that point in time, and how much touch up they do on the photos. My photog did some nice processing of our photos so it took a few weeks, but she put up a handful of the best shots on her blog within 4 days, and a slide show within 2 weeks. But that was part of our package.
I have been mia from this site since our wedding last 9/07, but I remember you from being on here while planning, and I am sooo happy to see this post when I just popped on here out of the blue!

I remember following your gorgeous wedding 2.0 gown journey and I absolutely love love love it.

So glad I randomly popped on and just wanted to say hi.

I will probably be on here more in the future.
Labbie, it''s good to see you back! I have to admit that my visits have been pretty sparse for the last year as well, but since it is summer (and I am a teacher), I have more time to catch up. Thank you so much for your kind comments, and I hope we will see you around more!

ETA: I just looked up your wedding pics and you look beautiful and so happy! Congratulations! I love your dress, too! You should post your pro pics if you have them!
I was just thiinking of you last week!! Congratulations on wedding #2. I can''t believe it''s been a year already. Your impromptu beach wedding is one of my favs here on PS

Thanks for the pictures and the update; you look radiant -- you are so happy! I ditto surfgirl; I love those mismatched BM dresses. It was a cute idea.

We can''t wait for a peek at the pro pics!
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