
Problem with ring, can it be fixed easily

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Jun 5, 2007
alright, quick suammary my seems to be slightly askew on one end, though I am not 100% sure exactly where the problem lay, as the prongs may be slightly off center, but I think standing alone it wouldnt be noticable. However, one end of the shank is not lined up properly between the prongs, which is causing for it too look crooked. If I were in America then I could just talk to a jeweler about it, though I would probably have to keep the fact I bought in online a seceret as they get real pissed. but anyway, being in Japan at the moment I would love to get it fixed before I give it to her on August 7th, but I cant communicate with them and I dont know if it is a reasonable request. so please let me know if it should be easy, hard, is reasonable, unreasonalbe, any potential risk to the diamond, what to be wary of, etc. Further pictures of the ring can be found in the show me your ring room.

Here is an image of the good side:

And here is the picture of the bad side. You can see it isnt perfectly lined up between the prongs. I will search for a few other pictures that captured the slightly askew affect it causes. though nobody has been able to identify it themselves on prompting. I think the crown was actually supposed to be souldered onto the shank in that spot, but since I had the crown work done by ja and the shank from knox that is no big surprise, and if it werent for being slightly askew I wouldnt mind at all...

this one does a devent job of demonstrating the slightly crooked appearance:

hard to tell from the pics. if it bothers you, take it to a local jeweler and see what they say. no need to tell them you bought it online...
I can see it in the last picture you posted. Like mrssalvo said, if it bothers you that much have it fixed. I am wondering how noticeable it is IRL... I know you noticed it, but you were inspecting it (as will your FF)...
I know it would bug me if I could see it IRL... :)
well, once you see it you def. don''t not see it anymore. Unfortunatly nobody here in Japan will touch it at the moment. Also, my information was incorrect, hardly anybody has even heard of palladium. But the day after I propose there is a jewelry repair fair, so I will have her take it there then and see aobut getting it fixed. Didn''t want to do it that way, but it looks like the only option.
Are you referring to the right side prong and how it appears slightly curved outwards? If so, I wouldn''t take it to someone else to "fix" it. If it bothers you that much, please take it back to the company you purchased it from. I say this because once you take it to someone else to fix, if you dont like how they fix or, if if the make it worse, you lose your ability/right to send it back to the vendor because they can no longer see what your issue was in the first place. Does that make sense? It''s brand new so they should take care of replacing/re-setting the stone in a new setting.
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