
Paspaley trunk show - NYC, October 2023


Aug 14, 2009
I had the opportunity to attend a Paspaley trunk show a couple of weeks ago, have a few (okay, no, tons of ::)) pics to share!!

This was apparently their second show in the US - first one was last year. At the Wall Street Hotel, which is apparently owned by the Paspaley family. Fun backstory actually: The Paspaley family bought a property several decades ago and when they received the paperwork they discovered that deeds to a number of other properties had been included - the Wall Street Hotel amongst the surprises! But various companies had long-running leases on office space, so it's only in the last few years that they've started to use it themselves.

The trunk show was on the 15th floor, at the top of the hotel. It's beautiful and spacious up there :love: And they were spacing their visitors out quite a bit - my other half and I had the displays, the bubbly, and the nibbles to ourselves for over an hour :bigsmile:

The main display:


So... First impressions... Thrilled that I got to see so many pieces in-person :love: They're much more impressive IRL than on the website. I realized, in a palm-to-the-head sort of way, that I'm so used to thinking about pearls in the context of Japanese design - dainty and delicate and super feminine - that I'd been transcribing that aesthetic onto every other pearl piece I came across. But Australian pearl people, they go for a very different look and feel :bigsmile: Every single piece was *bigger* than I expected. The rings, the bracelets, the chains - they're weighty, they're sturdy, they felt solid and substantial. And, unsurprisingly, the pearls themselves are a whole lot bigger than the masses of akoya I'm accustomed to, too!

The entryway display downstairs:



Their Wild collection was the highlight for me! They make their Wild collection in three colourways - Song Bird (every colour of the rainbow), Rain Bird (greens, blues, and oranges), and Night Bird (white diamonds). The necklace and bracelets, only one of each colourway was produced and they won't remake them. One-of-a-kind in every way and out-of-this-world gorgeous :love:










This clasp is nearly 3" long, for size reference!!

Monsoon collection. The cicada wings open and close on both the pendant and earrings. I'd wear them asymmetrically, one open and one closed, just like they'd displayed them :bigsmile:

They seem to appreciate some asymmetry in their earrings as general practice...





This bracelet was astonishing in-person. Every single stone motif exactly the same, with impeccably smooth colour gradient - I can't imagine how long it must have taken whoever sorted these stones!!






And Dive. These chains are chunkier than you'd think from my photos (that's the trend here!!) and beautifully finished in-person. I forgot to take photos of my trying the bracelet on ;( But each of those large oval links opens to add charms, and I imagine you could customize the length of the chain that way too... I'm usually leery of jewellery with moving parts but these feel so sound. I want one :bigsmile:




Lavalier is apparently the most popular collection. Not really surprising. It's also the one exception to the Australia-vs-Japan pearl design predisposition - Lavalier is delicate, dainty, airy, and super feminine IRL. I always imagined the earrings must be quite heavy but they're really really not at all, shockingly so! They've got lots of movement on the ear, though, so I'd aim for smaller pearls still.

The opal version is my absolute favourite. a friend's family member purchased a rose gold opal Lavalier net a while ago, that'd be my dream combo!! Romantic and luxurious and 100% Made In Australia :love:










The Touchstone collection is dsarmingly cheery ::) I didn't know what to expect with these, it's a take on "diamond and pearl station jewellery" that I've not seen before... Like everything else I saw - it was perfectly executed.

The melee are embedded into the pearl cups - tiny but really sparkly! I much preferred the diamond version to the sapphire though. Those tiny sapphires darkened to basically black, burnished into the metal like this. I imagine the ruby Touchstone pieces suffer the same.


So here was my surprise for the morning! Looking at Mejesti on the website - I'd pretty much written the line off. The website pics just didn't do anything for me. In person, though, I *loved* this design!! They balance sensual and powerful in remarkable fashion o_O

The lapis was much darker than I personally prefer. Not my favourite stone. But again with the asymmetric earrings :bigsmile:



I liked the MOP best!



I started taking my bangles off and the SA stopped me and insisted that I try them all on together as one big wrist stack :twisted2: So here I'm very very carefully keeping the very very pricey Mejesti bracelet as far down my wrist as I can :lol:




The turquoise was beautiful. Turquoise isn't my colour, but it was a lovely greenish blue, very summery :love:



Touchstone and Mejesti:



Last couple pics - a "super" strand. Paspaley's "super" strands are... Strands that they don't compromise on, even if they take years to put together. This particular one has pearls from five harvests I believe they said? Something like that. And it was somewhere north of $200k. USD. :mrgreen:

The pearls themselves were pristine (of course) and impeccably matched - check out the sunlight match situation!! Not the most lustrous pearls ever, I'll admit, but just the matching alone... My first thought was "I hate necklaces but I need to try this one on". My second thought was "wonder how much Mikimoto would charge for this" :lol:



My phone helpfully autocorrected “Megisti” to “Mejesti”, which as far as I’m aware is also not a word.

And I’m past my edit window.


Megisti. Megisti. Learn to love it IOS. Reported my post to see if mods can help me unembarrass myself.
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Great photos, thanks for sharing! :kiss2:

So..., what's the damage to your pocket, as I can't imaging you walking away empty handed?! :lol-2:

DK =)2
Oh, these are all wonderful! You wear pearls so well, @yssie .

The Wild collection is breathtaking. It would look at home on any red carpet. That bracelet—WOW. The asymmetrical earrings are wonderful as well—and so you!

The bracelet you tried with your Van Cleef stack is stunning. Idk enough about pearls to know if you really could stack a pearl bracelet without damage, but that would make a great addition!

The lavalier pieces are really lovely. I find myself drawn to them even though they are way more feminine than my typical fare. Perhaps it’s because they seem a tad Art Deco. Are the nets secure? I’m not clear on how you can get a pearl in there and also be confident it won’t fall out.

Thanks for showing us your visit! What a dream to have the show to yourselves like that.
@dk168 No exciting news - nothing came home with me! I mean I’d love a Dive chain bracelet sans charms… A Dive chain ring, a Touchstone station bracelet, a Megisti MOP bracelet… :lol:

Their USD pricing was unfavorable across the board TBH. Compared to buying direct from Australia. Partly the product of AUD flatlining against USD these days of course. Here’s an example -

Website price includes GST (10%); remove that as a US-based buyer for a total of $34020 AUD. Right now that’s just over $21500 USD (before bank conversion fees and customs and US use tax). Compared to the trunk show pre-tax price of $26000 USD - about 17% premium to buy at the show :eek-2:

I do have another project in the works though! I’ve ordered a Wild Song Bird ring. Not sizable so they’ll be making it in my size - so I get a brand new ring just for the asking, I’m good with that :bigsmile: They’re sourcing the pearl; I was told it’ll be several weeks. Since it’ll be made to order my SA was able to request an extra pink pearl with high luster ❤️ The pearl is 15-16mm, same as my Takahashi peachy ::) Curious to see what Paspaley comes back with!
OMG, it looks like heaven on earth! I especially love the pieces with the multi gemstone.
Oh, these are all wonderful! You wear pearls so well, @yssie .

The Wild collection is breathtaking. It would look at home on any red carpet. That bracelet—WOW. The asymmetrical earrings are wonderful as well—and so you!

The bracelet you tried with your Van Cleef stack is stunning. Idk enough about pearls to know if you really could stack a pearl bracelet without damage, but that would make a great addition!

The lavalier pieces are really lovely. I find myself drawn to them even though they are way more feminine than my typical fare. Perhaps it’s because they seem a tad Art Deco. Are the nets secure? I’m not clear on how you can get a pearl in there and also be confident it won’t fall out.

Thanks for showing us your visit! What a dream to have the show to yourselves like that.

I was loving the earring asymmetry!! My Aussie friend - I sent her photos live - said the same, right up my alley :love:

Paspaley has a presence in the Middle East, but outside of that - really not much mind share outside Australia. Not even in the US - yet. Though they supply WSS and MOP to all the big jewellery houses - we already know they supply Mikimoto, and my VCA SA confirmed they get their MOP from Paspaley too!! Seems like Paspaley is looking to break into more global markets now. Which means lots of things including Guaranteed Price Increases :eek-2: So I figured if I want something best get it sooner than later!

The nets are full of secret little clasps and toggles and stoppers to jail the pearls, they’re all really clever actually. I don’t have any pics of the earring lock mechanism, I was too focused on trying to understand what the heck was involved, but putting the pearl in involved locking the two ends of the net together into a literal gold mesh baggie :lol: Here’s my very old vid of my Lavalier; my pearl insertion skill has not improved over the years :lol:
Thanks for all the eye candy and inspiration for future projects!
@yssie I did not believe you would have left completely empty handed! :lol-2:

Can't wait to see your ring as it will be another master piece!

The extra in premium is probably enough for a return flight to Australia!!!

DK :))
I love them all! Thanks for the photos - the next best thing to being there.

I wonder if they've ever made a lavalier with moonstones?

Another thing on my ever-increasing someday list!
wow Yssie
thank you so much for showing us
Oh my goodness what an incredible set of pieces! Love the cicada designs so much

The cicadas are large! And so detailed. And the wings open and close in all the pieces… And they click so satisfyingly :bigsmile:
I love them all! Thanks for the photos - the next best thing to being there.

I wonder if they've ever made a lavalier with moonstones?

Another thing on my ever-increasing someday list!

Seems like they’re super super not-gatekeepey on custom, totally unlike most of the bigger brands we’re used to out here! Like, seems like they’re really willing to work with you on what you want. My entire experience with Paspaley has been that way - even as a brand new client I didn’t feel judged by my spend… ❤️

If you inquire about a moonstone Lavalier please let us know what they say!! ::)
Oh what a treat to attend that! wow, wow, and more wow's. Just 2 weeks ago I was looking at their site and feel in love with the Crescent Moon Diamond Keshi Pendant. Love that piece. Was it at the showing?
Ooooo I love the new moonlight collection!
I didn’t realize you can’t seem to buy individual pearls from their site.
@Ann @CMN They didn’t bring any Moonlight collection at all! I’d been talking with my SA a few days prior and she said the sales floor was insane - people had to make appointments to see any Moonlight pieces and basically everyone bought what they saw! They had a couple of giant adverts pinned up but I didn’t take any photos - same commercials they’re running on IG now.

So this is a bit unique, Mikimoto seems to do this too, I do love that their releases have goodies at all pricepoints. I feel like like most of the bigger and more global houses - their releases are either For Normal People or high jewellery, not normally both… The pendant is lovely @Ann! And they’re so responsive by form and email, you’ll definitely get pictures if you request some!

@CMN that bracelet is glorious. That’s high jewellery. It looks more delicate than a lot of the other pieces, doesn’t it? Or maybe it’s not, maybe it’s plenty solid and it’s just scale mucking with my perception like everything else Paspaley :mrgreen:
Ooooo I love the new moonlight collection!
I didn’t realize you can’t seem to buy individual pearls from their site.

Yeah I’ve wondered about that, they don’t give you much choice at all on the site. I wonder if when you order you then get to talk to a person about any specifics? Or if you just get whatever someone gives you, if you don’t initiate a conversation?
Yeah I’ve wondered about that, they don’t give you much choice at all on the site. I wonder if when you order you then get to talk to a person about any specifics? Or if you just get whatever someone gives you, if you don’t initiate a conversation?

I'm definitely thinking about this for next year - I do need to reach out to them and find out how one here in the States goes about ordering one. And how long it might take.
That would have been so fun to see! I love events like this. Thanks for sharing the pix & I can't wait to see your new ring!
I'm definitely thinking about this for next year - I do need to reach out to them and find out how one here in the States goes about ordering one. And how long it might take.

I got three pearls loose in 2021- it was a very easy process! And less than a week for shipping.

My one hesitation at that time was that I’d never seen Paspaley’s pearls before - so I wasn’t sure if I’d definitely be happy with them. They were willing to accept a return as long as the pearls were undrilled, so I had them shipped out undrilled - and then when I got them I was annoyed with myself for worrywarting! Should have just having Paspaley drill and mount the dang things and spared myself the hassle :lol:

Happy to share my SA’s details if you’d like! She’s wonderful to work with. Feel free to reach out (LT or IG) ❤️