
proposal idea - help ladies..

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Nov 4, 2004
So I''m going to bite the bullet and propose. but.... I''m so unromantic!!!!! I might need some help here in fine-tuning the event.

My girlfriend loves brand new experiences, especially when it comes to doing things that normal people wouldnt do: like sky-diving, bungee jumping, etc.

I''m kind of scared of heights so i think skydiving is out of the question heh heh. I decided to compromise, and take her up on a hot air balloon ride. somewhat safe i think /?/ She''s never done that...

So I''ll take her up on the balloon, bring a bottle of ice wine (cuz she perfers sweeter wines) and then when we''re up inside the basket, i''ll ask the pilot to take us to the maximum /safest/ height of the balloon. (i hope its no more than 1500ft, otherwise i''ll piss my pants!). then when we''re at the maximum height, i''ll do the deed and say,

"hon, wow! we''re at the highest altitude possible in this balloon... this is exactly where my my heart and emotions are right now, because i''m so excited to stand here with you, to kneel, *kneel* and ask, ''will you marry me?'' "

uhhh how about that? should i change something?
Well, that sure sounds romantic to me. I think it''s a great idea. What will the weather be like in your area?
I think that''s cute! However, *can* you kneel? I have no idea how big those baskets are, but I would find out if you''re set on kneeling. Also, try and sneak the pilot a disposable camera to capture the moment!
Good luck!
Great Idea!! I would just call to make sure that you will be the only couple in the basket. I know that usually they take up about 4 couples at a time. Good Luck!
thanks everyone for the feedback.

it is getting cold but hot air balloon rides are all-year-round. and i hear winter is one of the best times cuz of the clear fresh view and also its "quiet" season so the chances of us being alone in the ride is high.

the ring i got her is a platinum tiffany-classic solitaire, .8carat vvs1 e-colour ideal cut.
So let''s see if I''ve got this straight--you''re unromantic--but you know she likes new exciting activities and you want to tie that to your proposal. You know she likes sweet wines, so you''re going to have some there. You know she wants a romantic proposal so you''re taking time to plan something that would be special for her. You''re unsure of your own ideas so you''re asking for help from others to make it special for her... I''ve got news for you: You''re romantic. Everything you''re doing, that''s the definition of romantic. You''re planning a special event for her and you''re carefully considering what she likes and her feelings. How much more romantic could you get? Just keep it up!
You''ve done great!!! LOVE the plan

JimDiamond -- i suck at execution. its soooo much easier said than done afaik. i have a weird way of "ruining the moment" with some odd laughter or giggle.

Date: 11/7/2004 8:18:8 AM
Author: datadump

i have a weird way of 'ruining the moment' with some odd laughter or giggle.

You couldn't possible "ruin" such a thing
- almost anything you do will just become the nicest memory 5 minutes afte r (including giggles and looking down to ant-sized skyscrapers)... says this girl.

Just one thing: high altitude baloon rides in winter is a very, very cold affair. Ask beforehand about this.
I think it sounds amazing. I''d love a proposal story like that.
Ruining the moment could be doing something uncaring or proposing in an abrupt manner with little or no obvious forethought. For example a guy sitting with his girlfriend suddenlyl saying, "Hey why don't we get married?"...and having no ring or anything special to give her or say at that moment. But if you PLAN it, if you take her feelings into account in the planning then no amount of "inappropriate giggling" or "mistakes" will ruin the moment. In your mind you may think it did, but trust me it will not in hers. I proposed four months ago and it was an awesome experience for both of us, but I saw something happen at the actual moment of proposal that I have never seen before. I understand better now what I've seen portrayed in movie proposals or when I've heard real life proposal stories. When my girlfriend realized what was happening her mind just short circuited. Her short term memory just vanished. As we talked about what happened and what each of us was thinking right before, during and after the proposal I realized she didn't really remember much about that 10 minute period. It was just gone. I had to actually tell her what happened. You've heard of seeing the world through rose tinted glasses? Well, your proposal will be one BIG rose tint. She'll be so happy, nothing will bother her. Make your plan and just do it. One thing, a hot air ballon does seem a bit cold, windy and complicated--but you know her. If adventurous and exciting will be right for her then, bundle up and go for it!
heya folks... about the "cold" hot air baloon ride in the winter ....... we''re canadian, we can handle the cold :) also, i was told by the balooning people that it is no colder up there than it is down on the ground. also that winter is one of the best times to go up because you get clear crisp skies and great views.

i''m still waiting for the dang ring to be built
That is a kick a$$ idea and she will definitely be all about it... Do it man. do it. heh.
Sounds like an awesome idea! I wouldn''t worry about the heights. I''m scared to death of heights as well and have to say that hotair ballooning is such a great experience and you are in such awwww that you don''t realize how high up you are. Can tell you that I would do it again in a heart beat if I had the opportunity. And even if it''s cold out, gives you a good reason to snuggle more in the balloon. Besides, you have all that heat from the flames keeping up the balloon. That within itself is enough to keep ya warm (very warm for me). Keep us updated and let us know how it goes.
thanks everyone for so much encouragement!!! i''m pumped for action ... except i''m still waiting for the jewel to arrive
>...(i hope its no more than 1500ft, otherwise i''ll piss my pants!)...
>...uhhh how about that? should i change something?

Na, just don''t piss in your pants.
finally got the ring... here it is.
tiffany-ish, 6prong solitaire, vvs1, e, round "hearts & arrows"



Just don''t let that rock fall out of the basket...that would be bad
gorgeous stone. I love the hot air ballon idea.
then no amount of ''inappropriate giggling'' or ''mistakes'' will ruin the moment. In your mind you may think it did, but trust me it will not in hers.

from this old broad! How true.

Go for it! It''s the imperfections in life that often is the unexpected joy!
the proposal went very well..... however, my plan A (hot air balloon) didnt turn out. in fact, the pilot mentioned that the weather is really terrible for a while and probably will not be able to fly up for another month

so i had to resort to my plan B, which was to transform my apt to a small candle-lit performing "stage"... and i sang her a song that i wrote for her with my guitar (which she has never heard before until that day)..... then i kneeled and did the deed...

i will STILL take her up to hot air ballooning because i already purchased the flight and i think she''ll still LOVE the experience, but it''ll happen later when the weather is suitable... she doesnt know about this yet hehehe
Oh, congrats!!!! And the ring is just lovely--I love a classic six-prong solitaire!!
Congrats man! Glad you had a plan B. I had to go down to Plan C myself and very nearly had to resort to Plan D.
congrats! that sounds like a wonderful proposal
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