
Pregnancy anger/what comments made you angry?

Travel Goddess|1352990141|3307169 said:
I'm only 18 weeks, so I haven't had any encounters with strangers doing/saying anything strange. My belly has rounded out quite a bit in the past two weeks and I did get the "twins" comment from a coworker. Another coworker who recently had a child was there when it was said and responded with "them's fighting words!" I was glad someone else "gets it."

I'm so sick of everyone asking when we're finding out the gender and telling me what it is. One girl at work is insisting it's a girl because I'm "not excited at all." I want to say "I'm not excited because it still hasn't sunk-in and it was unplanned and I don't really like children." But I just politely smile and walk away. Everyone says "girl" so I guess I am secretly hoping for a boy just to prove them wrong.

Once we know the gender, I expect we'll be asked about names all the time. We are going to keep it a secret so I'm sure that will be fun to deal with. I already have a friend who keeps asking about names and she looks so offended that I won't tell her. Oh right, I'm going to keep it a secret from everyone BUT YOU.
:devil: :devil: Hahaha, I love it!

We aren't finding out the gender and some people seem to take this decision personally. Sorry, but we want the surprise. It's fine if you didn't, I am not judging you. It's oooookay.

The names thing is funny, too. We aren't sharing our names with anyone, well I told my sister, but nobody else. :cheeky: One of my colleagues recently ranted and raved to me about how people who pick unique names are attention hogs, and it just makes them look uneducated. I just smiled. We picked unique names, and she's just going to have to deal with it!
puppmom|1352923288|3306555 said:
Haven, you're so right! I have one girlfriend who is always SUPER complimentary. Even though I know it's not true, it makes me feel better.

Yes! Just LIE, people! If you can't say something nice, then don't open your mouth. I had a co-worker, who, during my pregnancy, ALWAYS told me how gorgeous I looked, loaned me a book from one of his college courses called "The Baby Bond," continually expressed excitement over the fact that I was actually HAVING A BABY, etc. Even if his enthusiasm and support were insincere, (I honestly don't think they were) it made me feel great and less disgusting (swelling, hot flashes) when he said nice things! This kid is going to make someone a wonderful husband someday. If he wasn't 15 years younger than me and I wasn't already married I'd certainly snap him up. ;))