
proposal wishing temporarily on hold!!!

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Feb 24, 2008

hello all!!

thanks to everyone who helped reassure me and calm some of my anxiety in my last post!! I ended up getting a beautiful amethyst and diamond ring for my b-day instead of the much wanted diamond sparkler but I was still pleasantly surprised. it was very pretty and I later felt bad about getting so upset it wasn''t my engagement ring.

but unfortunately, the past couple of weeks has changed my worrying priorities just a bit.

I''ve been having right sided lower abdominal pain for a few months now but thought nothing of it since i had my appendix taken out when i was 4. I thought it was just scar tissue. but 2 weeks ago, it started hurting really badly when i had intercourse or went to the bathroom and it finally just got so bad I couldn''t stand up!!

after sitting in an emergency room for 12 hours-I was told I have a complex, hemographic, 5cm cyst on my right ovary. I''ve been totally scared and in pain ever since. they took bloodwork to make sure the cyst wasn''t cancerous (totally scary) and are now just waiting for those results and are scheduling an ultrasound for 5 weeks from now. I''m in alot of pain constantly and my irritability/anxiety level is way higher than normal. my bf isn''t quite sure how to handle it.


i''m mostly scared of what the bloodwork will say since cancer runs in my family (several aunts,grandparent have had breast cancer and my mom had cervical cancer when she was 32. I''m 29). I was looking at stuff on the internet and the average life expectancy of someone who has ovarian cancer is only 5 years!!! talk about stress!!! that made my "lady in waiting" anxiety jump up 150%

i''m trying not to get overly worked up over it as i''m sure it''s minor and surgery will easily fix it but i''m not looking forward to that either!!!

so for now, i''m sure my bf is a little relieved that i''m not breathing down his neck about getting married (he''s still worried about me though) and i know as soon as i''m feeling better-i''ll be back to wanting that ring just as much as i did before. lol!!!

Goodness, that''s terrible, I''m sorry to hear you are in such pain and will need surgery! My mom had a cyst like that a few years ago and although the ''not knowing'' whether it was going to lead to anything more serious or not, everything turned out fine. I hope the same happens with you, so you can go back to being worried about when you''ll get engaged, instead of about health problems! *hugs*
Oh I hope you''re ok!!
That''s really scary. I''m glad that they found the cyst. I hope that all your test and whatnot go smoothly.
Argh, I''m sorry this is happening to you. I just know you are going to be fine. My friend has had several ovarian cyst, and the doctors just took it away. I don''t envy the pain...
If it''s just a cyst it can be taken care of and you''ll be up and around in no time. I know it''s easy to say "dont worry" but honestly, there''s nothing you can do right now so it''s not only better, it''s healthier to try to do nice things for yourself (mani/pedi, massage, etc.), hang with friends, do fun things, take your mind off this until the tests come back and you know what''s going on. Cysts are very common. I understand that a family history of cancer is scary at a time like this. What I really dont understand is why they''re making you wait 5 weeks for an US test? That sounds bizarre to me given your family history. Who is "they" and dont you have a proper GYN you can go to and get an US/tests ASAP? If not, ask your friends for a referral and get to a GYN ASAP so you can speed up your tests, and ease your mind. Don''t wait for 5 weeks, that''s crazy!
Sending healthy vibes your way!
Sending you my best wishes. Take care.
I just wanted to say that I am very sorry that you are going through this. I can sympathize with you. A few years ago I had an ovarian cyst also. Was outta work for a few weeks, could barely stand. It ended up bursting. I didnt move off the couch for over a week! And just last year I found out that I had Cervical PreCancer. Had to have a Colposcopy done and then had surgery called a Laser Conization. The surgery was a piece of cake with mild discomfort afterwords and TRUST me i am a BABY when it comes to stuff like that! I HATE needles and am MAJORLY chicken-sh** when it comes to hospitals etc. So if I can go through all that...i have confidance that you will be just fine too. And cancers run in my family too. Please keep us updated on your condition, and im sure i can speak for everyone when i say we''ll be thinkin bout you!
You are in my prayers!
I''m sure it''ll be just fine...keep us posted!
I''m sorry to hear about your cyst and wanted to post to reassure you: even if you have cancer in your family, ovarian cysts like yours being cancerous are very, very rare. They do the bloodwork and testing as a routine, NOT because they suspect anything. In the majority of women, the cysts are just benign fluid-filled things.

Also, ovarian cysts are very, very common. As in, most women will have at least one in her life. In many women, they form and then go away on their own. A friend of mine had one that her doctor noticed but that didn''t cause her any pain. The doctor left it there and the following year, she went in for her annual and it had reabsorbed.

Don''t worry! I know that''s hard not to do. When I was in my mid-20s, my doctor found a lump in one breast and I was terrified. Turns out that it was a fibridoma - a fatty cyst. Doctor said that unless it hurt me, that she recommended to just leave it alone. My body reabsorbed that, too, because it''s not there now.

Bridget in Connecticut.
Gosh I am so sorry you are in such pain. I have had ovarian cysts, they are very painful. Listen if they were that worried, they wouldn''t make you wait 5 weeks. I''d get a second opinion, or get someone to move up your tests. Waiting 5 weeks is not something I would want to do.
I hope all checks out and that you are ok!!!
sorry to hear that!I''ve had a cyst the size of a grapefruit on my ovary and got it removed and it was no problem what so ever. Turns out I have PCOS though. Like everyone else said don''t worry and if the doctors were more concerned they wouldn''t make you wait 5 weeks!

my mom has ovarian cancer and she''s been doing really well
it''s something you gotta keep your hopes up about if that turns out to be the case
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