
Paging Skippy and any other parents of multiples

Wow Mama Monkey! thanks for taking the time to give me your experiences. It is very helpful. I was telling a friend I think twins first would be easier in the sense (not that its ever easy Im sure) that you would learn how to do everything x 2 and then when you have only one - think of all the spare time, lol. I'm sure that's not accurate, though.
I was insane about breastfeeding my son too. I tortured myself even though everyone was telling me to let it go. The day I tried to give him some stinky formula (nutramigen) was the day he got breastfeeing, lol. No mommy that tastes awful, lol. A friend with 5 month twins gave me an idea- she would breastfeed one and bottlefeed the second and then alternate. I like that idea in theory as they both get a chance to breastfeed but maybe mom would get more "free" time? I know it's not that simple because maybe one won't like bottle/breast etc. but at least it's something I could try.
I will try to keep the babes in as long as possible. I keep seeing that commercial that is telling moms to wait as long as possible. It's good they are learning more and can provide better information to all moms. My son was born naturally at 37 1/2 weeks and I feel that he was so "raw", and maybe would have done better if he hung in a little longer. then again, he also had the cord around his neck so I guess he knew what he was doing?

Look forward to hearing from you again!
Hi Pave,
I'm sorry I had only skimmed what you and others had written previously and I see I had not at all addressed your actual questions!

Stroller: We, too, had a snap and go double for the first year, then bought a city mini double which we still use when we go to amusement parks and such. We used to have a Scion xB which I LOVED for the backseat access, but it was not a big car, and many of the luxurious doubles simply did not fit in our trunk. I couldn't tell whether you would be in SE Asia or the US, but I assume location would really dictate your choice?

you know, when i found out i was pregnant with a singleton the boys were still 3 and we were still using their stroller a lot, so i looked into good triple options, and I did find a pricey possibility though only sold in New Zealand: ABC Adventure Buggy I think it's called. They have many variations.

I did hear that tandem ones (like the snap and go) end up causing problems bc the kids tend to fight about who gets to sit where. I reckon that would depend on your kids, though of course you won't know your kids' temperaments until well after you buy the stroller . . .

crib: We had them share one crib until the 3rd or 4th month, and then I actually just started to co-sleep with them at night. No one ever tells you how easy it is to just roll over and give a baby a breast at night! I didn't actually ever produce enough to feed them 100%, but at night I just rolled over to ne side, then the other, every few hours. I know it seems like it would be less restful than waking up every 3-5 hours for a full feeding, but for me, at least, I was waaaay more rested with the co-sleeping method. Obviously, this is not for everyone, tho!

sleep: This was a big issue for me. I didn't want to sleep train and didn't do so until they were 10 months old (for logistical reasons. We were moving cross country so we had to wait til we were established at the new digs first). But, by then I was literally sitting in a dark room with the boys for like 16 hours a day! They could not nap on their own, nor could they sleep on their own. Since they were sleeping together for naps, I couldn't afford for either of them to wake the other up, so at any hint of movement or whimpering, I had to shush them back to sleep -- and so one or the other always moved around every 20 minutes!

So, we read "Happy Baby Healthy Sleep Habits" (?) as our bible and went military on the twins. They basically went to sleep, woke up, and napped with alarming regularity. We always put them to sleep at the same time, in a totallly blacked out room. Everyone around us thought we were the mayors of crazytown b/c we were so rigid. So yeah, even though at first we tried to figure out when they were sleepy to put them down, basically by the end we designated when they needed to be sleepy; set up elaborate rituals to get the Pavlovian effect of sleepiness for naps and night sleep -- we told them when they were sleepy rather than the other way around! Of course, sometimes one would wake up first and we'd let the other one sleep in a little bit (but never enough to affect the next nap time). We NEVER went anywhere in the evening for the first 18 months or so. (see? total crazy town maneuvers!)

but, it totally worked in that they are still champion sleepers -- they didn't have a hard time going from 2 naps to 1 nap to no nap. Even today they go to sleep usually btwn 7:30 and 8 PM and wake up btwn 7:30 and 8:30 AM.

Naturally, with pregnancy #2, the girl is at the mercy of the boys' schedule. Will you have a nanny by then so you can have regular sleep schedules for your twins? I would never have gotten sleep or any work done if the boys had been on different schedules! But, I have heard twin moms say that they preferred having their kids sleep at different times so they could spend one-on-one time with them. This would not have been possible for me, but it just goes to show you that everyone is totally different! And it's so true that child-rearing is so by the seat of your pants, adjusting to your needs as you go along. you'll do great!

twin clubs: I did not have the wherwithal to join, but I have heard from many that it was a life saver psychologically, but also for getting stuff for pregnancy and beyond. ::) I did try to go a few times though that club ultimately dissolved ( :(( ) -- the one thing that I didn't like about is that it felt too much like therapy. I suppose this is often the issue with random moms groups as well -- moms of many different persuasions come together where they only have in common the fact of their maternity -- well, i suppose you dwell on the one thing you have in common. I just felt a bit like it was always "wasn't it just SO HARD?" and "isnt it so true that no one understands?" -- and it was hard, and it's true non-twin moms don't understand, but eh, it wasn't for me.

BUT this does remind me that I purchased a HARDCORE tummy support thingie for my last trimester and it did help when I wanted to get around. I forget what it was called but it's definitely a twin speciic item that is worth looking into.

work: So, I can't comment on working or being on your feet during your first trimester -- except that American docs seem cavalier and Asian docs (by which I mean those practicing Eastern medicine, sorry) tend to be incredibly cautious, so the truth, I'm sure, is somewhere in between? As someone else mentioned, I would reckon (though I am in no way a medical doctor!) the enemy is fatigue and dehydration?

But this does remind me that I got pretty depressed bc I had to stop working after the twins were born. Were/are you working? Did you take time off when you had your first? So, we did not have any set plan for me when I got pregnant -- I suppose I imagined I'd take time off and go back with 1/2 time or full time work. But I was in between contracts and was looking for a job when I found out I was pregnant. I was still applying and getting ready for interviews when I learned I was having twins. Bc I used to teach at colleges, I was tied to the academic calendar -- it became apparent that, b/c twin births tend to be early, I couldn't in good faith apply for jobs where the D day could be in early November (with a singleton the Dday was early December, which I felt I could pull off as it is close to the end of the semester, but you know, that's not how it works with twins). Anyways, so I stopped applying, the boys were born, we moved, things were crazy busy with the boys, and long story short I'm still not working. It was a hard transition.

I had another twin mom friend who is very social. She said she forced herself to go out everyday even though it was super hard, just so she could get some human contact. I dunno, she was a first time mom, and I was, too, so I attribute some of the depression to being a novice mama. Maybe some of the other twin moms can chime in here, but I think depression is pretty common -- probably this was when those twinclubs would have been helpful except i was ironically too depressed to look for one...

Ugh! Pave, I did NOT write this to be such a downer! Booo on me!! Writing is reminding me of how I felt back then. . . You'll be fine, though, b/c:

1. you are already a veteran mommie
2. you have PSers!
3. you'll maybe join a twins club BEFORE the birth, even if you maybe aren't a joiner (I'm not a joiner), just in case you get a little blue?

breastfeeding: i'm sorry i'm writing a novel here. :(( I don't even know if this is helpful, since I"m jsut writing what happened to me, and everyone is so different. . . but well, I've already written your ear off (or whatever you'd say in this situation) ;)
I ended up producing enough for 1 child -- so I did what you suggested, actually: I would bottle feed one and bf the other per feeding. I'm told this is actually not recommnded, though I can't remember why now. But I didn't know that until after I started, and it worked out fine.

I hear 2nd pregnancies have less problems with milk supply so you'll probably be fine! :D

BUT if you do have issues, I think was a great resource. If I had to do it all over again I would have:

1. rented a hostpial grade MEDELA pump (lactina classic, maybe? I was given an AMEDA which I now hear is not as good)
2. found a TWIN SPECIALIST lactation consultant pronto (i did it 2 months into my difficulties)
3. used not just fenugreek, but the drug motilium earlier. (I waited 3-4 months. I feel like maybe I shouldda just done it earlier)
4. most importantly -- as you're going to do anyways -- just be more flexible!

with this pregnancy I also started wth low milk supply so I just brought out the big guns early. Didnt end up needing the motilium (which is a prescription drug), but I bought it early just in case, as well as the fenugreek. I rented the hospital grade pump in the first week, rather than waiting 2 or 3 weeks, like the first time, etc.

I totally used the double foam feeding thing! :D

ok. I should stop now with my crazy excessive blah blahing. But seriously, you're a veteran mom, so it'll be hard, but not as hard. And your kiddo is 4, so young, but understanding. You're gonna do great!
also, I would be remiss if I didn't say: Kunzite your twins are too cute for words!
awww, even though it was hard those first 3 months, twins are so cool!!
Hi mama monkey thanks again for your thorough replies. Hope you and the kiddos are well. It sounds like you got the twins onto a good schedule before a year (as far as nighttime sleep) and that seems pretty reasonable to me. My son took forever to sttn but I'm hopeful I can start that process earlier this time around- haha I think I will be forced to out of sheer exhaustion.

Things seem to be status quo around here which is great. I'm 21 weeks this Friday. Had both my fetal echo and anatomy scan which looked good and the dr. Said while there are no guarantees she feels that they are healthy babies. No soft markers that raise any suspicions. That was a relief for me to hear for sure. Unfortunately, it doesn't totally remove my anxiety since I still won't feel totally better until they are out of my uterus and home safe and sound. Haha. That's just me. I'm wired like that and wish i could change it. Still though I feel I'm doing better this time than for my first pregnancy.

I didn't find out the gender but did get a bit curious during the scan. I saw 3d pics of faces only and have decided one looks like a girl and one a boy but that is just my own thought process. It's so funny all the stuff people say about finding out/not finding out, lol.

Nothing else too exciting. The feeling of my pubic bones coming apart has lessened which is good. I wonder if that belt support thingie would help with that. Ladies???? Otherwise symptoms are pretty manageable.

I just reread everything and realized I missed the 20 week window where skippy said to concentrate on weight gain. No time like the present to shovel in more food, lol. I put on 16 lbs already which seems like a lot to me but it really does seem to be mostly belly and I guess my ginormous boobs, lol.

Happy to hear from anyone if you remember anything helpful. No specific questions right now. Oh- sorry- what cars do u have for 2 plus kids and how does it work out for u? Thanks in advance!
I have the Honda Odyssey and love it, super easy for getting the boys in and out of the vehicle. Make sure you drink lots of water/stay hydrated. That is very important for preggos but especially twin mommas; you probably already know that (one item thatm helps prevent preterm labor). Ouch to the stretching pubic bone; I remember that! I thought the worst was the kicks in the ribs. Which way are your babies facing? Hope you are doing well. I bet your little one is going to be an awesome big brother!
thanks Skippy I forgot you told me you have the Odessy. I know so many people love it. I don't want a new car payment (we just paid ours off) and I think I can hang in there with the mdx. I just want to try those seats out and figure it out. I'm not the most patient of people lol. I think maybe 2 graco carriers and tylers booster harness will work but don't think the britaxes I have for later will work. Oh well. It's only money, haha.
Skippy I haven't been doing as well as I should in the water dept. I try but I'm not as diligent as I should be. I noticed if I have a day or two with multiple errands then I'm totally wiped out the next day (like yesterday). Did you feel that way? I think it's my age :(. I have my ob appt today so I guess I get to see the babies again! (I think that's how she checks the heartbeats). Thanks for your feedback Skippy and everyone!
I am in love with the city select baby jogger- or whatever it's called!!! Lol. I am a stroller junkie. It's so cool.i also like the donkey, the promenade and I think that's it. My current plan is to use uppa baby vista with one bassinet- it holds 20 lbs at least for a while. I think they should be comfy for a bit, right? Then when they are older ill use the Phil and teds dash double I already picked up. But I wish I could stroller shop to my hearts content. So strange how there are certain things you are really into, while I could sort of care less about spending money on a nursery...what was your guilty pleasure while pregnant with your twins? I can't do clothes since I don't know gender otherwise I would be doing that too, lol.
pavelover|1355084873|3326972 said:
I am in love with the city select baby jogger- or whatever it's called!!! Lol. I am a stroller junkie. It's so cool.i also like the donkey, the promenade and I think that's it. My current plan is to use uppa baby vista with one bassinet- it holds 20 lbs at least for a while. I think they should be comfy for a bit, right? Then when they are older ill use the Phil and teds dash double I already picked up. But I wish I could stroller shop to my hearts content. So strange how there are certain things you are really into, while I could sort of care less about spending money on a nursery...what was your guilty pleasure while pregnant with your twins? I can't do clothes since I don't know gender otherwise I would be doing that too, lol.
Mine was buying my BOB. I thought it was fabulous ever since I bought my sister one so I really wanted one. Yay for a new stroller; there are so many cool ones out there! enjoy shopping! :bigsmile:
Oh Skippy your profile pic is just adorable! How do they get along? That really made me smile!
pavelover|1355107314|3327245 said:
Oh Skippy your profile pic is just adorable! How do they get along? That really made me smile!
aww thank you Pave! I am dying to hear what you are having but if you aren't sharing until birth I can wait but I have been wondering if it is boy/girl, girl/girl, boy/boy!

My boys are getting along great; they are pretty sweet to each other. They love their stuffed animals and now they get their stuffed animals and give each other kisses with them! it is pretty cute to see. lol How is your little one?
So far it will be a surprise for everyone including me :). I can see my resolve weakening though as the months go on and knowing I will have so many u/s :naughty: I have been stopping at racks with baby clothing and filling up (with tears) because they are so cute but gosh there is nothing gender neutral. They had these little preemie clothes at target- ruffle pants and a onesie oh my gosh!!! I saw a really cute newborn outfit at Gymboree and its gender neutral so I might buy two of those to satisfy my urge,lol.

Oh I found a rumbleseat for my uppababy for 50 bucks on cl today. Ordered a buggy board too. Love stroller snooping/accessory shopping. Love it all,lol.

I think the relationship between twins must be so special and it sounds like you are enjoying it so much! I wonder what the terrible twos brings for,twins? I was imagining lots of fights. Hope not.
pavelover|1355178777|3327978 said:
So far it will be a surprise for everyone including me :). I can see my resolve weakening though as the months go on and knowing I will have so many u/s :naughty: I have been stopping at racks with baby clothing and filling up (with tears) because they are so cute but gosh there is nothing gender neutral. They had these little preemie clothes at target- ruffle pants and a onesie oh my gosh!!! I saw a really cute newborn outfit at Gymboree and its gender neutral so I might buy two of those to satisfy my urge,lol.

Oh I found a rumbleseat for my uppababy for 50 bucks on cl today. Ordered a buggy board too. Love stroller snooping/accessory shopping. Love it all,lol.

I think the relationship between twins must be so special and it sounds like you are enjoying it so much! I wonder what the terrible twos brings for,twins? I was imagining lots of fights. Hope not.

I found lots of onsies that were gender neutral at Babiesrus, their brand. When are you due? I remember my boys spit up so much so I just kept them in onsies and swaddled. I was also a big fan of Amazon in the early months for 2 day shipping because you are so busy with the babies. I still like to dress the boys in yellow, green and orange (more gender neutral colors). like these (we own)

My boys like to make each other laugh; for the most part they are pretty good. I notice they have tantrums when they are tired. You will love it; it is tough at first but as time goes on it gets easier and they are best of friends!!!! I am Excited for you!!!! :D
Pave, how are you doing? lots of baby kicks?? I just noticed you are due around my twins birthday!
Pave, you can get some stuff super duper cheap at Carters right now. I bought some neutral baby goodies there recently. We know we're having a boy but I do love the *softness* of the neutral yellows and oranges so we tend to use them a lot.
skippy Hi! I'm doing pretty well thanks for asking :wavey: . I feel the babies more often but still not all the time. I feel like Ty moved more but maybe my memory is faulty. Wouldn't that be funny if they ended up sharing a birthday? I'll see if I can get them to cooperate. How are the boys? I have to re-read the page so far- dh is talking about a car change again. I thought I could avoid it but maybe I need to accept the minivan;)

pupp thanks for the heads up- ill try to check it out (Carter's). I've been in Gymboree a bunch as they are having 70 percent off- I bought really cute yellow outfits for going home- the owl collection. I love it. My mom keeps giving me girl clothes but its kind of irritating me, lol. I'm just on the verge of being superstitious and somehow I can buy something but I feel like if she keeps giving me stuff it will jinx us somehow? The mind of a pregnant woman, lol.

Twin mommas how did you handle Braxton hicks or worrisome symptoms? I ended up in l&d last night as I was having what I think are Braxton hicks that seemed like they weren't going away. The dr. didn't really think I needed to come in but I think he was willing to ease my mind. I spent a couple hours there and they saw irritability and one contraction- it's so hard to tell though if its something serious or not? It's hard not to be anxious about it. The dr. Tried to explain to me that where we were last night was not pre-term labor so next time I won't worry but on the other hand he says the less I feel the happier he is...and that yes I should still rest and call if it happens again... :read: .
kunzite Hi! Yesterday I had my dh come home early so I could rest since I was having tightness/cramping- I feel like I am crying wolf though since nothing is really wrong...How did you handle and rest with your toddler?
Babies were 1lb 9 oz on Monday. They are in the 46th percentile. The dr. Was happy. Everything else looks good :).
Pave, not a twin momma...but I'm a Braxton Hicks pro at this point. :lol: My contrax broke all the rules...started before the third tri, I consistently had more than 4-6 in an hour, didn't stop with increased fluids/rest and they were sometimes *painful*. I'm 33 weeks now and have them often. I had them often from 25 weeks on with DS and did make it to full term (he was born at 38w4d).

My advice is to do whatever feels right to you. You start to get a feel for what's the usual for you. However, I should caution you that my frequent BH contrax made it a bit difficult to tell when labor began. The evening when I did go into labor, it started out with what felt like my regular contrax and quickly turned into labor.

When in doubt, my advice would be to call or go in.
Thanks Pupp that is very helpful. So did you go in ever for monitoring? Yeah I'm hoping I get used to what is normal for me- this am when I'm up my belly feels hard every time...I guess I'll just take it easy and pay attention. Although for me it seems like I should pay less attention since I notice every twinge...
I had BH at 20 weeks or 22 weeks?
I will come back and post in a little while but I did have them.
Pave, I went in for monitoring once and I was contracting. They were able to tell they were BH and sent me home after two hours of monitoring BUT the contrax did cause me to progress. At 35 weeks, I was 3cm dilated. I hung out like that for a few weeks though. I got less worried as time went on because I was closer to full term but they really did scare me early on. They would always stop just when I would say to myself, "Ok, if I'm still contracting in 30 minutes, I'm going to the hospital."
Here is my take on it. I had the boys almost 10 weeks early; if you feel something is off it is better to be safe than sorry because sometimes they can do things to stop your labor. If you have contractions more than 4 or 5 times in an hour, don't they say you should call??? (someone chime in and mention the correct number of contractions, it has been awhile since they told me how many contractions in an hour) I think that is the number. Ask the OB nurse too. Also a lot of women go into labor because they aren't properly hydrated. If you ever feel some contractions put your feet up and drink a big glass of water; that is what my OB said to do and especially twin moms need to drink lots of water in general. Or if you are doing too much slow down and rest.

Also, how often are you seeing your OB? Are you seeing the Perinates too? I think if they monitor you that is good too; I do know the further along I got then they would swab to check there was no leaking of fluids (in case of pre term labor). Honestly, since you are a twin momma you are high risk and I think now having had some preemies, I feel when in doubt, call for reassurance or be checked out.

I noticed with BH my tummy would get hard and stay that way for awhile and drinking water and slowing down helped. I hope you don't get many of them. also chat with your nurse or OB.

I am sorry that happened to you, I think your OB should of been more understanding, being high risk and all.
Everything Skippy said!! As a twin mom you have this strange balancing act. On one hand the odds of preterm labor with twins is huge so you have to be extra aware and work to stop labor if it starts, but on the other hand your uterus is extra irritable by default because it wasn't meant for two babies so you have to ignore the random BH and cramps! So in the end you have to trust your instincts and always, always call your OB/Peri if you're worried. I was put on bed rest at 26 weeks because I was having so many contractions and was put on nifedipine to keep them at bay. Even with all of that I still had near constant contractions, they just weren't doing anything to my cervix. You'll likely start having 2x weekly NSTs once you hit 32 weeks.

My DH did everything for my older child and he was also in daycare during the week. It sounds like your DS is home with you? If that's the case I would immediately come up with a plan for someone to help you in case you end up on bed rest. Your number one priority right now should be rest! All of my preemies are perfectly fine, but I still would have rather avoided the NICU.

And I'm laughing at what I wrote up thread about things being easier in a few months :lol: So hopeful!! Things here, at 7 months, are still crazy hard! I don't know how much longer I can stay sane at home. I texted my DH this morning that first on the to-do-list this weekend is my résumé!! I'm still not sure if I was kidding or serious.
Sorry I'm late in responding. Parents still here and dh wrapping up trip here to return to Asia. I think the whole thing was truly a false alarm. I was freaked out because whenever I stood up my tummy was hard, but I saw my ob the following day and she told me to just worry if it was painful or happening when I'm resting/laying still.

kunzitehi Kunzite I love that info you gave me with the link. I know it's not scientific but is helpful to see what happens with different people. My son does go to daycare/school so I actually have plenty of time to rest. On that particular day I rested and wrote Christmas cards all day(I know I'm like 2 weeks late at this point ), took a shower and picked up my son from school. I was upset that I was feeling what I thought were Braxton hicks(with a few cramps) from basically being up for less than 2 hours. I mean how much easier could I take it? My parents are prepared to come out and help as soon as I need them, and my dh will also return as soon as I say the word so there will be some lag time until they would show up but I have a few people I could ask for help, so that's good. I'm trying to brainstorm who could drive my son to school if I end up on bedrest. I don't really want to hire a stranger. You definitely need a lot of alternate plans with this stuff. I loved the Christmas card your niece gave you and I would be feeling(and will be) the same exact way. One of the ways I dealt with my news of twins was telling myself I'm hiring an au pair and going back to work full time, lol. I still haven't totally given up on that idea. Hugs to you and keep up the good work.

skippy Hi! Thanks for your input. The doctor I saw was only the on call for the group, and actually I have to double check because I don't even think he's from my office? My dr is super compassionate and awesome. She said exactly what you did- she would rather have me come early and often than when it's too late to stop ptl. I'm still not totally sure what that on-call doc was trying to tell me? But the way my doc explained it to me was very helpful.
Pupp mom thanks for sharing your experience. They saw only one cx on the monitor I think, otherwise just irritability for me. Yeah I don't want to deliver early of course so I will feel better the further I get into this pregnancy. But it's going pretty fast. I'm 25. 1/2 weeks already!
how are you doing? just thinking about you twin momma!
Hi Skippy and anyone else :).
I tried to write this post a couple of times but was soooooo sick for the month of Jan :(. Just ridiculous. Had a virus turned into a sinus infection turned into pneumonia. Finally last Monday I got a steroid inhaler and the coughing finally stopped, thank goodness. I feel like I can make it thru now, lol.

Hope you and your guys are ok- what kind of fun things are they doing? They must be getting big! I can't remember what you said about Christmas -they must have had fun. I know my 4 year old did- into ripping paper off presents and seeing "what else" which I found mortifying- I know he's young but gosh it seems like spoiled kid behavior :o .

I'm 29 weeks 3 days! Feeling giant. Sitting in lab getting through 2hr gtt since I could not deal with it in the past few weeks. I feel they should have some beds for the preggo ladies, lol. But alas they don't.
The babies were almost 3 lbs on u/s last Monday- that's like one full sized almost term...not telling you anything new but jeez I can really feel it!

I talked to my ob on fri and she said they would not let me go past 38 weeks. She doesn't seem too excited that I still would like to deliver vaginally if possible. I'm still trying to just will myself to give in and get a c-section. I know you and Kunzite went early- sorry cant remember details- did you end up with a csection?
I don't want to expend energy looking for a dr more interested in helping me get a vaginal birth because I feel like with twins there is so much out of my control- I could go through searching but then end up with needing an emergency c section or the babies could still be I. The wrong position anyone. Rationally I know this but not sure how to get my brain to come to terms with it all and just go with it. Kwim? Anybody relate? And if we already talked about this please forgive me. My brain is foggy. I told my husband a couple of times this weekend when he asked where I bought some chicken that I got it at tj maxx (department store) when I meant tj(grocery store). Lol. I didn't even realize I wasn't making sense haha.
Got my car seats, dh returned to u.s. with pack and play and lots of baby paraphinelia so let the nesting begin!
I don't have time for a long post, but here are my quick thoughts! I totally agree with your OB not to go past 38 weeks, all of the current research shows that it's just too risky. A lot of OBs will try to push a c-section because the risk of baby B flipping to breach or transverse is high and not many OBs are trained and/or comfortable with a breach extraction. I don't know if you're with an OB group or a single OB, but at my group about half of the OBs would do a breach extraction and half wouldn't. I was very upset about this at first, but over time I realized that I didn't want an OB doing a risky procedure on me if they aren't experienced and comfortable with that procedure. In the end it didn't matter because Elliot (A) was breach my entire pregnancy and refused to flip. On top of that they can't (won't?) do a breach extraction if baby B is bigger than A, and Elliot was always smaller than Miles (B).

Here is my birth story: [URL=''][/URL]
And follow up re: weight: [URL=''][/URL]
thanks Kunzite for the links and your input. I think you are just reinforcing my point about not being in control anyway. I will go read in a minute. I'm so with you but just need some kind of nudge- to get to the right place. maybe i need to pray or something I don't know...

Just got my gtt results and I passed, so Yay!!!!
first, big hugs!!! You are doing great. I am so sorry you got sick; that sounds terrible.

I wanted a vaginal birth. Actually going early made me really want to push for a vaginal birth; I did know in the back of my mind there was a possibility I could have a c-section after delivering one vaginal. Anyway, you could have a vaginal birth but know, sometimes things are out of your hands. The reason I really pushed for my own vaginal birth was because I knew a c section would keep me in the hospital longer and I wanted to recover as quickly as possible. I do think some doctors do push for a c section; the delivery doc did, but I pushed for what I wanted and got it. I am not try to tell you what to do, or what will happen, just know to have a plan a and if it doesn't go as planned it is okay and breath deep. Heck, I would of had them stop my birth if I could of pushed for that too but the boys had other plans at 30 weeks, almost 10 weeks early.

Yay for passing. keep us posted on how you are doing! I think of you and your twins often! You will do great!
Hugs pave! Just keep an open mind, you could very well have your vaginal birth still.

I saw a commercial for The Doctors and they're doing a multiples show today. Not sure what it will entail but it might be interesting.
Hey Kunzite- i missed the doctors show on twins but caught one on Katie. It was interesting but not exactly helpful? How are you guys? I'm sure still uber busy. Tyler has been going to school/daycare now for about2 months. He is getting to be such a "big boy", getting dressed alone (with lots of prompting that is) and will get me a bottle of water or grab his toothbrush. It's just adorable and very reassuring for me that when I have 3 at least he can be a little independent- after I allow for some regression I guess?

Skippy How are you? I enjoy reading your posts on kids and feeling your heart sing. Usually I feel guilty though because I tend to feel more irritated than in love with Ty. That being said, either my hormones are helping or my decreased stress level and tylers growth are just making me so in love with him right now! I'm so happy with his growth and behavior and his little personality. Also my husband is back in town and he is totally taking over with Ty's care which is like a dream come true. I feel so lucky and am just trying to take advantage of the time to rest, honestly. He got back 2 weeks ago with a brand new helpful attitude. Perhaps because of my growing girth? LOL. whatever happened I'm loving it...

Hi to anyone else who is reading! I'm 31 weeks tomorrow. Babies are behaving. I have had lots of time to rest and hopefully this is helping keep everyone staying put. I guess you never really know, as I just reread the stories of the other twin mommas above. We will have to see. I think I have come to terms with labor and delivery. still love my dr and her compassion/willingness to listen.She is on board with my plan that we will go for vaginal birth if the babies both get head down, or a scheduled c section by 38 weeks if nothing happens before then. We had a long talk and she expressed her trust in the other people in her group, and said they have let some people go from the group who were not up to snuff so that made me feel a lot better.

Picking up a few things along the way. Got some 2nd hand items to get by (more equipment in PI), and kev brought over some stuff. I was in babies r us yesterday looking for a maternity belt and saw the my breast friend twins pillow. My gosh that thing is ginormous- I almost bought it but I thought I would just check in to see if you guys used it? I just briefly reread everything and see everyones breastfeeding experiences were a bit different. I might wait to buy the pillow or maybe I wont open it until Im sure i need it?

hope everyone is well. Take care :) oh babies were almost 3 lbs each last u/s a few weeks ago. my weight gain got kind of sidetracked being sick. Still a surpise on gender. that's about it.