
Poll: Where do threads about Fancy Colored Diamonds belong?


Apr 30, 2005
Rocky Talk, RT, is for diamonds.
Colored Stones forum, CS, is for colored stones.
Fancy colored diamonds (FCD) are both. :sick:

People coming to PS seeking info on FCD don't know which forum to look in; even regulars here don't know which to use.
I'm pursuing FCDs now and I'm not sure where to post to reach the right crowd of pros and diamond lovers.
Some people with FCDs have posted only in CS and others have posted only in RT.
Cross posting (starting the same thread in two fora) is dumb and against the rules.

Many regulars only spend time on CS or on RT, but many of them would enjoy threads about FCDs too.
A FCD thread posted in only one forum means part of the interested PS community misses out.

Is it even worth trying to solve this "problem" since so few people buy FCDs?
I'm afraid a new FCD forum would get almost no eyeballs. :nono:

I'd post a poll but I don't know how on PS 2.0, so please everyone, be so kind as to vote . . .
(I'd like the number of replies this thread gets to match the number of views.)

Which forum should be the place for Fancy Colored Diamond threads?

Rocky Talk
Colored Stones

I've posted this on both fora.
I'll count up the votes on both fora and post results when this thread drops into oblivion.
Re: Poll: Where do threads about Fancy Colored Diamonds belo

I'd guess Rocky Talk, but I much enjoyed your Green or Blue thread here in CS.
Re: Poll: Where do threads about Fancy Colored Diamonds belo

I have often wondered about this... Seems odd to lump peridot and alexandrite in the same place too lol! I would think they would go in the diamond forum... But what do I know? lol!
Re: Poll: Where do threads about Fancy Colored Diamonds belo

kenny said:
Rocky Talk, RT, is for diamonds.
Colored Stones forum, CS, is for colored stones.
Fancy colored diamonds (FCD) are both. :sick:

People coming to PS seeking info on FCD don't know which forum to look in; even regulars here don't know which to use.
I'm pursuing FCDs now and I'm not sure where to post to reach the right crowd of pros and diamond lovers.
Some people with FCDs have posted only in CS and others have posted only in RT.
Cross posting (starting the same thread in two fora) is dumb and against the rules.

Many regulars only spend time on CS or on RT, but many of them would enjoy threads about FCDs too.
A FCD thread posted in only one forum means part of the interested PS community misses out.

Is it even worth trying to solve this "problem" since so few people buy FCDs?
I'm afraid a new FCD forum would get almost no eyeballs. :nono:

I'd post a poll but I don't know how on PS 2.0, so please everyone, be so kind as to vote . . .
(I'd like the number of replies this thread gets to match the number of views.)

Which forum should be the place for Fancy Colored Diamond threads?

Rocky Talk
Colored Stones

I've posted this on both fora.
I'll count up the votes on both fora and post results when this thread drops into oblivion.

I've always considered RockyTalky a place to ask questions about diamonds and not really a place to show off gems. Whenever I have a question about an FCD, I post it in RT. When I want to "show off" a FCD, I post it in CS.

Technically speaking, FCD's are colored stones
Re: Poll: Where do threads about Fancy Colored Diamonds belo

I do not have a fancy colored diamond but if I were to buy one, I'd go to Rocky Talky for help. So I think, Rocky Talky just because the last word is "diamonds". Diamonds with diamonds.
Re: Poll: Where do threads about Fancy Colored Diamonds belo

I'm going to sit on the fence here. I think newcomers may find RT more appropriate,as it is more geared towards information about diamonds, but it's not like it doesn't belong here.
After all, they are stones, and they are colored...
Re: Poll: Where do threads about Fancy Colored Diamonds belo

I'm with TL on this one.

If I need a technical question answered I'll go to RT (but occasionally will also ask in CS as most CS'ers know about or have a coloured diamond).

If I want to post a picture of one of my coloured diamonds, I'll do it in CS.
Re: Poll: Where do threads about Fancy Colored Diamonds belo

Colored stones. I posted my colored diamonds here in this forum. When you ask questions about colored diamonds in Rocky Talk, many there don't understand that it is primarily about the color of the stone. They worry more about inclusions and size and Hearts and Arrows. The rules are different for colored diamonds than for colorless diamonds. That's why they belong in Colored Stones.

But, I'm not going to get bent out of shape wherever you put your questions, or your pictures of the incoming colored diamond(s). :cheeky:
Re: Poll: Where do threads about Fancy Colored Diamonds belo

Colored stones.

When I think of Rocky Talky, I think "specs" and "technical talk". Not picking apart color. I think the problem with posting about them in RT is that so much emphasis over there is on cut. The emphasis over here is color. There aren't a lot of fancy colored diamonds that are "ideal cut".

Colored diamonds=color is king. I think that's the mantra over here, wouldn't you say?
Re: Poll: Where do threads about Fancy Colored Diamonds belo


Cause it's a diamond

Plus, I hang out there more :D
Re: Poll: Where do threads about Fancy Colored Diamonds belo

This is a difficult one and I’d be inclined to both in both sections for the various reasons that everyone has given. More people hang out in RT so the thread might get more traffic and thus advice. I mean, it IS a diamond so it also belongs in RT. However, RT is mostly about cut and specs which isn’t the primary importance in coloured diamonds, which is why I would also post it in CS.
Re: Poll: Where do threads about Fancy Colored Diamonds belo

I love seeing them here and never venture over to RT. They are colored stones and if you're looking for advice on color, this is the place. 8-)
Re: Poll: Where do threads about Fancy Colored Diamonds belo

I think it is a question of bias: CS is biased towards colour and RT is biased towards cut/specs (not to say that either forum ignores other aspects, but rather what is valued more highly).

Personally, for yellows and cognacs, I would post in RT and, for the rarer colours, in CS.
Re: Poll: Where do threads about Fancy Colored Diamonds belo

This is the official pricescope definition of RockyTalky

"Issues related to diamond grading (cut, color, clarity, etc), pricing, and settings. Please post only natural diamond related questions and information here."

If you have some show off photos of FCD's, post them in CS and/or SMTB, but if you have specific questions, post them in RT or CS. Some forums overlap as far as what content they have, like CS and SMTB. However, RT is specifically meant for questions. If in doubt where to post to get your FCD question answered, then post it in both RT and CS. I've seen people do that before with FCD's.
Re: Poll: Where do threads about Fancy Colored Diamonds belo

If I want the technical stuff about colorless/nearcolorless diamonds, I go to RT.

If I have questions about colored diamonds or want to share my colored diamonds, I go to CS.

If I want to share my finished rings, I go to SMTR but notify CS. ;))

I seriously think Colored Diamonds should have their own forum because they are a species all on their own. But would it be feasible though?
Re: Poll: Where do threads about Fancy Colored Diamonds belo

Neither, SMTR! 8)
Re: Poll: Where do threads about Fancy Colored Diamonds belo

For colored diamonds? probably here. I haven't bought one (yet :tongue: ) but being its about the color then sure, i'd be asking right here. I think there's enough people who are into the technical side who also post in CS.


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