
Paging Rockhugger


Nov 3, 2009
Congratulations again!
I must admit, I am too lazy to even start but is it right that you can take courses in strides? How did you start? Just went to GIA website? I do not want to pay $ 7K for the whole course, can you pay in installments?
You can take them at your own speed. The first 3 classes are about 400 each, and you have to pay them in full. You have 3 months to complete each. The last 2 are 1500ish and you can make payments. I think you have 10 months to complete it.

The labs are 900 and 1200 and you have to pay in full.
crasru, I've been looking into starting the colored stone series as well. At this point, I'm looking at it as an increased education for my hobby...but I'm also considering having a fallback for a future career in my "retirement" to fund my toys and hobbies!

Just waiting a couple of weeks to start on the colored stone series. The classes can be taken online. GIA lists the prices on their website and you can call and ask them about it as well. They were really nice on the phone and helpful. They told me that there are also scholorships available if you want to apply for them. The longer classes can be paid for in installments.

I did not ask about the labs, but I understand that they are done in person over a few days. Would like to hear more about that. My local G.G. friend said not all the labs are at their campuses, that they sometimes offer them in other locations. It's been awhile since he went through the courses, though.

Largosmom said:
crasru, I've been looking into starting the colored stone series as well. At this point, I'm looking at it as an increased education for my hobby...but I'm also considering having a fallback for a future career in my "retirement" to fund my toys and hobbies!

Just waiting a couple of weeks to start on the colored stone series. The classes can be taken online. GIA lists the prices on their website and you can call and ask them about it as well. They were really nice on the phone and helpful. They told me that there are also scholorships available if you want to apply for them. The longer classes can be paid for in installments.

I did not ask about the labs, but I understand that they are done in person over a few days. Would like to hear more about that. My local G.G. friend said not all the labs are at their campuses, that they sometimes offer them in other locations. It's been awhile since he went through the courses, though.


I can carve out the time for online classes - I actually prefer DVDs as a way of education. I do not know if GIA sells their courses on DVD's.
My schedule would not allow me to take two weeks off, unless it is close to WA/Ore/BC areas for labs. But I am almost positive there are classes offered at Tucson; maybe at some other big gemshows as well?

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