
Photos of my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Charlie Brown

Re: Photos of my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Charlie Brow

how sweet!
Re: Photos of my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Charlie Brow

risingsun|1290894767|2780543 said:

LOVE this picture of Abby and Charlie - SO cute! I especially love the look on Abby's face - very expressive! :lol:
Re: Photos of my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Charlie Brow

packrat|1290926275|2780773 said:
Ohhh my word. I had this huge reply to you and lost all of it! :knockout: Maybe that was a hint that nobody wanted to read the entire saga. I guess I'll try to sum it up eh?

Chicken doesn't come from a reputable breeder, I'd consider it a backyard breeder place. She has issues, and the vet feels they are behavioral, and I don't know how to fix them. One of the issues actually is a product of her breeding-she walks funny, like she's got a cob stuck. JD thinks it's the breed but I'm quite certain that wasn't in any of the breed info I read-and I spent a good year/year and a half obsessively checking into the breed so I would think I'd have caught it.

So, I've had 5 years of frustration and some crying, and almost taking her to the vet to be put down, and considering rehoming her..and then as soon as I've made a decision, seems like I'll go to the door to call her in and she'll come running down the walk, tail in the air, doing the Cavalier smile..and I can't get past the fact that I love the dog.

JD isn't impressed w/the breed at all, and I'm still positive and adamant that our experiences are not the norm for this breed, not what we would have experienced had we spent the money and gotten a puppy from the breeder I wanted in the first place, or one of her retired and already trained adults, but rather our experiences are a result of bad breeding.

I've decided that when the time comes, the next Cavalier will be from the breeder I wanted in the beginning, if she'll still let us have one of the retired adults.

We shave Chicken a few times a year. Partly it started b/c of her peeing issues, and it was easier to keep her clean w/no fur.

The spastic thing..I guess it's like, when the kids go outside, she freaks out and wants so badly to play w/them, but she gets scared and runs away if they try. After a while they just quit trying to play w/her at all. She trembles a lot and does this low flat dog thing, practically spread eagle she's so submissive. I feel so bad for her-it's like she's not even a dog at all and it doesn't seem like much of a life for her.

Hi Packrat,

Sorry you're having so much trouble with your doggie. ::) I strongly suspect the walking with a cob and the peeing issues are directly related, something physical going on there. Did you try several vets? I really would, if I were you. I have an herbal calming collar that I use with my cat, could a calming collar help with your guy's issues? Maybe a tranquilizer or some kind of doggie happy pill?

This is a weird bit of advice, but it works with people who are down, so here goes: B vitamins. Yup. They coat the nerves and enhance nerve sheathing which makes people less edgy, calmer and more cheerful. B vitamins also help to convert food into energy, so they tend to put spring in your step. Try buying a B vitamins supplement (with Folic acid- this is crucial) Nature's Bounty Super B is good, grind it up, and put it on his food. Or try one in some cheese, even 1/2 a tab should be plenty. See if he's any better after 4-5 days. Take a few yourself (with a multivitamin for full effect), it might cheer you up and energize you tool

We had a poorly bred cocker for a short time, then returned him to the breeder. He just spun in circles, not tail chasing, just spinning. That's it, that's all he did, and nothing helped. After a week of that, he went back and we didn't get another dog for 10 years, it was such a heartbreak, so I know how you feel.

We ended up with a Papillon, because I also ran into poor Cav breeders. They are a seriously popular breed in the UK, so I think they are overbred and shipped over here in droves. These were all AKC breeders, BTW, but my DH wasn't too impressed with the dog themselves, and neither was I.

I'm so sorry, packrat. I can watch a sad people movie, but if the dog is sad in a movie, it makes me cry. Animals are so innocent . . . I'm sorry you feel so bad for your doggie. :blackeye:
Re: Photos of my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Charlie Brow

Thank you, B.E.G. and AmysBling, for your kind comments. Charlie liked them, too :))
Re: Photos of my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Charlie Brow

iLander|1290998315|2781403 said:
packrat|1290926275|2780773 said:
Ohhh my word. I had this huge reply to you and lost all of it! :knockout: Maybe that was a hint that nobody wanted to read the entire saga. I guess I'll try to sum it up eh?

Chicken doesn't come from a reputable breeder, I'd consider it a backyard breeder place. She has issues, and the vet feels they are behavioral, and I don't know how to fix them. One of the issues actually is a product of her breeding-she walks funny, like she's got a cob stuck. JD thinks it's the breed but I'm quite certain that wasn't in any of the breed info I read-and I spent a good year/year and a half obsessively checking into the breed so I would think I'd have caught it.

So, I've had 5 years of frustration and some crying, and almost taking her to the vet to be put down, and considering rehoming her..and then as soon as I've made a decision, seems like I'll go to the door to call her in and she'll come running down the walk, tail in the air, doing the Cavalier smile..and I can't get past the fact that I love the dog.

JD isn't impressed w/the breed at all, and I'm still positive and adamant that our experiences are not the norm for this breed, not what we would have experienced had we spent the money and gotten a puppy from the breeder I wanted in the first place, or one of her retired and already trained adults, but rather our experiences are a result of bad breeding.

I've decided that when the time comes, the next Cavalier will be from the breeder I wanted in the beginning, if she'll still let us have one of the retired adults.

We shave Chicken a few times a year. Partly it started b/c of her peeing issues, and it was easier to keep her clean w/no fur.

The spastic thing..I guess it's like, when the kids go outside, she freaks out and wants so badly to play w/them, but she gets scared and runs away if they try. After a while they just quit trying to play w/her at all. She trembles a lot and does this low flat dog thing, practically spread eagle she's so submissive. I feel so bad for her-it's like she's not even a dog at all and it doesn't seem like much of a life for her.

Hi Packrat,

Sorry you're having so much trouble with your doggie. ::) I strongly suspect the walking with a cob and the peeing issues are directly related, something physical going on there. Did you try several vets? I really would, if I were you. I have an herbal calming collar that I use with my cat, could a calming collar help with your guy's issues? Maybe a tranquilizer or some kind of doggie happy pill?

This is a weird bit of advice, but it works with people who are down, so here goes: B vitamins. Yup. They coat the nerves and enhance nerve sheathing which makes people less edgy, calmer and more cheerful. B vitamins also help to convert food into energy, so they tend to put spring in your step. Try buying a B vitamins supplement (with Folic acid- this is crucial) Nature's Bounty Super B is good, grind it up, and put it on his food. Or try one in some cheese, even 1/2 a tab should be plenty. See if he's any better after 4-5 days. Take a few yourself (with a multivitamin for full effect), it might cheer you up and energize you tool

We had a poorly bred cocker for a short time, then returned him to the breeder. He just spun in circles, not tail chasing, just spinning. That's it, that's all he did, and nothing helped. After a week of that, he went back and we didn't get another dog for 10 years, it was such a heartbreak, so I know how you feel.

We ended up with a Papillon, because I also ran into poor Cav breeders. They are a seriously popular breed in the UK, so I think they are overbred and shipped over here in droves. These were all AKC breeders, BTW, but my DH wasn't too impressed with the dog themselves, and neither was I.

I'm so sorry, packrat. I can watch a sad people movie, but if the dog is sad in a movie, it makes me cry. Animals are so innocent . . . I'm sorry you feel so bad for your doggie. :blackeye:

We were fortunate to become acquainted with a group of ethical cavalier breeders. The breeder should make you aware of disorders that cavaliers may develop. I have contacted to Packy to discuss this.
Re: Photos of my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Charlie Brow

RS, he is just gorgeous. My neighbor has one and another has a poodle/cavalier mix. they are both sweethearts.

I always wanted to get my dog into agility but never did. He does love to chase frisbees though.
Re: Photos of my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Charlie Brow

risingsun|1290894515|2780540 said:
Both Violet and Kelpie [sorry it took so long!] have asked me to post some pics of my cavalier, Charlie. He is eight years old and has the wonderful temperament that cavaliers have. They are sweet companions and it makes you happy just to be around them. Charlies coloring is called Blenheim, which is chestnut and white.

Charlie is beautiful, Marian. When we were looking for a small dog at one point, I wanted to go with a King Charles Cavalier, because I thought s/he would have a temperament like that of my beloved Golden Retriever, Brit. Unfortunately, my daughter chose to adopt a wonderful little Cocker Spaniel who was so hyper that he drove her crazy and it all ended badly ( a long, sad story). At any rate, I am happy that you have Charlie and he has you. He is truly beautiful!!!

Re: Photos of my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Charlie Brow

soocool|1291046638|2781770 said:
RS, he is just gorgeous. My neighbor has one and another has a poodle/cavalier mix. they are both sweethearts.

I always wanted to get my dog into agility but never did. He does love to chase frisbees though.

Thank you, soocool :)) I love the pic in your avatar. Mr. Risingsun is being difficult about the reindeer hat I would like to get for Charlie LOL. Charlie is good about posing for pics. He is a little show-off, sometimes. He could be "iffy" on the agility course. When he was "on," he was quite good. If I couldn't motivate him, he would lie down with all four paws in the air, rolling around on the grass :shock: I would skulk off the course with him. He was such a cutie that I didn't catch much grief!
Re: Photos of my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Charlie Brow

AGBF|1291065209|2782026 said:
risingsun|1290894515|2780540 said:
Both Violet and Kelpie [sorry it took so long!] have asked me to post some pics of my cavalier, Charlie. He is eight years old and has the wonderful temperament that cavaliers have. They are sweet companions and it makes you happy just to be around them. Charlies coloring is called Blenheim, which is chestnut and white.

Charlie is beautiful, Marian. When we were looking for a small dog at one point, I wanted to go with a King Charles Cavalier, because I thought s/he would have a temperament like that of my beloved Golden Retriever, Brit. Unfortunately, my daughter chose to adopt a wonderful little Cocker Spaniel who was so hyper that he drove her crazy and it all ended badly ( a long, sad story). At any rate, I am happy that you have Charlie and he has you. He is truly beautiful!!!


Thank you so much, Deb. I am sorry that the Cocker did not work out. I highly recommend a Cavalier. They are sweethearts. Charlie has learned to love Liza, too. He is very patient with this kitten who likes to jump over him and wind herself up in his tail :o
They cause a lovely uproar, at times, but that is just fine with me :))
Re: Photos of my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Charlie Brow

risingsun|1291066139|2782036 said:
Thank you so much, Deb. I am sorry that the Cocker did not work out. I highly recommend a Cavalier. They are sweethearts.

I do not get to choose the breed, Marian! We are getting a Newfoundland because my daughter has her heart set on one. If I had my druthers, I would get another Lab or Golden or maybe a Portuguese Water Dog. Of course if I had my way, once we had adopted the Cocker Spaniel (although I never wanted one), we never would have given him up!!!

Re: Photos of my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Charlie Brow

AGBF|1291067137|2782048 said:
risingsun|1291066139|2782036 said:
Thank you so much, Deb. I am sorry that the Cocker did not work out. I highly recommend a Cavalier. They are sweethearts.

I do not get to choose the breed, Marian! We are getting a Newfoundland because my daughter has her heart set on one. If I had my druthers, I would get another Lab or Golden or maybe a Portuguese Water Dog. Of course if I had my way, once we had adopted the Cocker Spaniel (although I never wanted one), we never would have given him up!!!


Oh Deb...I'm sorry that you have no say in this matter. I understand that Newfies are wonderful dogs, but it's difficult to have one breed when you are drawn to another. If you ever want to talk about what happened with the Cocker, I'll be here to listen.
Re: Photos of my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Charlie Brow

risingsun|1291080109|2782250 said:
Oh Deb...I'm sorry that you have no say in this matter. I understand that Newfies are wonderful dogs, but it's difficult to have one breed when you are drawn to another. If you ever want to talk about what happened with the Cocker, I'll be here to listen.

I will love a Newfie because I love all dogs. And for the rest of your offer...I love you, Marian!

Re: Photos of my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Charlie Brow

AGBF|1291090482|2782417 said:
risingsun|1291080109|2782250 said:
Oh Deb...I'm sorry that you have no say in this matter. I understand that Newfies are wonderful dogs, but it's difficult to have one breed when you are drawn to another. If you ever want to talk about what happened with the Cocker, I'll be here to listen.

I will love a Newfie because I love all dogs. And for the rest of your offer...I love you, Marian!


Right back at you, Deb :appl:
Re: Photos of my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Charlie Brow

risingsun|1290920802|2780745 said:
Tuckings, Imdanny, PinkTower and DivaDiamond~ Thank you for your kind words. Cavaliers are a wonderful breed.

My mother worked as a veterinary assistant when I was a kid (one of the things she did was grooming and she still does that for some of her long term clients). My brother and I wanted to get a dog (long story, I decided it wasn't the right time). My mother told me that out of all the dogs she's seen, and she's seen a lot, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is the one she would get if she wanted to get a puppy (maybe when she retires she will, maybe I'll buy her one from a reputable breeder, I'd like to do that). It was nice to see pictures of yours! Thanks!
Re: Photos of my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Charlie Brow

Imdanny|1291096707|2782492 said:
risingsun|1290920802|2780745 said:
Tuckings, Imdanny, PinkTower and DivaDiamond~ Thank you for your kind words. Cavaliers are a wonderful breed.

My mother worked as a veterinary assistant when I was a kid (one of the things she did was grooming and she still does that for some of her long term clients). My brother and I wanted to get a dog (long story, I decided it wasn't the right time). My mother told me that out of all the dogs she's seen, and she's seen a lot, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is the one she would get if she wanted to get a puppy (maybe when she retires she will, maybe I'll buy her one from a reputable breeder, I'd like to do that). It was nice to see pictures of yours! Thanks!

You are very welcome, Imdanny :)) If she still wants a puppy, I'm sure she would be thrilled to receive a Cavalier. Sometimes, a breeder may be willing to sell a retired queen or stud dog. Just another option to consider.
Re: Photos of my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Charlie Brow

risingsun|1290894767|2780543 said:

hehehehe awwwwww ::)

He's a beauty rs! And he and Abby were precious together :bigsmile:

Thank you for posting these pictures :))