
Pink spinel ring project


Feb 25, 2014
Anyone care to weigh in on a pink spinel? I have been researching pink spinels for a possible ring to give to my mom for her upcoming 65th. I can't decide between bubblegum pink or a bright purpley pink. I personally prefer the more magenta pink but I think my mom would love them both so I'm keeping both shades in the running for now.

Right now I'm leaning towards this one: I would describe this as a bubble gum pink.

Then there's this one I'm considering for the low cost alone though I'm worried it might look grey pink in real life:

This one is a more vibrant pink but also more damaging to my wallet and less finger coverage. My mom will want finger coverage:

Interested to hear what others would do as I'm also debating scrapping this as a gift idea given that I can't afford the ideal spinel. These forums though have definitely given me the colored stone bug. Since joining, I've purchased my mom two ruby and one sapphire ring (with the help of PS members). Haven't been able to swing the emerald yet so figured why not add another to the list and start looking at spinels.
I like the first Spinel, good color and super price. It has a small window but I think the depth is there for a re-cut. You could possibly have somebody like Dan Stair tweak the pavilion.

The second stone looks to have a gray modifier.

The third stone is a pancake and it's irreparably windowed as a result.
GregS|1464382075|4037092 said:
I like the first Spinel, it has a small window but I think the depth is there for a re-cut. You could possibly have somebody like Dan Stair tweak the pavilion.

The second stone looks to have a gray modifier.

The third stone is a pancake and it's irreparably windowed as a result.

+1 to this. I agree that the second might be overly grey IRL, and it sounds like the third isn't within what's comfortable budget-wise for you--plus it's smaller. So I'd 100% recommend the first. Plus, Dan's re-cutting rates are very reasonable, and he has done two re-cuts for me which turned out incredible. I think that fixing the window should be do-able and not add too much to the cost.
The 1st Multicolour stone has very nice color but has a window that I believe will close when set. But hard to tell from one photo. This is the stone I like the best from what you have posted.

The second stone from Multicolour is more of a purplish/pink and I suspect it will be a bit darker than the photo. This stone has a more of a subtle blend of colors but the inclusions may lead to less sparkle. I would like to see how this stone performs in various lighting conditions, especially sunlight.

The third stone has very nice color but the half and half extinction coupled with the window on photo would make me pause. But that could be the photo as well and I would ask the vendor.

So if I had to pick from photos alone - I would choose spinel #1.
Thank you all for the responses. I'm pretty certain I'll order spinel #1 tonight, at which point I'll really do a happy dance. I did find this spinel on the Precision Gem site that I had initially ruled out due to it being described as mauve pink: I looked up mauve pink online and it seems like it is close to bubble gum pink. Or is mauve pink more beigey like I think it is?
Mauve pink should be a more purple pink. But I have seen the term "mauve" in spinels used in many different ways. I prefer standard color descriptions that help a buyer visualize what the stone may look in hand.
Mauve will definitely be a more purple tone vs. "bubble-gum". I think if you want the more bubble-gum type color then the initial stone we recommended will be closer to that. But I like this color as well--it just likely won't be as light pink as the multicolour one. You also could order both to see them IRL and then return the one you like the least--but that will always have some cost associated with it since you are returning/shipping at cost.

I'd personally go with the multicoulor one if you want a lighter bubblegum color.

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