
POAS help needed right NOW!


Jul 22, 2007
Lily is 5 months old. I was on the pill for 3 months and then had to go off. We have only had unprotected sex once since then. I had what I thought was a period a couple weeks ago. I was having strange symptoms the past few days so I got a stick and peed. Immediately it appeared negative although I tossed it within 2 minutes. That was a few hours ago and when I just walked into the bathroom I glanced down and it definitely has a faint positive now. It says to not read after two hours. Can a false positive even show up? I've had positives fade into negatives but not the other way around. Also, since Lily is 5 months old, could I still have the hormone in my system or something?

Please help!
Buy another test.
I will. but I'm panicking now and can't leave the house. DH is still at work and kids are in bed. I will lose my mind before morning.
Yes, false positives can show up over time.

But I'd recommend another test too. And take care to read the result after the recommended amount of time. Sorry you're feeling so anxious. I'm (hopefully) going to be peeing on a stick in a few more days and I'm really really hoping it'll be positive.
Thanks. I don't know what I'm hoping for actually. I had so much trouble getting preggo in the first place and then Lily was a surprise and if I have another I won't be disappointed, but don't know if my body is ready, ya know.
It could be, but would depend when you had sex. Such a faint delayed BFP would probably only happen about 10-13dpo, so if you had sex a month ago and your "period" was when it was expected, I think you're safe because a pretty obvious BFP should be there by now.
Sorry you're having to stress about this!
I think that's just an evaporation line. An evaporation line is caused by urine evaporating from a pregnancy test when it's read past the clinical time frame. The line results in the area where a positive result would normally be seen.

Here's a sample picture of an evaporation line:
Hmmmm. Maybe it's the evap line.....
I went to my doctor once insisting that I was pregnant and telling her my period was due the day before and she did a test and it was negative and I kept telling her, but I know I'm pregnant I can feel it - I can just tell and she gently lectured me about the female body and it playing tricks and whatnot.... but as I was leaving she called me back to say that during the time we talked it now said positive. And I was pregnant.

Good luck!
I have had a couple of those test show up positive (after being negative) after reading them after the time
was up. I was not pregnant. Dont trust the test after the time is up. You need to make your way down
to CVS and buy some new ones ASAP.
New test= Negative whew!

I never heard of the evaporation line, but I'm sure that's what it was. So after staying up until 3am, DH brought home tests and he stood there while I peed. lol, the things that you don't mind after a few years of marriage. BFN showed and STAYED. The other test still has the line, the new one is a different brand.

Never thought after years of trying that I'd be scared I was preggo.
Definitely an evap.

I'm guessing it was a blue dye test?
Years ago, I had a scare and peed on a stick. It was negative, but the next day I glanced down (as it was on top of the garbage) and saw a positive line!!! It's just how the test breaks down... Take another test to be sure, but I don't think it's actually a positive.
SS I'm glad the outcome was positive (well negative, but you know what I mean!)!

When DH and I were TTC I was addicted to testing. I got up one morning to POAS, you know first morning pee and all, and I peed and then looked at the clock and realized it was only 3AM!!!!!!!! So I decided to put it on the counter and go lay back in bed for a minute or two while it processed. Three hours later I woke up to my alarm and went in to look at the test and there was a line! I freaked out but knew that there was a chance it was an evap line. So whatever I got over my excitement. Then the next day I took another test and it was positive! So I have no idea if the line I saw was the evap line or the remnants of a positive, but now I have Aidan!
Pandora|1293046071|2803876 said:
Definitely an evap.

I'm guessing it was a blue dye test?

yes it was. Still shows even now. So weird.

Now would not be a good time to be preggo! However, the tinge of disappointment I felt makes me wonder if we're done or not. I thought we were, but now....
Obviously an evap, but those types of positives do happen. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I tested and thought they were negative... threw them in the trash. A few days later, a bright positive. I pulled the old tests out and sure enough, they had pretty visible lines on them, just took a while to show up.
I ended up miscarrying today. By the looks, it's probably 8-10 weeks. My back started hurting so bad I cried. I got in the shower to see if that would help. Pain hit me so hard I dropped to my knees, had definite contractions and it came out. I think I got a faint line because it had probably been gone for a couple weeks. That explains the horrendous cramps and nine days of bleeding. I was still on the pill when I conceived. It also explains the migraines and back ache. I've miscarried before, but not late enough to see a formed fetus.

I don't know what to do with it. I can't flush it or throw it away. Right now, it's in a baggie.
I'm so sorry.

Sending you lots of huggles. :(sad
Oh no, I'm so sorry, SS. HUGS. I hope you feel better soon, please take care of yourself.
Oh Somethingshiny, I'm so sorry.
SS, it sounds like you should go to the hospital. Just to make sure everything is okay. And they will probably know what to do with the fetus. I'm so sorry honey. Many hugs and, dust, and much strength to you.
Gypsy|1293082545|2804414 said:
SS, it sounds like you should go to the hospital. Just to make sure everything is okay. And they will probably know what to do with the fetus. I'm so sorry honey. Many hugs and, dust, and much strength to you.

Absolutely - see your GYN tomorrow if possible, or if not, go to an ER. They should do an ultrasound to make sure your uterus is empty, because if it's not, you'll need a D&C procedure. Sometimes nature doesn't let everything pass on its own, and that can lead to pain, bleeding, and infection.

I'm sorry to hear about all this.
I am so sorry. Definitely go see your OBGYN.
somethingshiny|1293079493|2804369 said:
I ended up miscarrying today. By the looks, it's probably 8-10 weeks. My back started hurting so bad I cried. I got in the shower to see if that would help. Pain hit me so hard I dropped to my knees, had definite contractions and it came out. I think I got a faint line because it had probably been gone for a couple weeks. That explains the horrendous cramps and nine days of bleeding. I was still on the pill when I conceived. It also explains the migraines and back ache. I've miscarried before, but not late enough to see a formed fetus.

I don't know what to do with it. I can't flush it or throw it away. Right now, it's in a baggie.

Oh gosh, Shiny. I'm so sorry...I really have no idea what to even say. Just know you are in my thoughts :(
I am so sorry to hear this. <<<<HUGS>>>>>

As the others stated - please go to the hospital when you can and get a check up.
Make sure you have someone to support you.
SS, my heart goes out to you right now. How utterly devastating. ;( Please make sure you look after yourself-I ditto the others about the hospital. You are in my prayers.
Oh, dear.

SS, I'm so sorry. Sending you prayers and hugs and healing dust, both physical and emotional.
(((hugs))) I wish you peace right now... I've been in a similar situation and it was an odd juxtaposition of feelings.

I would bury it in the backyard... I know it's not an animal, but it seems better than turning it over to medical waste disposal or like you mentioned, the toilet or the garbage.
oh my goodness, i'm so sorry to hear this. my thoughts and prays are with you & your family.

(and, yes, please visit your doctor.)
I'm so sorry SS. I have no advice but I wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you and your family right now.