I know absolutely nothing about gemstones but I''d like to get my SO a gemstone ring.
His family is Swedish and very proud of their heritage, and I read somewhere that in Sweden the man wears and engagement ring too. I always wanted to get him an engagement gift and because he is also very fashion conscious I thought maybe if I got him a gem stone ring that he can wear it would be a nice gesture. I won''t expect him to wear it on his left hand because that''s not the norm here in the US but it''s the thought that counts.
I''m not sure what kind of stone to look for. His b-day is in December so I think his birthstone is a light blue and mine is in May so that''s an emerald. He''s very masculine and at the same time fashion conscious, not quite metro but he dresses well likes accessories. He loves green (we both have a pair of bright green sneaker we wear all the time) but an emerald may be too expensive so another green stone may work. Also he can''t wear cheap silver jewelry...he must have sensitive skin but I''m guessing white gold will work.
Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated
His family is Swedish and very proud of their heritage, and I read somewhere that in Sweden the man wears and engagement ring too. I always wanted to get him an engagement gift and because he is also very fashion conscious I thought maybe if I got him a gem stone ring that he can wear it would be a nice gesture. I won''t expect him to wear it on his left hand because that''s not the norm here in the US but it''s the thought that counts.
I''m not sure what kind of stone to look for. His b-day is in December so I think his birthstone is a light blue and mine is in May so that''s an emerald. He''s very masculine and at the same time fashion conscious, not quite metro but he dresses well likes accessories. He loves green (we both have a pair of bright green sneaker we wear all the time) but an emerald may be too expensive so another green stone may work. Also he can''t wear cheap silver jewelry...he must have sensitive skin but I''m guessing white gold will work.
Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated