
PSA: Check your stud earrings regularly!!


Aug 14, 2009
I just noticed that the post on one of my studs is terribly askew.

I give mine a once-over weekly - my last check was Monday. So this happened within the past week. I have no clue what “this” is - I have no clue what happened. The head looks fine: No missing melee, no damaged milgrain, no pulled prongs. I don’t wear them to bed, but I’ve fallen asleep in the car wearing them. I store them separately when not in use. That I could bend a post so much and not notice at all is honestly terrifying!!

What’s astonishing is that the post didn’t break off at the solder joint - it bent. Thank goodness they’re platinum. If they’d been gold they might well have snapped, and I might not have an earring head right now :eek-2:


EEk! :-o
Glad you spotted that.
Thank goodness you noticed !
I havn't worn earings regularly for ages
I guess this is a warning post to me because in the past i never took them off
Wow, thanks! Glad you caught it.
My guess would be when you're snapping on the backing... over time you're causing it to bend?
Wow - lucky find! So glad you didn't lose one of your beautiful diamonds!
Glad you caught it in time! Yes, it's good they are platinum. What PB said is the only think I can think of that would cause it. Are you attempting to straighten it?
Do you think they bent because they're platinum, since plat is more malleable? I've bent a platinum post before trying to get a backing off. The backing was the wrong size and when I yanked with a little more force it bent sideways.
Glad you noticed before anything worse happened!
Oh man thats scary! I will admit I do sleep in mine. I check them weekly though, nothing bent. I sleep on silk pillowcases and maybe thats been my saving grace. (sure does lovely things for my hair!)
Yssie, I've had this happen too. My best guess is that it was because my posts are long enough to stick out beyond the backs and I often clamp my phone between my ear and my shoulder. Not 100% sure that's why it happened to me, but I think that is the culprit. Do you ever do that?
So glad you didn't lose anything! I used to wear my screwbacks diamond studs ALL the time and pre PS 10 years ago. And one night at home watching tv I felt it fall out of my ear on my shoulder. I never checked the screwbacks. I just thought they would never become loose. I was wrong. And I had NO idea how to clean them lol. I actually bought them at a gem and jewelry show and brought them back to the seller and he goes Who did this? They were filled with hair product etc. I didn't know anything about cleaning etc. I've come a LONG way. Thankfully they are really beautiful diamonds and now I have an ultrasonic and i have chrysmela backs and check them constantly lol.
Thanks for the PSA @yssie and I'm adding to your PSA with a little humor too.
Don't worry, Yissie.

I may take time to get used to, but not being straight is not so bad.

At this point half straight and half bent - what a conundrum!
@PintoBean, @ForteKitty, @diamondseeker2006, @Arcadian, @Dee*Jay, @bling_dream19 - I don’t know if this was caused by a sudden one-time force or if I’ve been gradually weakening the post over the last four years, and something I did this week broke the camel’s back :(sad I’ve emailed Erika and asked her to inspect them both to ensure there are no (other) surprises looming.

I do think platinum being more bendy might well have saved the head! Bad as they are, these pics don’t fully capture how askew that post is - if it was a single sudden force I’m confident it would have been enough to snap gold :eek-2:

I’ll follow up here with Erika’s thoughts. These are my daily earrings, I’m going to feel naked for a few weeks ;(
@yssie sorry about the bent post. This actually has happened to me a few times and I recently uncovered the root cause - the headset that I use at work. I also don’t sleep with earrings so I knew that it had to be something else. Hope that you don’t encounter the same issue once it’s remedied.
I have broken a few studs by unbending. No Pt., but if this has something to do with the structure of welds, the experience is relevant.
I once dropped my earring and managed to step on it immediately thereafter. I'm quite talented, obviously. It bent the post but my husband was able to fix it.
I once dropped the little box i kept all my good earings in into the bathroom sink - everything went straight down the plug hole
i was home alone and tried not to panic
i managed to undo the u bend from inside the vanity and recover everybody ... and get the pipes back together again with nothing leaking

That taught me to always put the plug in if im using the bathroom mirror to put on my jewlery
WOW... thank fully you noticed!!! I have platinum baskets screw posts for earrings.... I did hit/ scrape my ear against the swimming ropes sometime ago. ringing in the ear type of hardness. and that caused it to bend at 90degrees!!!!! My jewler straightened it as much as he could.. but it is still bent. It houses an occasional diamond in there now. cant wiat to hear that those beauties are back on your ear!

half bent and half straight..... LOL>...
Depending on value of the stones, insurance also a good idea.
Glad you caught it.
Excellent reminder for us to have our pieces checked!
I just noticed that the post on one of my studs is terribly askew.

I give mine a once-over weekly - my last check was Monday. So this happened within the past week. I have no clue what “this” is - I have no clue what happened. The head looks fine: No missing melee, no damaged milgrain, no pulled prongs. I don’t wear them to bed, but I’ve fallen asleep in the car wearing them. I store them separately when not in use. That I could bend a post so much and not notice at all is honestly terrifying!!

What’s astonishing is that the post didn’t break off at the solder joint - it bent. Thank goodness they’re platinum. If they’d been gold they might well have snapped, and I might not have an earring head right now :eek-2:


@yessie That’s happened to my platinum studs...but further down where the notches are. I just make sure the solder and the notches are fine. I look at it under the loop before and after I bend it back gently.
This happened to me the other day and my earring post snapped off. I’m going to have to send it to be repaired eventually but I’m waiting until I move and have more free time.
I know exactly what happened too- I hit my earring with my phone! I was talking to someone on my phone and I remember having my phone against my earring and then almost dropping my phone. I did some kind of motion to press it against my ear so it wouldn’t drop and in doing so snapped my earring off. My phone dropped anyway.
Oh Well!
This happened to me the other day and my earring post snapped off. I’m going to have to send it to be repaired eventually but I’m waiting until I move and have more free time.
I know exactly what happened too- I hit my earring with my phone! I was talking to someone on my phone and I remember having my phone against my earring and then almost dropping my phone. I did some kind of motion to press it against my ear so it wouldn’t drop and in doing so snapped my earring off. My phone dropped anyway.
Oh Well!

@kayla17 I’m sorry it broke off..I’m curious if your metal is platinum or gold. I’ve heard that platinum will bend but not easily break..but gold will..
Great post! I lost a stud once never to be found again.
@kayla17 I’m sorry it broke off..I’m curious if your metal is platinum or gold. I’ve heard that platinum will bend but not easily break..but gold will..

It’s 18kt gold. Once I’m moved I will send it off to DK.
Im so glad you caught this! I have 2 pairs of studs (bezel and prong set) and i take them out once a week so i can switch between the 2 pairs, and also clean and check them, but i have been procrastinating getting the professionally checked (bc i have to go all the way to tiffanys ugh) . I worry about the screwbacks mostly. I really think its time to go!!!