
Please HELP identify gemstone


Aug 26, 2013
Hello everyone... I am fairly new to PS, but an avid jewelry lover! I recent acquired this huge heart cut 14k heavy ring from gold scrapper (who probably knows less about gemstones than I do). It was sold to me as an aquamarine, but I don't think it is but wanted the ring for the overall look of the ring. But the stone has me intrigued and so I would like to get some HELP from the pros here to help me try and identify what it maybe...either natural or synthetic PLEASE!

The huge heart shaped stone measures 22mm across the widest part of the top, and is 22mm top to bottom and approx. 12mm deep. Overall the color is like a medium color of blue/green with blue more dominate. As I turn the has silvery light and deep denim color flashes. It seems to change color depending on the light too. Outside in strong sunlight it has a more deeper solid bluish color with maybe a hint of purple hue to it and the silvery hues seem to decrease. In some indoor lighting it has an obvious sparkling teal hue to it. I don't think I've ever seen a stone this color before..but that isn't saying a great lot. The color shifts are not HUGE, but it does seem to change colors depending on the light. I am not a gemologist or a jeweler so I have really no idea what it could be. No inclusions that I can see with my 10X loupe and inexperienced eye. Just curious if anyone would care to give me their thoughts on what this stone is (or isn't)! I appreciate any and all help!

Could be anything from Aquamarine to Blue Topaz to colored glass...Looks a little too dark for an aqua. If it is, its a killer color. Take it to a GG (graduate gemologist) to get it tested. Impossible to tell just by looking at a pic.
looks like glass to me. i have been studying up on blue topaz and there's a whiteness to your stone that lacks the saturation and light defraction (refraction?) that i've seen in blue topazes? of course, i'm certainly no expert. I do quite like it in spite of the shape and think you ought to have it evaluated!
chatbandit|1379373787|3521963 said:
looks like glass to me. i have been studying up on blue topaz and there's a whiteness to your stone that lacks the saturation and light defraction (refraction?) that i've seen in blue topazes? of course, i'm certainly no expert. I do quite like it in spite of the shape and think you ought to have it evaluated!

Do you mean just plain colored glass? It doesn't test "glass" on the Presidium gemstone tester. I just had a friend test on her tester and it is going into the Spinel and Topaz range. I know that lab stones will test as as natural stones with the P. tester. But the tester will distinguish between glass and something more (lab or natural). So now I don't know if it is a Spinel or topaz...lab or not. I think I read somewhere that Zircon will also test Topaz on the tester, but it doesn't have any of the double faceting as Zircon has.
TL|1379376494|3521984 said:
Sounds like some kind of color change synthetic.

Does it look like this synthetic spinel in some light?

Take it to a gemologist to check out. I doubt it's all natural, and if so, probably treated in some fashion.

Hi TL... No the photo from the link you posted looks MORE teal in color than this ring has. This stone doesn't completely change over to another color. It's that just in certain lighting...the teal color seems to be more dominate than the blue. It probably is synthetic, but it's a really pretty stone. It does shift color depending on the lighting, but not anything as drastic as say the color change of color change synthetic sapphires (I have some of those rings). This stone is more of a (worn) denim blue color with silvery and deep blue flashes/hues. Then in certain lighting the teal green seems to be stonger but it's not overwhelming or intense teal blue. This is the best way for me to describe how this stone looks/acts. I do plan to take it to be checked in the future...but most places won't look at it without you purchasing a formal apprasial...which I can't afford at the moment. I have been looking at some Spinel colors and found a few that look very similar to this stone. So perhaps it could be spinel? LOL...probably very wishful thinking, but it's okay to dream, right?!
There's not way anyone can ID the stone for you over the internet. I agree with the posters above that you have to get it tested.

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