
Pregnacy pillows?


Jun 24, 2007
I am 26 weeks pregnant and starting to have trouble sleeping. I have been using regular pillows to keep from rolling on my back, etc, and my doc recommended trying a pregnancy pillow. Anyone have preferences for style or brand? I guess there are full ones and smaller ones shaped like a C?

Any advice appreciated!
I used a regular body pillow, bought it at Bed Bath and Beyond. I'm not sure how its different from a pregnancy pillow but it helped immensely.
I use a snoogle, I like that it supports either my tummy or my back. It has seriously been a dream for my back pain. I also can use it when i want to sit up in bed and it works for nursing too.
tiffanytwisted|1325950504|3097236 said:
I used a regular body pillow, bought it at Bed Bath and Beyond. I'm not sure how its different from a pregnancy pillow but it helped immensely.
me too! I also put a regular pillow behind my back
Luckily I had a king sized bed! I found the key to comfort was lots of pillows - several standard size pillows, and a couple of small sofa throw pillows. I did two bed pillows on top of each other at my ankles. One bed pillow at my knees. One bed pillow tucked into my back. One for me to "snuggle", which I could tuck under my belly somewhat. Smaller pillows available to add to back or under belly, or for me to rest my wrists on to minimize the carpal tunnel issues. I seriously had an absolute nest of pillows. But all of the specific preg pillows I tried had issues - scratchy, inflexible seam issues, designed for a specific height, too firm or too soft, etc. Lots of pillows gave me flexibility to stuff them around as needed. Toward the end, DH would pack me in with pillows at bedtime, and each time I came back from the bathroom :lol:
Yes, pregnancy pillows can help a lot. I had one of the C shaped ones. Sometimes it is still very hard to got comfortable.
I just ordered my Snoogle yesterday, can't wait for it to get here!
I had to post for those on the fence about buying a new pillow. I was hesitant for weeks, despite waking up to a sore back, and was using 3 pillows at night. Anyways, I bought mine from babies r us yesterday (sale here going where you get a coupon for half price). I slept sooooo good last night and woke up with zero back pain. I hope this continues throughout the rest of the pregnancy!
I should update as well. My Snoogle came on Monday and I have had amazing sleep since then. I recommend it for everyone, pregnant or not! My DH is currently cuddled up with it, ha.
amc80|1330014435|3132458 said:
I should update as well. My Snoogle came on Monday and I have had amazing sleep since then. I recommend it for everyone, pregnant or not! My DH is currently cuddled up with it, ha.

Hi amc80,
I was wondering if you were still liking your snoogle. (Did you get the snoogle loop, looks like a closed C; or the total body pillow, looks like a big, open C?)

I'm not very far along, but I already didn't sleep very well pre-pregnancy as I am a very light and restless sleeper, and I'm already a little nervous of what is to come. I probably flip from side to back to side a few times an hour and I'm already feeling tingles in my arms and hands even while lying on my back. I'm looking at the snoogle loop pillow but it looks like the most common complaints are the scratchy pillow cover, the inside seam being sewn too tightly, and not being able to use your own pillow. Would you still recommend the snoogle in your experience? TIA.

JulieA|1325908744|3097054 said:
I am 26 weeks pregnant and starting to have trouble sleeping. I have been using regular pillows to keep from rolling on my back, etc, and my doc recommended trying a pregnancy pillow. Anyone have preferences for style or brand? I guess there are full ones and smaller ones shaped like a C?

Any advice appreciated!

JulieA, sorry to threadjack, but I'm also interested in this topic and didn't want to start a duplicate thread, so I revived this one instead. Did you decide on a pillow?

PetitePoire|1330009049|3132411 said:
I had to post for those on the fence about buying a new pillow. I was hesitant for weeks, despite waking up to a sore back, and was using 3 pillows at night. Anyways, I bought mine from babies r us yesterday (sale here going where you get a coupon for half price). I slept sooooo good last night and woke up with zero back pain. I hope this continues throughout the rest of the pregnancy!

PetitePoire, would you mind sharing what kind of pillow you purchased? Did you also get a snoogle? TIA.
Yellow- I got the one that looks like a C. I still love it and use it when I can. I say "when I can" because DH has been using it more than I have, he loves it. It's too hot here right now for me to use it, so I let him have it. I would still highly recommend one.
I think I will end up buying one of these sooner than later. I am a stomach sleeper and while my tummy doesn't hurt, my BOOBS hurt while sleeping on my stomach. *sigh* :bigsmile:
amc80|1342104899|3232797 said:
Yellow- I got the one that looks like a C. I still love it and use it when I can. I say "when I can" because DH has been using it more than I have, he loves it. It's too hot here right now for me to use it, so I let him have it. I would still highly recommend one.

Ha, I had the same experience. I loved my pregnancy pillow, but my husband loved it even more. Most nights he managed to somehow push me off of it in his sleep.
I just got the Snoogle loop for my birthday and I really like it. I wasn't really that uncomfortable since I am only in my first trimester but I have been trying to train myself to sleep just on my side. This did the trick!
I ordered a Snoogle yesterday, I can't wait to get it! My hips and legs ache so much during the night, and boy do I miss sleeping on my tummy!
Oh dandi I was just looking for one today cos I am a tummy and back sleeper and tummy sleeping is starting to hurt my boobs, where did you get one? The only place I could find here was babies r us and they are saying they are sold out
I'm 27 weeks, and I've been using the snoogle for quite awhile now. In the beginning, it helped a lot, and now, well, it still helps a little, but it's definitely not a magical cure for my sleep issues. These days, I'm finding I need to use the snoogle and other 2 or 3 pillows to get somewhat comfortable. I've always been a stomach sleeper, and I honestly don't know why anyone would choose to sleep on their side if they didn't have to!
Does anyone have any opinions (or heard any personal positive/negative experiences) with the Leacho Back 'n Belly contoured pillow OR the Comfort-U maternity/total body pillow?

And when everyone is referring to the Snoogle, do you guys just mean the total body pillow (i.e., the one that looks like a flattened handlebar mustache)?

As for you stomach sleepers, HOW DO YOU DO IT? I have never been able to do that in my entire life, though I've tried just to see what it was like. My lower back ends up feeling all wacky, my pillow starts to suffocate me, and my boobs feel like they've been put through a vise by the time I have to turn over. :rodent: It seems that one's preference of maternity pillow might be a function of how one usually sleeps (pre-pregnancy).

Ordinarily I'd just buy the dang pillow but the exorbitant prices ($60 and up!) :errrr: of these things is making me want to be 100% certain that I'll be satisfied before I place my order, so my apologies for the billion questions! Thanks everyone!
yellowducky|1342191754|3233264 said:
And when everyone is referring to the Snoogle, do you guys just mean the total body pillow (i.e., the one that looks like a flattened handlebar mustache)?


I got mine at drugstore dot com for a decent price, $41. I think I had a 20% coupon, plus a code for free shipping. I forgot to mention that the cats enjoy it as well...found one of them curled up in the "C" part of it.

mlk|1342180466|3233198 said:
Oh dandi I was just looking for one today cos I am a tummy and back sleeper and tummy sleeping is starting to hurt my boobs, where did you get one? The only place I could find here was babies r us and they are saying they are sold out

I really struggled to find one too! I ordered it from I hope they still have one in stock so you can snaffle one!!
Thanks dandi. I didn't think amazon shipped to aus. How did you get over that hurdle?
mlk, I think there are restrictions on what can be shipped internationally by the individual sellers themselves, but I've received notification of shipping and my credit card has been charged. So I guess either Snoogles aren't on the banned list, or the Snoogle seller ships internationally. I'll let you know if I have a drama, but so far so good! :wink2:
A pregnant friend of mine just told me about this snoogle, but I have a question:

Do you ladies need the pregnancy pillows because you don't usually sleep on your side? Or is there some other reason I'm going to want one?

I've slept on my left side my entire life, so I'm wondering if this pillow is going to be helpful for me or not. My friend who loves her snoogle usually sleeps on her tummy.

I love all these stories about your hubbies stealing your pillows! Too funny.
Haven|1342384183|3234437 said:
A pregnant friend of mine just told me about this snoogle, but I have a question:

Do you ladies need the pregnancy pillows because you don't usually sleep on your side? Or is there some other reason I'm going to want one?

I've slept on my left side my entire life, so I'm wondering if this pillow is going to be helpful for me or not. My friend who loves her snoogle usually sleeps on her tummy.

I love all these stories about your hubbies stealing your pillows! Too funny.
I didn't have one of these pillows, but I definitely wish I had. As I got further along in my pregnancy I found having pillows against my back helpful, my ginormous belly didn't allow me to lay completely on my side. I would end up tilted slightly back, so the pillows helped keep me propped on my side and allow my back muscles to fully relax while I rested. In addition to having pillows between my legs, due to the widening of my hips. Between my back, belly, hips and head I ended up having about 8-10 pillows, it was insane! I think the pregnancy pillow would have eliminated most of those and allowed my hubby to actually have some room in the bed. :lol:
Hehe armywife, 8-10 pillows!! Ain't pregnancy glamorous?! :bigsmile: I've started sleeping in our spare room, poor old DH doesn't get much more sleep than I do with the amount of duck shoving that goes on with my pillows during the night!! I'm awake every hour because my hips just ache so much, I already have childbearing hips, what the?! How much wider can they get?! :twirl:
DandiAndi, I feel ya... I had wide hips to start with, I didn't know they could get any wider! Hahaha. I started taking baths or hot showers before bed, it helped my hips for the first few hours after, but when you at at then end everything hurts so it didn't help as much. :roll:
Haven|1342384183|3234437 said:
A pregnant friend of mine just told me about this snoogle, but I have a question:

Do you ladies need the pregnancy pillows because you don't usually sleep on your side? Or is there some other reason I'm going to want one?

I've slept on my left side my entire life, so I'm wondering if this pillow is going to be helpful for me or not. My friend who loves her snoogle usually sleeps on her tummy.

I love all these stories about your hubbies stealing your pillows! Too funny.

That's a really good question. I am a side/back sleeper. For me, I like the total body support you get. It serves as a pillow, plus (if i'm on my left) support for my right arm (before, my right shoulder was really bothering me), then goes between the knees and feet, which really helps with hip pain. You could theoretically do all of this with normal pillows, but it wouldn't all stay together so nicely. I also use it around my back sometimes when I want to lay on my back but not be completely flat. So I'll stick the straight part under my shoulder and butt and it keeps me propped up.
My friend who recommended the snoogle just told me today that her husband stole it from her in the middle of last night. Too funny! These pillows must really be amazing. :cheeky:

If I start to get uncomfortable as I get bigger I will definitely buy one. So far I'm only 18 weeks tomorrow, so no major issues yet. Well, waking up every two hours to pee is annoying, but I don't think a pillow can solve that!

If our hips get wider when we're pregnant, do they stay that way indefinitely after the baby's born? Or do they go back to normal?