
Pregnancy Diet - Avoiding Things or Not??

The most BPA the avg person encounters in a day is on receipts. Don't take them from cashiers, ATMs, wherever. Or quickly wash your hands afterwards if you must. That isn't a pregnancy one in my book, but a lifetime thing.
swimmer|1329853198|3131002 said:
The most BPA the avg person encounters in a day is on receipts. Don't take them from cashiers, ATMs, wherever. Or quickly wash your hands afterwards if you must. That isn't a pregnancy one in my book, but a lifetime thing.

Thanks for posting that, Swimmer. Quite a few months ago, I read that legislation was enacted in CT to prohibit the use of these types of receipts. I think it was a few years before it was to go in effect. Anyway, I was aware of this too, and decline receipts as often as possible and happily ask to have the receipt emailed to me (thank you LLBean Outlet.) I always feel bad for cashiers, because I'm sure they don't know. :knockout:

Oh, and Swimmer, Congratulations by the way!!! :appl: :appl: I'm not sure you said how far along you are. Do you know -- boy or girl? Very happy for you!! :appl: :appl:
There aren't a whole lot of things I've given up. Alcohol, obviously, and caffiene as well. Not 100% on the caffiene, but I wasn't all that dependent on it before I got pregnant, so not a huge deal. I still drink diet coke, but maybe only 1 every other day or so, and often it's caffiene free. I also make sure to drink a lot of water, so my systems all get flushed pretty well. We still get sushi but I get the cooked stuff. I think my biggest problem is deli meat. Sandwiches are one of the few foods that always sound good. In the past week I've easily had 7-10 of them, for various meals. I know it's a no-no, but honestly, have any of you ever gotten listeria from deli meat? My OB told me to ask to have the meat heated, but then added that she ate plenty of cold meat when she was pregnant. I think I've only had tuna once or twice since I've been pregnant, even though I've craved it on occasion. I am trying to cut back on salami...I had been eating it without much thought on my sandwiches, then remembered it's on the banned list.

I feel like I should feel bad for eating some of this stuff, but I just don't. My pregnancy has been plagued with morning sickness and digestive issues, so if something sounds good to me, I eat it.
I am not a "cashier" per se, but I work in a retail environment and handle my fair share of receipts 5 days a week. I had no idea they contained BPA. Now I have to find out whether ours are BPA-free or not, and if not what I can do to avoid them or how long it will be til we can get the BPA-free kind. And forget about just offering to email customers their receipts. The younger generations are on board with that type of thing, but (and sorry I'm being ageist) the older generations are who we have a problem with--they often refuse to give email addresses or any type of personal information lest we retail lackeys are trying to steal their identity. Creating a second email account is typically not an option for them, either. Too much tech.
I was pretty strict with my first pregnancy- little to no caffeine, no alchohol (maybe a glass or two of wine at the very end when he was overdue), pretty much didn't eat any deli meat, soft cheeses, sushi, etc.

This pregnancy I'm much more relaxed. Have some caffeine, but limited. No alcohol yet, but I wouldn't be opposed to a glass of wine here or there but it just doesn't sound good at all. I eat pretty much any cheese- it's pretty hard to find non-pasteurized cheese in the US unless you actively look for it.

The one thing I have not had is deli meat. Which is so funny- I don't know why I can't get past it. In theory, I would eat it especially if you purchased it somewhere that you trusted and then kept in your fridge. But I just haven't yet.

You guys are killing me with the caffeine is causing my baby to have heroin withdrawals and don't eat pizza b/c tomatoes might come from cans. :cheeky:

I didn't know about the BPA but after reading, I think my original thought of balance is still key. You can't avoid ALL canned food, etc., but try to limit it as much as possible. I will not be giving up my pizza, but I'm okay with giving up canned stuff- I rarely eat it anyways.

Haven't had tuna but I would. I don't like sushi, but I would def eat cooked sushi and probably even uncooked if it came from a place I trusted.

I personally would not eat raw milk- for lots of reasons- but I think the OP said she had done her own research so I trust everyone to use their best judgment.

I've been told not to eat Caesar salad but I eat it often. It is one of the few things I've craved.

You have to consider that 1) our parents ate all of this stuff and most of us turned out fine; and 2) the French, the Japanese, etc., all eat foods we are told not to eat and seem to have normal babies.

Everything in moderation, do your homework, trust your body and your instincts.
monarch64|1329855876|3131046 said:
I am not a "cashier" per se, but I work in a retail environment and handle my fair share of receipts 5 days a week. I had no idea they contained BPA. Now I have to find out whether ours are BPA-free or not, and if not what I can do to avoid them or how long it will be til we can get the BPA-free kind. And forget about just offering to email customers their receipts. The younger generations are on board with that type of thing, but (and sorry I'm being ageist) the older generations are who we have a problem with--they often refuse to give email addresses or any type of personal information lest we retail lackeys are trying to steal their identity. Creating a second email account is typically not an option for them, either. Too much tech.

Monarch, I think if they are the shiny kind (like the kind that come out of the auto-pay machine at the gas station), then they most likely have BPA. The old-fashioned paper kind, with the blue ink that doesn't always necessarily print out cleanly should be non-BPA. You know what I would do, and I know that I am going to sound like a crazy-nut here, but I am going to suggest it anyway . . . I'd probably take a nice piece of note paper, fold it half and use that to pick up the receipt and hand it over. I'd just say, oh, I get ink on my hands all the time, if anyone asked why I was using the note paper. Is that crazy?

On one hand, I feel terrible for bringing this up because I don't want to cause unneccessary worry, but on the other hand, I'm glad because now you know about it. ETA: I also want to add that I am NO expert on this topic. It was just fairly easy for me to avoid these things, and so I did. I just started googling around on the BPA receipt issue, and it seems like there's a lot of conflicting info out there, none of which I'm really capable of analyzing, so again, hoping I haven't caused unneccesary worry!!

ChinaCat, You are a voice of reason as always! Everything in moderation is key. I hear you on the pizza, and I know it makes me seem extreme, but my DH is a pro at making pizzas at home, so baby had lots of good pizza when I was growin' her! :cheeky:
LovesVintage, I'm glad you brought it up- I honestly had no idea! I just had a mild panic attack at the grocery store after I read this thread b/c I got overwhelmed by the caffeine talk and the BPA talk- all I saw everywhere was plastic plastic plastic! After I calmed down a bit, I realized I could make some educated choices but not have to stress about every possible source. And that is CRAZY about the receipts. My DH is going to laugh at me when I start making him touch all the receipts. :devil:

And I think it's awesome that you could easily cut out so much and that you make your own pizza. I read this blog about simple food and am really wanting to throw everything in my pantry out and start over, fresh and simple, but by the end of the day I'm simply too tired. :cheeky: One day. But I have a fave pizza place and we get it every Saturday night, and you can take away my alcohol, but by gosh, don't take away my pizza! I am just going to assume that they smash up their tomatoes themselves. ;))

How does your hubby make the sauce? I have been making homemade pizzas for O, and maybe I'll try and make my own sauce.

Monarch- I like LV's idea of using an extra sheet of paper. Easy way to avoid without making a big deal out of it.

ETA: It just frustrates me that every time I read something it's one more thing that is dangerous or that we don't know about or that is in our food. If they can take BPA out of baby bottles, and they KNOW it's dangerous, then why not remove if from everything? And then it's like don't eat deli meat b/c of listeria- but wait, it was found on cantaloupes. And this week it's sprouts and it used to be spinach. It makes my head hurt that we can't trust our food sources.
Everything in moderation. I didn't drink any alcohol during my first pregnancy, nor have I had any this pregnancy. And I LOVE my wine!
I don't knock anyone who chooses to have a glass here and there during pregnancy, your body, your choice.
I also stay away from sushi, but that's mainly because the thought of eating it right now makes me sick, and I normally looove sushi.

That's about it in terms of what I'm avoiding.

I drink 1-2 cups of coffee (or 1 cup of coffee and 1/2 -ish can of soda) during the day. I eat chocolate cookies, eat canned veggies, take-out pizza, and indulge in McDonalds 1-2 times a month. I've also had 1 large Italian sub (YUM!), and some brie cheese with my pear slices. Hmmm...what else? On the flip side, I try to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day, eat lots of fresh fruit, grains and drink organic milk :bigsmile: Pretty much what baby girl craves, baby girl is getting right now! After writing all of the above, I'm amazed to think I've only gained 5 lbs so far this pregnancy. I'm afraid I'll be turning into a meatball soon!

Never heard about the BPA/receipts concern, but I'm not too concerned. I don't tend to handle that many receipts on a daily basis. (I am 100% for BPA-free bottles)

My mother and sister are both very much into organic diets and BPA-free everything, I just personally try not to worry too much - again, everything in moderation.
Thanks for the link, Swimmer!!!!!

LV, you and I are on the same wavelength! Ahhh your baby girl is soooo beautiful!!!! It is clear you care so deeply for her!!!! When I was pregnant, a bunch of studies came out about how what a mother ate while pregnant could help prevent breast cancer in her daughter. So I remember being very careful to stay away from carcinogenic foods and chemicals. For her. My love bug!!!!

I also echo Pandora. From what I understand, and what my doctor friends tell me, it IS fine to drink caffeine and alcohol even during pregnancy in moderation. But they say that with the goal of survival - as in, the baby will survive it. But alcohol and caffeine, as Pandora's studies indicate, are not metabolized the same way. We might not feel the effects because it passed through us and the buzz is gone. But essentially, the baby is still trapped in the sac with a higher concentration of alcohol or caffeine for a longer period of time than the mom. At least that is how it was explained to me and makes sense. Then again, we moms are put under so much pressure to do this and don't do that. We all do what is best for ourselves and our families. Judging each other is probably the worst of all. So long as we make informed choices, it's all good!!!

ChinaCat, I agree!!! Seems like our food supply is so tainted and it can be frustrating. Watching documentaries on just how pesticide laden our food is...makes me nuts. It is why our household switched to organic everything. A pain in the butt, that is for sure. BPA is banned in several countries and has been for a while now. Only recently has it been banned in the US and that's for children's things. We are behind the curve, unfortunately, at protecting people's health.

Wheat, for example, is grown with pesticide in its DNA. I wonder why so many people have gluten allergies these days with genetically modified wheat with pesticide spliced into its DNA? Frankenfood everywhere. Sigh. It's banned in Europe! Why not here? Can't even give my baby something as basic as Cheerios! Geez.

But you all are such smart cookies, you seem to make he best choices for your families!!! PS mamas are such smart women.
Loves Vintage|1329858395|3131097 said:
monarch64|1329855876|3131046 said:
I am not a "cashier" per se, but I work in a retail environment and handle my fair share of receipts 5 days a week. I had no idea they contained BPA. Now I have to find out whether ours are BPA-free or not, and if not what I can do to avoid them or how long it will be til we can get the BPA-free kind. And forget about just offering to email customers their receipts. The younger generations are on board with that type of thing, but (and sorry I'm being ageist) the older generations are who we have a problem with--they often refuse to give email addresses or any type of personal information lest we retail lackeys are trying to steal their identity. Creating a second email account is typically not an option for them, either. Too much tech.

Monarch, I think if they are the shiny kind (like the kind that come out of the auto-pay machine at the gas station), then they most likely have BPA. The old-fashioned paper kind, with the blue ink that doesn't always necessarily print out cleanly should be non-BPA. You know what I would do, and I know that I am going to sound like a crazy-nut here, but I am going to suggest it anyway . . . I'd probably take a nice piece of note paper, fold it half and use that to pick up the receipt and hand it over. I'd just say, oh, I get ink on my hands all the time, if anyone asked why I was using the note paper. Is that crazy?

On one hand, I feel terrible for bringing this up because I don't want to cause unneccessary worry, but on the other hand, I'm glad because now you know about it. ETA: I also want to add that I am NO expert on this topic. It was just fairly easy for me to avoid these things, and so I did. I just started googling around on the BPA receipt issue, and it seems like there's a lot of conflicting info out there, none of which I'm really capable of analyzing, so again, hoping I haven't caused unneccesary worry!!

ChinaCat, You are a voice of reason as always! Everything in moderation is key. I hear you on the pizza, and I know it makes me seem extreme, but my DH is a pro at making pizzas at home, so baby had lots of good pizza when I was growin' her! :cheeky:

LV, I'm glad the subject of BPA's came up, don't feel bad. I am all about everything in moderation but this one kind of got to me, probably because handling receipts is something I never read about in all my pregnancy research and I do it at my job every day. I am going to talk to my boss tomorrow to see if the receipts really do contain BPA and find out how we can resolve the issue if there is one. Our system is a bit archaic, and there are actually 3 receipts--one itemized, and two when a credit/debit card is used (which is most often the payment method of choice). One gets signed and the other copy is for the customer. So in each transaction when plastic is used for payment I am usually handling 3 pieces of potentially BPA-laden paper. I work for an independent, specialty retailer and while we do not do a tremendous volume of daily sales like a supermarket, restaurant, or chain store would, the number of receipts I handle due to the old system we use makes me worry. Fortunately, it is possible for me to either not run the register unless absolutely necessary or to use gloves or some kind of shield.

Also, I am jealous of your homemade pizzas. Does your hubby use pizza sauce from a glass jar or make his own? What about the plastic liner inside the metal lid on a glass jar? Does that contain BPA? I am veering toward becoming obsessed with BPA now, but truthfully I don't care. I'd rather KNOW what I'm ingesting and passing along to my kid.
monarch - You'll know if they have BPA if they're printed on thermal paper. I think some jar lids are okay, however, most aren't. It's the main reason we stopped buying Earth's Best jar foods for LO. The amount is probably small because it's just the food that actually touches the lid, but given the fact that there are many alternatives in pouches we didn't see the reason to keep supporting EB when they knew about the BPA.
I've recently moved from using a water filter on the tap to buying spring water from a reputable source. We have those big containers with a spout in the fridge & Paul has requested I take water bottles to work because if I had a huge water container in the fridge at work, it would either be consumed by all or comments would be made about taking up all the room, etc. I don't like water bottles because of the environmental issues, but now I'm wondering how/why they can be made bpa free & other stuff can't or isn't. How stinking ridiculous!

And peanut butter! Was it you, Bliss, who said it shouldn't be eaten during pregnancy? Man, I had thought it *should* to help avoid allergies. Why is there so much varied info out there? Geesh- making emotionally vulnerable women nutty isn't nice, research people!

My doc said to avoid dented cans, but we don't eat from canned food anyway (though I guess we do when we eat out, perhaps). Didn't mention anything about non-dented cans being an issue....

It's 4 in the morning here... another sleepless night with the blueberry-sized baby. H). Totally going to look at my water containers in the morning to be sure we're not pumping the little kiddo with bpa.

Receipts, too? Goodness... I *never* knew. I kinda feel like a bad mom (and human) for not being aware of this *hazardous* stuff.
China and Monarch - We do use jarred sauce. I wasn't aware that bottle caps were also lined with plastic containing BPA until Kunzite brought that to my attention when we were discussing baby food in the newborn thread. Sigh, it is so difficult to find food that you can feel 100% good about! We do buy these pomi tomatoes, which they sell at our regular grocery store right near the canned tomatoes, for everything else. I noticed they are now referring to their packaging at BPA free, which I don't recall from a year ago when I first started buying these.

Bliss - :wavey: Hello friend! Yes, we are on the same wave length! Good for you on the organics. You've renewed my interest in finding a good source for bulk organic flour. We've been baking our own bread at home, but using standard flours, which I feel less good about after reading your post on wheat. On a sidenote, we'd love to hear more about how your beautiful daughter is doing if you have time to post an update in 12-36. (Hint, Hint! :bigsmile: )

Kunzite - Getting way off topic here, but I know you like to buy organic too. Have you ever heard of Azure Standard? I don't think they deliver in my state, but I bet you would have access, since I think you live on the west coast.

Fisher - Re: peanut butter, I think there are a few different theories out there, and it seems no one really knows. A lovely woman at worked warned me against eating too much peanut butter, when she spotted me with a pb sandwich at work! I suppose I had pb in moderation, and fortunately S is ok with it now, too.
Wow you ladies are very informed! I had to skim read or I think I would have caused myself a lot of anxiety about how hazardous life is!

Pre-pregnancy I thought I would switch to all organic foods, etc and eat super healthy, but that hasn't been the case thus far! I eat like normal. I will also mention that I live in France, so my main food concerns were practically ignored when I spoke to my doctor in those first few weeks. He suggested for snack to eat Camembert and a slice of bread, so I have been HAPPILY doing that! I've been told to "avoid" eating uncooked/undercooked meats, deli meats from the butcher vs prepackaged, and paté (which I hate anyways). I haven't stopped eating them, I just buy prepackaged ham, etc.

The hospitals and doctors I have seen here all say not to smoke/drink during pregnancy. Perhaps that is a change from times past? All of my preggo friends here have stopped drinking alcohol, deli meats, and paté though--- although I can't say the same for their gross smoking habits.
I have been so-so with the pregnancy diet. No unpasteurized cheeses (which I don't tend to buy anyways), no raw fish (again, no love lost there) and I've cut back on aspartame/splenda etc (mostly as a justification for drinking full-sugar Coke :-)

I was off the deli meats until this past week where I broke down and had TWO subs from Subway. I toasted them though - so that is better, right? :-)

I drink a coffee or a tea every day and one Coke (or Dr. Pepper). I don't think the caffeine is excessive IMO but I know people feel differently.

I definitely eat peanut butter though - my Dr. said to go ahead and I figure that if my kid is going to end up with an allergy, at least I had 9 months of enjoying my lovely peanut butter on toasted english muffins. Mmmm...

My sister's kid has a peanut allergy and my sister LOVES peanut butter and now can't have it in the house. Whenever she comes to visit me it is the first thing she asks for.
As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I started in on the research. From what I can tell, light drinking hasn't been shown to cause any negative outcomes based on a very comprehensive UK study, so I've been happily enjoying a white wine spritzer (1/2 to 2/3 a glass of wine watered down with seltzer) about 4 times a week, around 200 mg of caffeine a day, sushi from my favorite two places about once a week (mostly farm-raised salmon since that has a very low mercury concern), along with my usual artificial sweetener consumption, oh and a fair few subway sandwiches since I love deli sandwiches right now... might cut out the ones I had been getting from the courthouse deli after reading this thread though. I just have no idea what their conditions are.

Mercury does worry me quite a bit, so I've stuck to less than 2 ounces of large sea fish a week. And I also refused to go through the RapiScan at the airport. I am not super comfortable with that technology, and SO felt very strongly. They let me go through the normal metal detector.

As others have said in this thread, it really does come down to doing your own homework. If you want to play it safe, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I also feel comfortable only changing my behaviors to the extent there's solid science behind it.
I jsut wanted to follow up and say thank to everyone for sharing their plans and experiences. I actually decided to stop the raw milk, it's incredibly rich and I really don't need it right now (alredy gaining weight pretty fast). Also kind of a pain to go and get every week from the farmer. And expensive.

I am enjoying deli meat on occasion (just happened to order hot sandwiches both times recently) but have held off on raw sushi for now. I've had a few eel and avocado rolls that were amazing! Really hit the spot when nothing was sounding good.

Now that I'm almost completely feeling myself again without MS I'm stil having a hard time eating many veggies. Mostly it's my own poor planning, Im so hungry when I leave work (or jsut suddenly) that I need food STAT and eat whatever I have or whatever sounds good. I don't normally eat any fast food aside from occasional chick fil a and I was so hungry a few days ago on the way home I actually had a burrito (sans meat) fromt taco bell! It hit the spot but I don't think I'll be repeating that particular snack regularly LOL.
Rachel - A bit off topic, but you may want to try to keep something in your bag, purse, car at all times. A granola bar, banana or something non-perishable that you can access in a pinch, and a water. I remember being in the car a few times when I was a prego and being ravenously hungry. I was very thankful for the back-up granola bar at those times! Also, I never drank so much water as I did when I was prego. Nothing wrong with a little Taco Bell, but just in case you can't get to a store and you're stuck in the car . . . .
you know LV - I have trail mix in my glove box and totally forgot about it! Preggo brain at it's best : )

thanks for the tip
missrachelk|1332638541|3155794 said:
you know LV - I have trail mix in my glove box and totally forgot about it! Preggo brain at it's best : )

thanks for the tip

Hahaha! Ahhhhh, preggo brain!! You know, some days, I feel like I still have it! Cannot.find.right.words.sometimes. And, my baby is 14 mos, lol!
The American Academy of Pediatrics just reversed is recommendation on the consumption of peanuts/peanut butter last month following a very good study out of Norway or Sweden (can't remember which). The study found that consumption of peanut products during pregnancy and breastfeeding actually lowered the risk of the development of a peanut allergy and asthma. I ate a lot of peanut butter with my first two kids. One is severely allergic, the other is not. I'm still breastfeeding #3, but had to cut out peanut butter once my daughter was diagnosed.