
Pink Burma Spinel Ring


Sep 26, 2019
I'm hunting for a birthday present and this ring caught my eye, what do you think of this pink spinel ring? Technically the ring has a 3 day inspection period, but since it's international, I feel like I really need to make up my mind beforehand if I purchase it. The center stone is a Burmese spinel.


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If my eyes don’t deceive me, the center stone has a pretty big window, which is not ideal. Some window is ok-ish, but that big is… ehhhh..

Don’t know anything about diamonds though, and that’s just my opinion.
Is it new or on the secondary market?
I don't like the big window, but I'm 99% sure I know the designer and their pieces are gorgeous. Is it new ?
1. Does the window bother you?
2. Have you seen how the stone looks under normal conditions and not just in its glamour studio shot?

The design is beautiful.

Do you still see the window in the video? I don’t, but maybe I’m not seeing it right? I love the design but almost wonder if it’s too big in a size 4. I do like big rings though.
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Oh wow, that’s a pretty substantial difference in colour. In any case it answers my second question.

Do you still see the window in the video? I don’t, but maybe I’m not seeing it right?

Ask them to send you a quick video with the ring on the finger. The window definitely exists, but whether it’s distracting and unattractive is an entirely different question. It could be that it’s only barely noticeable when worn.

I love the design but almost wonder if it’s too big in a size 4.

Yeah good luck finding someone on that board who’s gonna tell you something is too big.

One could slap an egg sized gem on their finger around here and people will still be talking about DSS. :lol:
Oh wow, that’s a pretty substantial difference in colour. In any case it answers my second question.

Ask them to send you a quick video with the ring on the finger. The window definitely exists, but whether it’s distracting and unattractive is an entirely different question. It could be that it’s only barely noticeable when worn.

Yeah good luck finding someone on that board who’s gonna tell you something is too big.

One could slap an egg sized gem on their finger around here and people will still be talking about DSS. :lol:

Bahahahhaha funny you should mention this! I was offered a 20 carat, significantly poorer quality sapphire (but still gorgeous overall) and my son lectured me on why I should have bought it instead of Gengar! I have raised a monster!

To OP: I think it’s a gorgeous ring and definitely not too big at all! There is a window, not a terrible one that you can drive a truck through but it depends on your window tolerance. Theoretically I’m strictly a non window girl but in a certain time/place, at a certain price, I will tolerate a certain level of a window.
I think the color of the pink spinel is pretty, but not vibrant and there is that window. The size and clarity of the spinel is very nice though. The setting IMHO is not high quality and I am not in love with the halo diamonds. So if the price was right I would consider it, but it wouldn't be on my "never sell" list. Hope that helps.
Imho, the window doesn't seem bad in the video with movement. The straight on photo shows it more prominently, maybe because of the lighting coming from the back? I think we wear our rings, not just holding them up against the light all day, you skin tone might minimize the appearance of window a bit?

I adore their craftsmanship and I'm not even a halo person. A ps member has made a purchase from this vendor recently, we could page her if needed.

Personally, I would make sure that I like the shades of pink, vendor photo's pink, report photo's pink, & especially the pink in the video. I agree with the report that it's a pinkish orange, as orange being the primarily and pink being just a secondary hue. Is that ok with you?

Happy Birthday!