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- Apr 14, 2006
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These are the non-professional pics, one of C''s friends was nice enough to take my camera for the day and do these pictures. I cropped, rotated, and resized them.
Friday C and I drove separately to Columbus, he picked up our friend Laura and I stayed behind a few minutes to make sure the critters would be ok. We met up at a Target parking lot and went to the mall to get the tuxes, C''s brother and fiance met us there. So did my sister. So we ate and then walked around the mall a bit and I bought some stuff to do my fingernails. I''d mentioned to C''s brother''s fiance that I''d never had a manicure or pedicure before, so she suggested we get pedicures....which we did. That was first pedicure, though the nail lady kind of chewed us out for not getting French pedicures, she said they were classier...which I agree, but I was wearing ballet flats, so no one would see my toes anyway, lol.
After the mall we split off and C, Laura, and I went to pick up my dress. Then we all changed for the rehearsal and went over to 94th. We rehearsed and it went pretty well, though there were a bunch of planes parked on the runway right outside the restaurant and they were REALLY loud. You couldn''t hear anything. I think they closed the regular runway and were using the one by us instead. It was also extremely windy, since it was supposed to thunderstorm that day.
We rehearsed successfully and then went back to the hotel with the bridal party and had dinner in the hotel restaurant. C and I paid for the meal and everyone had a good time. Then we went to bed. I had salon appointments starting at 9:30 the next morning, and needed to leave at 9, so we set the alarm for 8, but I woke up at 7:30 instead. I did my nails (just buffed and used a coat of clear polish) and packed my bag for the wedding, since I wouldn''t be back. Then we left for the salon...and it was very dark and dreary outside.
Stayed at the salon for a while, the photographer met me there and took pictures of hair and make up being done. While we were there it started to rain. After that we went back to 94th and had lunch while it continued to rain...hard. It was noon by then, we were planning on leaving to do pictures at 2, but that wasn''t going to happen, since it was still pouring. So we set some stuff up while we waited...and it still rained. We decided that there was no way we were doing pictures outside before the wedding.
Eventually I got dressed and just sat in the room upstairs for a while by myself, incredibly bored. Then some people came up to visit me. And the sun started to come out. They decided to set the wedding up outside after all (we were going to do it inside since it was pouring up until 3:00 pm). So the sun came out and dried everything off (it was like a humid furnace outside, lol).
We got the wedding started on time and my dad walked me down the aisle. They set up a runner and to keep it from blowing off the pavement they lined little lamps along the side (not lit) to hold it down. My dress took them ALL was something like this...step, step, step, *clink*, step, step, step, *clink*, the whole way. It was hilarious. C now calls me "Stephanie the Destroyer". My dad gave me away and C and I did the wedding thing.
Oh, the mom''s were seated to "At Last", the bridesmaids walked down the aisle to "Moon River", and I walked down the aisle to a "Wedding Song" by Kenny G. The recessional was to a piano only version of "All You Need is Love".
We had some trouble with the unity candle, it was breezy, and the flame didn''t want to light, but we got it. After the kiss C and I went back down the aisle, and someone had set up all of the lamps again! So once again...step, step, step, *clink*, step, step, step, *clink*...once again...hilarious.
Then we went inside and did the receiving line, thanked everyone for coming, and then it was outside to take some group pictures. We finished most of the family posed shots when it STARTED TO THUNDER! It rained ALL was sunny during the was supposed to be DONE raining!!!! It rained all day! So we all ran inside and bustled my dress then did the intro of Mr. and Mrs. and ate. The food was sooooooooo good. We watched the monsoon outside while we ate, it was pretty spectacular, thunder and lots of lightening. We had a buffet with super yummy bread, london broil, chicken cordon bleu, salad, fruit, broccoli, potatoes au gratin, and garlic mashed potatoes.
We ate and then there were toasts and then we did our first dance (to Over the Rainbow) and then the father daughter dance where C and his mom joined in (What a Wonderful World). The band was truly amazing. Just about everyone told C and I that it was awesome. Even the photographer told us it was a terrific band (and that he thought it must have cost a lot, lol).
So then there was dancing and we went around visiting with all of the tables. Eventually we cut the cake (which didn''t turn out quite the way I had envisioned, but it was still pretty, and tasted great). C and I went to different parts of the building and took more pictures since we didn''t get many of us outside, we even went outside in the rain and did some pictures in the parking lot, hopefully they turn out really cool.
It was super fun, over at 10, and lots of people stayed until the end, dancing (which isn''t normal for either of our families, lol). Some of the guests liked the band so much that they went and talked to them and found out that they''re playing nearby where they live, so they''re going to go listen to the band again in a couple of weeks!
Overall it was a fantastic day, even though it rained for all but 3 hours of it. C and I got to visit with everyone, eat, and we also got to dance to quite a few songs.
Anyway, on to the pictures! (Maybe, it''s not showing up in the preview...hmm.....)