
Pearl studs for someone how knows nothing!


Mar 7, 2013
Hi all, I’ve learned a lot about diamonds here and now I want a pair of pearl studs. I’m picky and want the best without the work . I ordered basic AAA mikimoto studs because that’s what I’ve heard of, but now I see things like hanadama. I don’t mind overpaying to have the work done for me, but I do mind overpaying for a brand name that isn’t quality. I haven’t received them yet and really don’t know anything about pearls. Did I make an ok choice or should I shop around? I should’ve checked here first!
If you want a long read, this thread will be helpful to you:

The summary is that Mikimoto AAA Akoya pearls are the best of the best and most vendors just can't provide that level of pearl quality because Mikimoto gets first dibs. You could maybe spend less for something as good but maybe not, you would never know for sure without comparing side by side. And you might not be able to see or you might not care about the subtle differences. But by getting Mikimoto AAAs, you'll know you aren't compromising -- which is what it sounds like you wanted. Congratulations!
Came here to link this same thread! LOL So, so educational. But yes, if you don't want to do a lot of reading and hunting but want top quality pearls, then Miki AAAs are the way to go (they would certainly be Hanadama if they did that certification and would be on the top end of Hanadama at that).

There are definitely other vendors who could produce something on par but it would be a search, you wouldn't really know if it was on par unless you compared directly, and the price likely wouldn't be significantly cheaper (at least not if you bought in the US).

That said, I was recently able to compare a gem quality pearl from Andrew Moline to my Miki AAAs (long story). His pearl actually rivaled the Mikis! It's the loose pearl in the photos.

IMG_4076 2.jpeg



You did great with the Mikimoto AAA. Could you potentially do as well for less? Yes. With a search, a wait, some luck, and if you’re willing to take full personal responsibility for any validation/verification efforts (ie. do your own comparisons). Ditto everything @Civnhasy said!

You will see claims of general equality between Hanadama/Tennyo and Mikimoto AAA elsewhere on the internet. These claims are almost always made without direct comparison, unfortunately.

If you’d purchased a lesser Mikimoto grade my opinion and recommendations would change!
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I received them and they’re lovely! So shiny. I wondered if they’d be too small, but I like this 7mm size because I usually wear something in my second holes . Not a great picture, but I wanted to add it for size reference, as I liked pictures like this for shopping. I highly recommend! IMG_6476.jpeg
Came here to link this same thread! LOL So, so educational. But yes, if you don't want to do a lot of reading and hunting but want top quality pearls, then Miki AAAs are the way to go (they would certainly be Hanadama if they did that certification and would be on the top end of Hanadama at that).

There are definitely other vendors who could produce something on par but it would be a search, you wouldn't really know if it was on par unless you compared directly, and the price likely wouldn't be significantly cheaper (at least not if you bought in the US).

That said, I was recently able to compare a gem quality pearl from Andrew Moline to my Miki AAAs (long story). His pearl actually rivaled the Mikis! It's the loose pearl in the photos.

IMG_4076 2.jpeg




they are gorgeous :kiss2:
I received them and they’re lovely! So shiny. I wondered if they’d be too small, but I like this 7mm size because I usually wear something in my second holes . Not a great picture, but I wanted to add it for size reference, as I liked pictures like this for shopping. I highly recommend! IMG_6476.jpeg

a perfect pairing if you ask me