
Please help! Received diamonds!

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Apr 21, 2008
Hi, I have a problem and I''m not sure how to solve it. I am getting a new diamond and setting for my 10th anniversary. I received 2 ideal diamonds that I thought would be closer to my .57 H ideal stone but they''re not! My stone is like fireworks going off ALWAYS and these are very pretty and sparkly but no where near the fire as my diamond. the specs on these diamonds are:

90 G VS1
measurements 6.14-6.18x3.83
the depth% 62.2
, table% 56
, crown angle 36.0
, pavilion angle 40.6
and cutlet none

.83 H VVS2
measurements 6.00-6.04x3.72
the depth% 61.8
, table% 57
, crown angle 35.0
, pavilion angle 40.8
and cutlet none

They are GIA Ex polish and symm. But my diamond is much glossier than these. Could that have something to do with the fire? Thanks so much for your help! I''m not sure where I''m going wrong!
What are the numbers on your original?
Date: 4/26/2008 11:04:51 PM
Author: strmrdr
What are the numbers on your original?
Hi, I wish I knew! The diamond was not certified except by the gemologist at my jewelers. All I know is that it''s 5.4mm and .57 cts.
Date: 4/26/2008 11:09:23 PM
Author: heb1976

Date: 4/26/2008 11:04:51 PM
Author: strmrdr
What are the numbers on your original?
Hi, I wish I knew! The diamond was not certified except by the gemologist at my jewelers. All I know is that it's 5.4mm and .57 cts.
picture? as clear as possible close up of the diamond from the face up position that shows the facets.

You do know that different size diamonds look different?
Even with the exact same numbers a .57 and a .90 are going too look different.

If we can figure out what you have then we can get closer but it wont look exactly the same because of the size difference.
Date: 4/26/2008 11:19:44 PM
Author: strmrdr

Date: 4/26/2008 11:09:23 PM
Author: heb1976

Date: 4/26/2008 11:04:51 PM
Author: strmrdr
What are the numbers on your original?
Hi, I wish I knew! The diamond was not certified except by the gemologist at my jewelers. All I know is that it''s 5.4mm and .57 cts.
picture? as clear as possible close up of the diamond from the face up position that shows the facets.

You do know that different size diamonds look different?
Even with the exact same numbers a .57 and a .90 are going too look different.

If we can figure out what you have then we can get closer but it wont look exactly the same because of the size difference.
I have some pitures but it''s not letting me upload. I keep getting an error message!
here''s the .90.

the 2 you called in are pretty close too what you have number wise.
smaller table with higher crown.
Date: 4/27/2008 12:20:39 AM
Author: strmrdr
the 2 you called in are pretty close too what you have number wise.
smaller table with higher crown.
So they''re basically the same spec wise? I''m sorry to be so ignorant but what your saying is that they should be performing the same way? Could part of the difference be that one is set and one isn''t and the platinum helps it perform better? The .90 seems much more white sparkly and mine is just on fire. Sorry for the bad pictures, I couldn''t get a good one of my ring and as for the .90 picture through the loupe, that wasn''t great either! Thanks so much for being so helpful, I really appreciate it!
do you have any more pics of the orginal?
even if they arent very good ones they might help.
I can tell its a smaller table and high crown 50% stars but thats about it.
Cant get an idea of the pavilion cutting and the lgf% which is the other variables.
does your orignal have large chuncky fire or small fire flashes?
Date: 4/27/2008 12:46:01 AM
Author: strmrdr
does your orignal have large chuncky fire or small fire flashes?
I would say more chunky maybe medium than small if by small you mean teeny sparkles. The fire is fairly all the same size without much variance. I''ll try and post more pictures if I can find any not too blurry!
heb, that one photo of your existing ering is difficult to tell or not, but is it possible that your old stone is an OEC - an antique stone? I dont see an open culet, a little hole in the pointy bottom (how scientific was that description?!) but if the fire bursts are chunky and the new stones fire is spikey, you might have an antique stone as your original...Can you tell us about that original ring? I cant tell if it''s an antique repro setting or a vintage antique setting...
Date: 4/27/2008 1:01:05 AM
Author: surfgirl
heb, that one photo of your existing ering is difficult to tell or not, but is it possible that your old stone is an OEC - an antique stone? I dont see an open culet, a little hole in the pointy bottom (how scientific was that description?!) but if the fire bursts are chunky and the new stones fire is spikey, you might have an antique stone as your original...Can you tell us about that original ring? I cant tell if it''s an antique repro setting or a vintage antique setting...
thats what im thinking which is why im trying too get a picture that I can tell how the pavilion is cut.
is the area under the diamond open so you can see the bottom of the diamond inside the ring when looking towards the top of the ring?
If so get a pic of it if possible from that angle.
Here is a little more of a side view. What does 50% stars mean? I never realized how confusing diamonds could be!

Sorry...can you take a head on shot? We need to see the faceting patterns head on to tell if it's an old cut...That setting is lovely though...maybe if you're not happy with the bigger stones, you could keep that ering and get a blingier wband?

Is the setting an antique or no?
Date: 4/27/2008 1:01:05 AM
Author: surfgirl
heb, that one photo of your existing ering is difficult to tell or not, but is it possible that your old stone is an OEC - an antique stone? I dont see an open culet, a little hole in the pointy bottom (how scientific was that description?!) but if the fire bursts are chunky and the new stones fire is spikey, you might have an antique stone as your original...Can you tell us about that original ring? I cant tell if it''s an antique repro setting or a vintage antique setting...
Hi, surfgirl! My setting is a whitehouse setting that we purchased new in 97-98 and then picked out the diamond to have it set. By little hole in the bottom, do you mean a hole of light? What is that light spot in my cutlet in the first picture? i''ve always wondered! By the way, the fire in my diamond looks a lot like your avatar! I may not be describing the fire correctly, its not huge chunks but not super tiny either. It''s a constant flashing some are a little smaller than others but theres always lots flashing! Thanks so much!
Why dont you go check out my ering thread...there are a ton of photos and many are dead on and you can see the facet patterns and open culet (it looks like a hole in the very center when you''re looking down into the stone. See if your stone looks similar to mine and we can go from there...Because Storm and I are both thinking the same thing....
if you can get a shot like you did of the .90 of the original that would be perfect.
Date: 4/27/2008 1:04:57 AM
Author: strmrdr
is the area under the diamond open so you can see the bottom of the diamond inside the ring when looking towards the top of the ring?
If so get a pic of it if possible from that angle.
Hi, sorry but I already sent the ring off. These are pictures I took b/f i sent it last week. I was orignally just going to have the diamond reset but then decided while going through all the trouble why not upgrade my diamond!
I cropped one of the clearer pictures so maybe you can see the diamond better. Hope it helps!

labeled the star facet and the table edge.

hmm its not an oec the lgf% is longer in the 75% range.It does have random optical sym.
Does the place you sent it too have a sarin machine and the skills to unmount it?
wait a sec are you comparing these side by side or going by memory?
Date: 4/27/2008 1:37:13 AM
Author: strmrdr
hmm its not an oec the lgf% is longer in the 75% range.It does have random optical sym.
Does the place you sent it too have a sarin machine and the skills to unmount it?
I''m working with Solomon Brothers so I will have to call on Monday. I have been working with one of the owners but called a couple of days ago just to ask about an idealscope and one of the floor associates had no idea what an idealscope was. What is a sarin machine? What is random optical sym.? Is this just a crappy stone with good fire?
Thanks again!
My diamond is at the jewelers, but I have had that rock for ten years and you can''t forget fire like that! The new diamond is nothing compared. It''s mostly brilliance(white) with little color. It almost seems daintier than mine. Maybe it has more facets on the paviolion than mine?
wowser I can believe I did this...
Here is a version of your diamond in similar lighting with slightly better optical symmetry and at near the same angle...

the numbers... 36/40.6
My image has 80% lgf% but I think yours are closer too 75% I cant duplicate the scattered optical sym yours has.
The .90 should be a larger version of what you have... *shrug*
Surfgirl, your diamond is gorgeous!
I don''t think it''s that gorgeous oec cut but it has that multitude of fire.
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