
pink sapphire help


Oct 3, 2017
hi everyone!

new to the forums (first time buying a stone) so not 100% sure if this is the right place but as per the title i'm looking for a pink sapphire.

not expecting anyone to find a stone for me but just need some guidance. like is a budget of around $300 realistic? i'm too fussy with color, carat, clarity and cut, i just want something with a decent pink that's eye-clean. with regards to treatment, of course i'd rather an untreated one but it seems unlike diamonds, buying a heated pink sapphire is the norm? so i'd probably be wasting my time waiting for an untreated one at my price range?

another thing i'd like to know is where to look for them. is james allen any good (it's not on the pinned vendor list)? it seems they don't offer a lot of info on their stones; some of the in-house certs available for viewing are even missing pics and i came across one round stone that just had "5.00" under measurements (shouldn't there be 3 measurements?). i'm in australia if it makes any difference (budget i quoted was in usd though).

anyway, i can't express how much i'd appreciate any help or even suggestions e.g., if you think i should up my budget a tad.

some further (maybe helpful?) info: this isn't for an e-ring. in fact, i'm thinking of getting a pendant (in sterling silver) probably with a halo setting since i'm guessing i won't be getting any big rocks at my price range. thinking of just using crystals or pink crystals; not sure how they'd look with the sapphire. any suggestions on where i can get something like this would be immensely appreciated as well.

thanks for your time and sorry if i was long-winded; just wanted to be as detailed as possible. oh and i should say that i'd love to learn more so don't hesitate to be detailed yourself or to link some guides (i've read the pinned one already).

Hey Veto!

First off welcome to the group! I just recently purchased a pink sapphire from and I am really pleased with mine, paid $165 after shipping 5.25mm round heated. I looked quickly but didn't see any round pinks but you might want to browse through to see the range of colors so you can get a feel for what appeals to you.

Are you set on a sapphire or would you consider another pink gem like a spinel or tourmaline? The folks in this forum are really great at finding stones so if you pin down what you like they will find some options for you.
If you are interested in spinel, looks like theres some options, though many will be less than "perfect" in that price range.

If you like lighter pinks, maybe something like these? They both have slightly off cuts, but not too bad (no window, but my guess is the culet is off center):

This one is more saturated, but had a big window. Though it also faces up pretty big:

Or, maybe:

This one is a tad sleepy, but I think its my favorite:

You might also reach out to Doug Menadue who is based in Australia.
Are you looking for baby pink, hot pink, or raspberry pink? There are so many pretty pink stones, including spinels, and rhodolite and Malaya garnets. Good luck in your search!
thanks so much for replying everyone! i really mean it; i was worried i wouldn't have any! now i feel bad for replying only now :( (went to bed after posting and had a pretty busy day today).

thanks norman for the link. i actually quite like with the semi padparadscha look. not sure if i'd rather a more traditional pink one just yet but anyone have any thoughts on that stone?

hi stephanie :). thanks for the warm welcome! and wow really has a wide selection; i'll be on there for awhile for sure! don't think the absence of rounds matters to me, i don't really have a preference for rounds. do most do though?

as of now i'm not totally set on a sapphire but i think i have a strong preference for one. and while i'd love to write down what i'm looking for, i really don't know haha. i think i lean towards lighter pinks but like for example, i think those 2 raspberry spinels from ebay chroman linked are pretty. and thanks chroman for all the links with your brief descriptions. i feel like i'm learning how to judge a stone haha. what do you mean by sleepy though? and who's doug menadue?

that pink sapphire on etsy, does it not have a cert though? am i being paranoid for wanting one and preferably an agl one? haha.

thanks missy, you too! and yea, as i've said above i'm not sure what i want so i can't answer that unfortunately :(.

one last thing, i've noticed nobody mentioning james allen. i take that as meaning they're really only good for diamonds then?

thanks again everyone!
ah ok thanks. i've enquired on their site the price range of their stones since they don't seem to list it there.

and oh i see yea i quite like the hazy look haha.
I would skip a lab memo and just buy from a trusted / vetted vendor for your price range.
ok thanks chrono!
actually, i'm not set on a pendant and if i decide to not go with a sapphire, even earrings will be fine since it'll probably be within budget. in fact, it may be a better choice since like with tourmaline you linked (very nice btw), shipping will cost nearly as much as the stone haha.

and yea lisa, that is a pink one!

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