Hello everyone-
I have been lurking around this site for a month or so and have found it an excellent source of information, insite, and advise. I have know that my GF wants a princess cut and I have not been too impressed by the brilliance of the princess cuts I have seen(In person on Jewelers row). I have heard people rave about the new Jubliee cut on the forum and I would perfer getting the better perfroming cut, even though it is not totally square. So, I guess the question is should I just go Princess and give up on the better performing stone, or should I go Jubliee and attempt to set it square as I have seen a few times on the site? I am looking at 2+, D-G, VS1-VS2. Any adise one way or the other would be greatly appreciated.
I have been lurking around this site for a month or so and have found it an excellent source of information, insite, and advise. I have know that my GF wants a princess cut and I have not been too impressed by the brilliance of the princess cuts I have seen(In person on Jewelers row). I have heard people rave about the new Jubliee cut on the forum and I would perfer getting the better perfroming cut, even though it is not totally square. So, I guess the question is should I just go Princess and give up on the better performing stone, or should I go Jubliee and attempt to set it square as I have seen a few times on the site? I am looking at 2+, D-G, VS1-VS2. Any adise one way or the other would be greatly appreciated.