
Project Runway

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Date: 9/8/2006 4:17:08 PM
Author: albicocca
Yeah, I was so scared for Michael too!!! That dress was uuuuglyy, but everything else he''s done has been so great and they love ''surprising'' the audience by doing crap like that.

Ya know what''s funny? How instantly AMAZING did that dress look when they tucked those little blue "mickey ears" INSIDE the bustline. I was like ... OMIGOD ... if he had been able to have enough distance from his work to even TRY that, he might have WON??

Granted the overall execution wasn''t great either ...

He''s still my fave though!
Albi - you wrote what I was thinking!

Jeffrey won b/c his dress is "editorial," which no one else really managed to do. I give Michael a lot of credit for how hard he tried, however, AND I think the "Mickey ears" were not a bad idea in concept. The placement was just off.

Thank goodness Vincent is finally gone! After all that crap about how he was trained in couture -- and then he GLUED everything!!! I really wanted Nina and Michael to examine that hem and pitch a fit!

Now what is this about Laura losing it?! My Tivo cut off too early (again!) so I missed the preview for next week. Fill me in!
She started.....crying!!! To Tim Gunn!! Something about being tired and...I think it's pregnancy hormones possibly.
Got it! Thanks.

Me thinks the idea of a *sixth* child is also stressing her out quite a bit. She puts on a brave smile when talking about it, but I don''t think this was a happy surprise.
My first thought reading all the latest posts - Ahhhh Tim, I LOVE YOU TIM!

Um, on to responding to actual things!

YES, Deco, Michael''s dress looked soooooo much better with the things tucked in!!! It was still poor execution but at least it wasn''t ridiculous looking!!! I agree with Fata though, that it COULD have worked out really nice - his sketches were beautiful - but he just didn''t have the time to get all that ruching right.

And yes, Fata, I felt soooo bad for Laura''s future kid because you know at some point he''s going to want to see when his mom was on TV and there she''ll be, bitching about how she didn''t want ANOTHER one!!! And how she didn''t even tell her husband before saying it on TV?? The whole thing is just kind of weird and sad. Also - did she go from 2 months pregnant to 6 months pregnant in like one episode?? I didn''t think she looked pregnant hardly at all in her jet-setting dress, but in that button down with her exposed belly this episode she was huuuuge! Is it possible they had a week or 2 in Paris between episodes or something?? I just thought that was odd.
Date: 9/8/2006 5:19:20 PM
Author: albicocca
Also - did she go from 2 months pregnant to 6 months pregnant in like one episode?? I didn''t think she looked pregnant hardly at all in her jet-setting dress, but in that button down with her exposed belly this episode she was huuuuge! Is it possible they had a week or 2 in Paris between episodes or something?? I just thought that was odd.
Yes, I noticed that too in the last episode. It made me wonder - is there a lot more time between each challenge than it seems? Or was she hiding it for a long time - though I doubt that''s it cuz she was wearing very tight dresses and outfits. It seems odd.
Date: 9/8/2006 5:23:27 PM
Author: FireGoddess

Date: 9/8/2006 5:19:20 PM
Author: albicocca
Also - did she go from 2 months pregnant to 6 months pregnant in like one episode?? I didn''t think she looked pregnant hardly at all in her jet-setting dress, but in that button down with her exposed belly this episode she was huuuuge! Is it possible they had a week or 2 in Paris between episodes or something?? I just thought that was odd.
Yes, I noticed that too in the last episode. It made me wonder - is there a lot more time between each challenge than it seems? Or was she hiding it for a long time - though I doubt that''s it cuz she was wearing very tight dresses and outfits. It seems odd.
i agree! i thought the same thing! big belly appeared OVERNIGHT! hum, i think lots more time goes on inbetween tapings. but what would they be doing during that time?!
Well if they flew everyone to would be niiiice if they could just sightsee! But it does seem strange that they would build something like that in. But on the other hand, they could have realized how difficult it would be for anyone to complete the work jetlagged? Hmmm but that should only have meant a couple days and that looked like WEEKS'' worth of bump on Laura.... Basically I have no idea! But Tim did say in his podcast or blog that Angela got to stay in Paris a little after she was kicked off which was certainly nice of them. Can you imagine going on that plane ride, seeing Europe for the first time on your way to the workroom, getting kicked off the show and going straight home?? So at least we know the producers have a LITTLE heart!
I missed the episode where Laura announced her pregnancy and was totally shocked last night to see that she was pregnant! I had no idea until I saw her belly hanging out. FI had no idea either. When they were on the runway, though it was much less noticeable. I think she''s just very good at hiding it.
I thought the same thing! Where did that belly come from?!

If they do have extra time, WHY couldn''t they have had it for that last challenge?! I would have loved to see what some of them could have done with a week instead -- 10 hours of work is NEVER going to make a gorgeous couture dress.
I THOUGHT THE SAME THING! When they flew to Paris, she still looked thin (though I did notice she was wearing spanx (or something like them when she was getting dressed) then two days later she was HUGE! So strange. I have heard that with every baby you get larger b/c you skin stretches but whoah! Are they religious or just too lazy to use BC?
I am so glad I am not the only one who thought Laura''s bump got 4x bigger O/N. I was thinking they must have *some* downtime between challenges, but seriously!!

I''m glad to hear also that Angela got some time in Paris before heading home, much as I detested her clothing, I''m not that evil... haha.

I am SO RELIEVED to FINALLY see Vincent go. He needed to go after that basket hat thing. UGH!!!!!!!

And although I liked Jeffrey''s the most, I also feel like Uli NEEDS TO WIN!!!!
Date: 9/8/2006 8:26:39 PM
Author: flopkins

I also feel like Uli NEEDS TO WIN!!!!

Okay, I really like Uli but ALL her clothes look the same. I think it shows more talent when designers can leave their safety zone and try something new. I really, really like Michael.
anyone watch last night? i was soooo worried when they brought those two back and then said 3 had to go home!!! so glad they ended up being the first off! whew, another night my micheal was SAFE!
I love Laura. I can see myself wearing everything she''s designed. I did think those sleeves were a little farty though. Anyway, I''m also IN love with Michael Night :)
I watched last night...I had it set to record and started watching it 3/4 of the way through--much to my dismay there were Angela and Vincent and I was trying to figure out whether I had somehow recorded a re-run! Anyway, I wasn''t shocked that Kane ended up leaving, as well as Vincent and Angela (way to take that second chance and run with it, jeez

I really, really, cannot stand Jeffrey and his sucky attitude. His and Ulee''s designs probably bother me most, because they never do anything out of their little comfort zone. Yes, their designs are good, but I get bored watching the same things come down the runway each week from them. I loved that Laura went out of her way to do a more youthful, fun cocktail dress...I bet it was really tough for her but it turned out SO well. Michael is fantastic--very talented and I think he will go far in the industry, as well as this season of PR (personally I think he will win at this point).
I agree that Michael has the potential to win this thing. He is very talented and his designs are not all the same like Uli and Jeffrey's. I wasn't crazy about Laura's dress, but it was something different for her and the judges obviously liked it. She is good and I like most of her stuff. I was dismayed when they brought Angela and Vincent back, but at least they were quickly eliminated again. I think Kane's designs were just too over the top for the most part.
I''m with you, Monarch. I can''t stand Jeffrey and he needs to GO. Big time. I know Kane is tacky but I wish it was Jeffrey that had gotten kicked off. I was surprised Laura won. I thought Michael was a contender for this challenge.
A black and white cocktail dress and Uli has to go for the crazy print? Aaaargh. Enough Uli, enough. I liked Laura''s and Michael''s (only one to use white as the main color, this man is brilliant). I think next week Jeffrey and Uli will be fighting for the last spot.
Date: 9/8/2006 9:35:16 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Date: 9/8/2006 8:26:39 PM

Author: flopkins

I also feel like Uli NEEDS TO WIN!!!!

Okay, I really like Uli but ALL her clothes look the same. I think it shows more talent when designers can leave their safety zone and try something new. I really, really like Michael.

tacori - I totally agree w/you.... I guess what I meant was I wanted her to win at least one challenge!!!!

Uli is totally the same thing every week though, so is Jeffery.

I am also hoping Michael will beat them all out at the end!!! I think he is clearly more versatile, and I always like his look. Plus, he always listens to Tim. Which I think is nice, for a change. All the other designers think they know better.

ETA: I am SO glad they got rid of Angela and Vincent again, that was NOT cool.
Gosh I wish I still had access to cable so I could watch this show. However, you all should appreciate this! I met and chatted with Nick Varreros from last season on Friday. Super fun!!
Date: 9/14/2006 9:22:03 PM
Author: SeattleSparkle
Gosh I wish I still had access to cable so I could watch this show. However, you all should appreciate this! I met and chatted with Nick Varreros from last season on Friday. Super fun!!

spill the beans!!
Date: 9/14/2006 12:48:33 PM
Author: FireGoddess
I''m with you, Monarch. I can''t stand Jeffrey and he needs to GO. Big time. I know Kane is tacky but I wish it was Jeffrey that had gotten kicked off. I was surprised Laura won. I thought Michael was a contender for this challenge.

~~I don''t like Jeffrey either...he''s so mean and arrogant!!
On the other hand, I''m so loving Michael!!
I was just talking to my mom about PR this morning, and she was like "I wouldn''t mind if you started dating him. Then I wouldn''t have to take you shopping!!" Hmmm...nice try mom!! I think that the top 3 will be (hopefully) Michael, Laura, and Uli (as long as she doesn''t choose another print)...Who would you like to see at Fashion Week??
Date: 9/14/2006 6:39:29 PM
Author: flopkins
Date: 9/8/2006 9:35:16 PM

Author: Tacori E-ring

Date: 9/8/2006 8:26:39 PM

Author: flopkins

I also feel like Uli NEEDS TO WIN!!!!

Okay, I really like Uli but ALL her clothes look the same. I think it shows more talent when designers can leave their safety zone and try something new. I really, really like Michael.

tacori - I totally agree w/you.... I guess what I meant was I wanted her to win at least one challenge!!!!

Uli is totally the same thing every week though, so is Jeffery.

I am also hoping Michael will beat them all out at the end!!! I think he is clearly more versatile, and I always like his look. Plus, he always listens to Tim. Which I think is nice, for a change. All the other designers think they know better.

ETA: I am SO glad they got rid of Angela and Vincent again, that was NOT cool.

I hope Michael wins too. I think he has the most passion and talent. I was glad to see Laura design something without the low "V" neck. I feel Like her designs are starting to look the same too and that Paris dress? Ick! I think the judges are getting tired of Uli though so my guess is it will be Jeffery (who annoys me), Laura and Michael but did you see the preview? I think there is a twist so who knows.
Tacori, I totally agree with you. I like that every designer has kind of had their "trademark," but as a designer, there is only so much "trademark" you can sell. You HAVE to be able to show some versatility and think outside your "box" or comfort zone once in a while...there is a reason major fashion houses bring in different designers every season or so--they have to keep it fresh to sell, sell, sell! Business and dollars are the bottom line here, even though this is a reality show.

This season I loved Allison''s, Michael''s, and Laura''s designs. I LIKED several other designers PERSONALITIES. That doesn''t mean I think they would sell their lines to buyers, though. For example, if Ulee (Uli?) were to open a boutique in Miami, St. Tropez, etc., I think she''d do fabulously, but I don''t think she stands a chance when it comes to showing fall lines for middle America. She''ll never be a Ralph Lauren. When I see this show, I tend to look at the big picture and wonder who will be the most versatile, whose designs will be taken seriously in NY, Chicago, and L.A.? Who will make a splash in WWD and DNR? Who will design students everywhere be furiously trying to copy? Ya know?

OK, stepping carefully off the soapbox now so as not to trip down the runway, LOL!
oooh. **Spoiler alert** Project Runway had their show today and the pics are up on the getty website.... and search for project runway.

shows the 4 collections.
INTERESTING. I didn''t go to the link...I want to be surprised...but Heidi Klum DID say on the view yesterday that things would be different...there wouldn''t necessarily be 3 finalists...which I took to mean that maybe there were 2. But 4?!?! WOW. I don''t want to know...I''m not gonna check!!! heehee
ooohhh! i''m dying to know WHO the designers are but i don''t want to see their collectioins yet

wonder if it''s keith?
Well I looked and there''s some pretty cool stuff!!!
FG - I think they showed 4 collections to make sure we don''t know who the ''real'' three are, this is what they did last year... bc, obviously all the press is there at Fashion week. I''m not sure if they''re going to change that though.
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