
Paging Skippy and any other parents of multiples

Hi Pavelover! I don't think I've ever "met" you on PS before, but just wanted to say congratulations! How awesome (and daunting) to be having twins! I do not have twins and have no advice to offer, other than hang in there, it goes by in the blink of an eye. I'm so happy for you and jumped ahead in the thread just to confirm that you are doing well now at 31 weeks! Yay! :appl: :appl:
Thanks minors bijoux! So sweet of you to say hi! Yes the ladies here have been so supportive and recently I've met a couple local twin moms too. The countdown is on for me now (I feel). Just hanging in there until the craziness starts, lol. I'll keep my eyes peeled for you. Where do you usually hang out?
I'm so happy to hear you've made it to 32 weeks!! 32 was what I considered the cutoff for where I really wanted to make it because so much happens between 30-32. Obviously it would be great to get to 38, but 32 is awesome!! :appl: :appl:

Do you mind if I threadjack for a minute in case any other twin moms are still here?

Any moms of older twins want to give me advice on MOTN wake ups? We have the babies separated right now because we had to do sleep training. Essentially DH takes one baby overnight and I take the other. They still wake up for one bottle, but at different times. No big deal since we split them and they're in different rooms, but we really want M out of our room already! So when we put them back in the same room should we continue to let them eat at different times? I'm hesitant to wake the other one earlier because obviously I want them to drop this feed so I don't want to assume they'll get up, but I also don't want the later eater to accidentally wake the earlier eater when they wake up. Perhaps I'm over thinking this since the other might just wake up when the first does, but if not I want a plan. Ideas? :read:
Kunzite ask away! I'm happy to see you! I hope you get some good advice. I'm gonna try to store it all up in my mushy brain :D .
Hi everyone! I was posting this morning but I lost it...hope everyone is well. There's so much good news on the pregnancy threads its very exciting!
I'm 33w 6 days and so happy to be at the tail end, even though it kind of went quickly. Been pretty healthy so I feel lucky. Starting to freak a little as my bp is going up a bit, getting puffy etc. the drs. Are keeping a close eye on me so that's good. Unfortunately I googled pre-e and then read all kinds of scary crazy stories that are so anxiety provoking for me :(. Anyone have some similar symptoms and did it just kind of stay where it was or did it progress to more serious?
I have been buying some 2nd hand stuff from a local twin mom. I brought my son with me the other day and was explaining to him that this mommy has two babies like we were going to have. He looked up at the one baby unimpressed and said "he didn't turn into buzz light year yet". He told me before he wanted to name the babies buzz and woody. Silly me I didn't realize he thought he was going to actually have Pixar characters as siblings, lol.
My blood pressure started inching up around 31 weeks and I could barely fit my feet into flip flops. They were huge! My drs just kept a close eye on my BP and my protein, I think I did two 24 hour collections and they were high-ish, but not above the threshold. The babies were born at 33/4 so I have no idea if it would have progressed into pre-E or not.

So cute about your son :love: Good job with the second hand finds! Nearly all of our big stuff is second hand. I was buying O some summer clothes this weekend and I always get him a little more than he needs since it will be passed down to two brothers! I did have a moment of panic when I realized that might not work anymore once they're in school since they'll only be one year apart and might find it embarrassing to wear clothes O just wore the previous year!
Hi everyone! I have been lurking on this thread for the last few weeks, and I guess I can officially start posting here.

I have read this thread twice, and I think I got everything that has been covered. I have a question about clothes.

I am not showing at 7 weeks, but I am bloated, and I gained some weight (about 7 lbs) since I had to scale back my normal workout routine. So my clothes are not fitting me. When did you guys start showing? When did you need to buy new clothes? I have herd twins show earlier, but I cannot get by how much.
LTL!!!!! I'm SO excited to have you here! Sorry I was late to congratulate you over on the other thread. My energy is waning....
I was super bloated and felt like I was showing by 7 weeks or so. Enough that people were noticing. I found these nursing tanks/maternity shirts from target that king of had gatherings and one was in black so I liked wearing that because it was camouflaging and comfy. I love getting into maternity clothes asap though and I didn't work so I didn't really have to "hide" from anyone...
I'll go to target and see if they still have online?
I got lots of good info yesterday and another book rec. I'll be back later to put it up for you. How are you feeling? ??? So so happy to have u here :)
Hey Pavelover,

I am feeling ok except for the nausea is worse today. Thanks for asking.

Thanks for the info on the shirts. I am at Target every week or two, so I will see if they have them for me to try on. Look forward to the other stuff you have.

You are almost 34 weeks right? How are you doing?
Hi more later as we are trying to register right now but that shirt is online only I believe, maybe u can return in store if its not right? I think I like a slim tank or cami underneath. My bbs got huge in first trimester(like the same size they were after my first son was born and my milk was in :errrr: . Not sure your situation there but I think it was generous in the top. I just tried it on at 34 weeks (size s) and it still fits but is still loose on the top (I'm wearing a d cup bra) where I couldn't go out without additional bra and tank top if that makes sense? Maybe I'm just really saggy :(. Oh and that's 34 weeks with twins- I am huge lol. I'm 5'2 and was about 115 to start. Hope that helps!
Am not wearing a bra-sorry to frighten anyone...oops I don't know how to turn it... :angryfire: the flaming face is my sons choice lol not mine. I promised him he could pick a face....

Hey Pave,

Thanks for the info. My chest has gotten a little larger, but for me that means my A cup bras actually fit for the first time ever, I have nothing on top. I am so happy you have made it to 34 weeks!

I cut out most of the fats in my diet (the extra olive oil, the avocado), and my weight seems to have stabilized. I have not weighed myself, I need to do that. I figure with a 7 lb weight gain, I am good for the next three weeks, and am hoping to get some more specific guidance at my next visit. My RE doc told me weight gain is controversial in twins. So that is really not helpful from a practical standpoint.

I have started wearing a maternity maxi skirt I bought that has a low waist band, but does not have any paneling. It could pass for a normal maxi skirt. Right now I am using a normal tank top over it and it is working great. The weather is starting to warm up, so I can start wearing my sun dresses, many of them have lots of room in the waist, so I think I am good for while.

Hope you are still doing well.
Pave, how are you doing? you look great!!!

LtlF, Congrats!!!! twins are great!
Pave!! I hope all is well!

Skippy - thanks. They looked wonderful today on US. I am nervous, but very excited.
Hi you guys!
Skippy I almost paged you the other day- babies are almost 3 weeks old already! I posted somewhere but not here lol.
Things are going well. I feel tremendously lucky! Born at 35 w 2 days csection- just observed in nicu for 4 hours then they were with us since. We went home after 4 daYs.

LTL I have been meaning to write u back- I saw your last post about your weight- are you worried you are gaining too much? I think you should not worry (easy for me to say since I'm done being pregnant now, lol). I saw that you are 11 weeks. I'm so excited for you. Did I mention how terrified I was ALL pregnancy and now I am so in love and these babies rock! Has nothing to do with anything you posted but I just wanted to say its really fun! Lol. I am comparing it to my son who had ohs at birth so my view is somewhat skewed...

Happy to keep this thread going LTL if you want to? The other moms have been way helpful and I can try to post what's been working for us so far, although I think my babies are still in sleepy newborn period so I'm not sure I'm experiencing all the challenges yet...
Pave, congrats that is so exciting! Yay, they are champs being in the nicu only 4 hours! :appl: When you get a chance I would love to hear how you all are doing and PICS!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: 35 weeks is awesome, great job!

Ltl, wohooo for your u/s, exciting! don't worry about weight. weight is good since twins may come early and it helps them, hugs
Hey guys,

I would love to keep this thread going.

I think the original "weight gain" was an error. Either that, or the progesterone bloated me to the point where it looked like I "gained weight." I am a lot less bloated since I went off of it. I went to the doctor this week, and I am only 4lbs up from my pre-pregnancy weight (the last visit said I was about 7, and I know I did NOT loose weight by how my clothes are fitting me). I thought I was doing well, as most of my reading recommended 3-6 lbs in the first trimester. I just read the first 4 chapters of the Dr. Luke book, and the advise is way different. The only official advise I got was from my RE doc who stated that "twin weight gain is controversial." Now I see why. Why I like some of the suggestions in the book, I am not sure how I feel about all of them. I am going to have to bring this up with the high risk doc I am seeing this week. I have reintroduced some calorie dense foods like nuts since I found out my weight gain is on track from most sources I have been reading.

Pave, I am so glad your little ones made it so far and did so well. Congratulations to you!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Yes, I am still terrified. Remember in the beginning of the thread when someone said other forums are filled with horror stories? I have seen most twin horror stories play out in real life. And a very significant percentage of twins I take care of have significant health and developmental issues. I see lots of healthy ones too, so I am just trying to keep perspective.
Ltl, I was so worried the entire pregnancy about something being wrong with one or both twins since it's so common and you hear about it all the time (and you see it first hand!), and I hate to admit this, but it hasn't stopped for me yet even though the boys are 10 months old. Just a few nights ago I was nearly in tears when I was telling my DH that I still worry constantly about one of the babies because he is just SO different than his brothers. If he was an only child I wouldn't worry about him for a second, he's still right on track. But the reality is that I see him with his very advanced brother every day so in comparison he seems so far behind. I hate so much that I can't get through the day without comparing them. Not only that, but the other two (advanced twin and his older brother) are basically clones of each other, so he really is the odd one out. They say that you never stop worrying about your kids, but having twins just adds an entirely new dimension to that worry!
Thanks Kunzite,

I know you are right, I am a worrier, and I know I just need to try not to transfer that onto my kids as hard as that is. I see the consequences of that pretty often in my clinic. As you said, I am sure your kids are doing great. I see parents with normally spaced siblings have the same concerns that you have, and typically both of their children are fine, but have different strengths and weaknesses.

I have my high risk apt tomorrow, I am interested to see how that goes.
Ltl, good luck at your appointment! I just adored the peris at my MFM.

Pave, looking forward to hearing more about your little ones :love:
Kunzite|1365434359|3422605 said:
Ltl, good luck at your appointment! I just adored the peris at my MFM.

Pave, looking forward to hearing more about your little ones :love:

Thanks Kunzite!

Pave, I am looking forward to hearing about your little ones too.

I would also love to know what stroller you are using being you were really looking at them :-).
Pave, I hope things are going well for you and all of your boys!! :wavey:

ETA, and speaking of strollers... we just took the new Bumbleride out this weekend and it was a dream! I could easily tell the difference between our 2009 & 2012 Indies.

We have the double Bob and love it, but we go off road when we walk too which is nice. cute pic Kunzite!

Pave, how is mommyhood? w/twins and a toddler?
Hello ladies! This will be a short one but I wanted to say I have not fallen off the face of the earth! It's super super busy but actually not as bad as I had worried it would be :).love all my boys and feel mostly happy, so it's great.
Be back more later...
Re strollers- my ideas haven't worked out super well- I used the snap and go for the first 2 months but wow it's harder to push now that they have gained a few pounds.
I have the uppababy(already had it) with rumbleseat and a phil n teds that has two seats- ill get the style name for you...
Neither is ideal for newborns but I figured the snap and go would handle the earlier months.
If I was going to spend money on one expensive stroller I think I'd go for the city mini one for twins. I love the look of that one. If you are really going to splurge I love that other true doubles stroller made by Phil n Ted- I think it's the same price as the bugaboo donkey. I don't really know much about the donkey but kind of felt that their stuff is just too expensive...
Thought I would push both babies in my bassinett for uppababy too but it just looks too crowded for both of them lol. I'll let you know how it works out.
Hey everyone, thanks for the stroller recs.

The bumbleride is one of my top contenders. We actually are going to have to go to Austin to test drive them, we are planning on doing that after the 20 weeks can, when we know the genders. Pave and skippy, thanks for your input. I have looked at all the models except for phil and teds.

AFM - the weight gain was going well, I had almost 14 lbs. But now my 1 hour is abnormal and I won't be able to do the 3 hour for another 2 weeks. I am wondering if I should cut out carbs in the mean time, but that will make it hard for me to gain weight. I was eating healthy during my meals, but would have one sweet thing a day (usually homemade gelato) and 8 oz of 100% juice to sneak in some calories. I went to a nutritionist on Monday, and she said I was doing great, but that was before my one hour came back. Honestly, I knew more than her. I am wondering if it is worth paying for Dr. Luke's online service. I think I will do it if I end up having GDM. I really hope I don't. Other that that, things are going really well, the babies look great.

Pave, I am glad you are enjoying being a twin mommy, and glad you are able to pop in here and say hi. Kunzite, I love the pics of your boys, they are so cute.

Skippy - I have seen the double bob on our walking trail, and it looks really nice. I am just concerned about the width, do you use another stroller for shopping, doctors apts, ect?
pave, so happy to hear things are going well for you. I look forward to hearing more about your life as a new twin mama :wavey:

Ltl, double strollers are wide, no way around it, but the Indie fits through doors. We always use it at the doctor if only one of us are taking them. It's safe to say I love the Indies, we have 3 now (1 single and 2 doubles)!! I was going to sell one of the doubles but I think I'll keep it around in case I start working and we need one in each car for daycare drop off and pick up. If I could change anything it would be that you can't flip the seat around. E has some separation anxiety and it would be nice to having him facing me. The fold can be a pain but you get used to it.

Do you know what your 1 hour numbers were? If they were close to the cutoff I wouldn't change anything. The GD diet doesn't eliminate carbs completely, you just reduce them and always pair them with a protein to keep your blood sugar from spiking. So if I ate ice cream I would also eat a string cheese, nuts, etc. It sounds like you eat pretty healthy already so I doubt you would even need many diet changes, although I might cut the juice because pure sugars like that are the real no-no. Do you know the GD diet guidelines? I can give you more info if you're worried and want to follow them over the next 2 weeks.
Thanks for the info Kunzite. The info on the stroller is useful, especially since that is one of the top brands I am interested in.

I think it was around 155 or so. I don't think that is crazy high. I went shopping today after doing some reading online, and the only thing I changed was that I got all my grains whole instead of white (I know that will only help a little, but I figured why not), and didn't buy any juice. I got a Jamba Juice on my way home, but I got the "light one" and added soy protein. I have decided to change my breakfast which was cereal, fruit, and milk in the cereal as well as a latte. Instead I am going to try eggs on whole wheat bread, a small amount of fruit, and one glass of milk instead of 2. I don't think my lunch and dinners need much modification. As for my snacks, I tend to eat only carbs when I am busy, so I got a bunch of protein foods to go with the carbs such as hummus +carrots, cortege cheese and fruit. I was doing that before the trip, but I have slipped since we got home being I had to go right back to work and didn't have time for food prep.

Does this sound good? maybe I am going overboard, but I am supposed to be eating protein with every meal according to the Dr. Luke book regardless of my blood sugar status.
Not to butt in, but I am going to anyway! Pave, so nice to see you back!!

We have the Bumbleride and my boys loved it and rode in it often until just recently (because they are 4.5 now, where the heck did the time go!). No complaints here! Bobs are great too but don't fold as easily/as small as the Bumblerides if you need to shove it in your car. We also had a Maclaren for quick trips.

HTH new twin mommies!
Ltl, I did eat more protein before my gloucose test and did fine. I hope you pass the second. My sister is pregnant with one and failed the 1st test but passed the 3 hours; I hear it is common to fail the 1st. I forgot the % but it is common from what I remember. I hope you pass!

Oh I would test out strollers in person. I like babygizmo (videos) for reviews. I have never had a problem getting the BOB into stores or at our local Ped's office. I know lots of local twin mommas that love the cityminis (I think BRU has them). I did use the double snap and go and that is hard to move but it worked for us as getting the boys out of the carseats is a pain and no one wants to wake a sleeping baby. I love our BOB because I take it off road, to the park, on gravel, etc. It works well for us, and you can take of the front wheel if folding it flat is important but the awesome things is there are so many many new strollers out!!!