
Please help me.....again


May 16, 2019
Hi, Please assist me with advice in relation to a diamond I am looking at. What would be your opinion of this diamond. I have seen a video here



I would really appreciate input to tell me the best and the worst about this diamond. Thanks in advance.
Worst... it's shallow and you can tell by looking under the table (even with the video not being close up...I guess you have to know what you're looking
for/at). Part of its girdle is also very thin. Would probably want to know how much of the girdle is very thin and pick a setting accordingly.

I would ask for an up-close side view of the stone to see how low the crown is.

Best... it's big and is a very high color for an OEC.

Edit...*my opinion...some of what I like the best about an OEC is the beautiful pattern you see under the table. I dont think I would see what I liked
under the table due to the shallow nature of the stone. If possible, viewing in person could resolve the question of whether you like what you see
or not.
Thank you so much for that information. Are you able to tell me what you think are good percentage numbers for the table and depth? I have read about the table being less than 53% but I don't remember reading anything that said an ideal depth - or do you mean the depth from the girdle to the top of the table?
Thank you for the information. I was wondering if it would just be an easier/safer purchase to buy an August Vintage European Cut diamond because it would then be pretty much guaranteed to be a good quality stone although precision cut in recent times?
Thank you for the information. I was wondering if it would just be an easier/safer purchase to buy an August Vintage European Cut diamond because it would then be pretty much guaranteed to be a good quality stone although precision cut in recent times?

Yes, it would be.
Thankyou, I can now avoid all of that angst. Your response makes things easy for me. I've already started saving.;)2
Thank you for the information. I was wondering if it would just be an easier/safer purchase to buy an August Vintage European Cut diamond because it would then be pretty much guaranteed to be a good quality stone although precision cut in recent times?

I think it depends on what you are after? Are you after a true antique cut or a newly antique cut?
For true antiques, you could always reach Adam at OWD and ask him to pick or Alex Park at Parks Fine Group (on Instagram) has some great deals that get snapped up really quickly.
I really like the look of the European Cut Diamond but over the past twelve months while I have been looking, although I have tried to educate myself, I can only do the looking on-line and when I think a diamond is ok, it turns out that I haven't made the best choice.
I am happy to go with a recent cut that replicates the older European Cut because that way it would be precision cut and I wouldn't have to worry about too thin a girdle, or chips etc. I just want to feel confident in whichever diamond I purchase. I can also probably hope for the chance of purchasing a diamond higher up the colour scale as I would really prefer the F - I range.

Thank you for helping me.