I'm hoping to have some assistance in my hunt for a blue sapphire. I've read a few other threads since I was attempting to research some vendors (specifically GemsNY). Sounds like for the most part people weren't a fan of what they had to offer. I limited myself to looking at anything that was at least GIA certified, but it sounds like AGL is better with colored stones? We are looking at purchasing a ring for myself that has blue sapphires in it, and my soon to be wife has decided to make her center stone a blue sapphire to match, instead of a diamond. Due to the size, I am definitely OK with this due to the general price difference. We are looking for a roughly 2.5 cts that is a princess cut. I am definitely no expert on this, and our jeweler is having difficulty finding one as well. So I figured I'd start to educate myself more, and see if there were some suggestions out there for where to look. I'm hoping someone here would be able to provide some insight, some education for me, and perhaps the perfect gemstone
In reading through the threads, this seems to be a pretty open, honest forum. So I'd appreciate any and all feedback/suggestions. Thanks everyone!
In reading through the threads, this seems to be a pretty open, honest forum. So I'd appreciate any and all feedback/suggestions. Thanks everyone!