
Pumpers unite!

I know you said it's not the parts, but check the tubing. The one time this happened to me it was because one of the connectors was partially off.

Also, I want to stress rest again. Don't wait until you go back to work to get help with the night feed. You're working all day every day too!! There's no reason your DH can't do 50% of the night work now.
NEL, I had that happen at one point. if you can please have hubby take over a feed so you can rest. I think it happened when I was anxious (if I am remembering correctly); I use to make myself a bit crazy at the pump. It is also normal to have one breast produce more; make sure you don't have the tension too high on your pump. I caused issues w/one breast too and that is another reason I didn't produce as much in the breast that use to produce more milk. Also have you tried drinking the Mother's Milk tea; I use to drink it 3 times a day and it did help my supply a bit. hugs.
NEL, can you try switching tubes to each boob? E.g. if the right breast normally gets the right tube, attach it to the left breast. That way you can check if your tube has a leak or something. Other than that, listen to Kunzite and Skippy. I also always do hand massages while the pump is going. That helps me get more milk out too. Even if I don't feel any hard spots, I still do compression/massages.
So the problem was that I had a small scab on my nipple that was blocking the milk. Ah, the joys of pumping. I'm now experimenting with lower suction. I've been using the max suction for 5 weeks now, so trying to lower it is not going well!
NEL, YE-OUCH! Both the scab and max suction pumping sound painful! Dunno if you've gone through this whole thread, but there was a link from the Stanford site that was really good at explaining hand expressing. If you already checked it out then no worries, but I thought I'd repost for any of the new pumping mamas.
Also are you using lanolin cream?

Do any of the BTDT mamas have super secret nipple cream that you can suggest? Right now I'm using CVS knock off of Lanolin cream. Any tips?

lliang_chi|1332948189|3158193 said:
NEL, YE-OUCH! Both the scab and max suction pumping sound painful! Dunno if you've gone through this whole thread, but there was a link from the Stanford site that was really good at explaining hand expressing. If you already checked it out then no worries, but I thought I'd repost for any of the new pumping mamas.
Also are you using lanolin cream?

Do any of the BTDT mamas have super secret nipple cream that you can suggest? Right now I'm using CVS knock off of Lanolin cream. Any tips?


LC- I also used the CVS version of Lansinoh and then bought the brand name- it seriously felt like a different lanolin altogether! After that, I only used the the brand name...not sure if you could try that.

Also, I used this: It's much thinner than the lanolin (doesn't actually contain that as an ingredient).
LS, OK it wasn't just me. I got the Lanisoh brand in the hospital, just teeny tiny sample sizes, then DH came home with a big tube of CVS knock off and it totally felt stickier than Lanisoh brand. I thought it was just me. DH is going to think I'm a total brat, but I don't see him feeding Ethan with is body... :devil: :halo:
lliang_chi|1333038863|3159147 said:
LS, OK it wasn't just me. I got the Lanisoh brand in the hospital, just teeny tiny sample sizes, then DH came home with a big tube of CVS knock off and it totally felt stickier than Lanisoh brand. I thought it was just me. DH is going to think I'm a total brat, but I don't see him feeding Ethan with is body... :devil: :halo:

Exactly! The CVS brand is very sticky...not so with the Lansinoh!

You should hook him up to the pump so he can feel what it's like. I did that to my sister and husband and they both screamed in pain- they looked at me with newfound respect after that :Up_to_something:
OMG LS, that's the FUNNIEST THING EVER!!! You're hilarious and my kind of people!!! I think my DH will say, "I'll just take your word for it." Sis did feel how uncomfortable clogged ducts were yesterday. She was like, "HOLY COW, that's solid!!!" She's my twin sis (i.e. we're super close), so I don't feel weird nursing in front of her.
LC, I didn't know you were a twin! I'm a twin too! Are you fraternal or identical? We're fraternal.

Every now and then she'll look at my boobs and sadly comment on how the mighty have fallen. They were big (for me) when I was pumping.
LS, we're fraternal twins. Does your sister have any kids? My sis is choosing to be the best aunt ever, but doesn't choose motherhood for herself. So she gets to swing by, spoil Ethan and then give him back to me when he gets cranky... Hey, how did I make this choice again? I kid :bigsmile:
LC, no, my sister is single and has no kids. I'm not sure she wants any, after seeing mine! She lives 10 mins away and we see her a lot. She actually offers to babysit every weekend and the kids totally love her. She just babysat overnight for us this past weekend and when we came home, she looked a little frazzled from the experience ;( :lol:
Sounds like our sisters are very similar. Sis is in a committed relationship but is likely not going to get married nor have kids. She's enjoying being an aunt. She has offered to watch Ethan, but I seriously don't think she's ready for his cranky fits yet. DH is barely there. LOL!
I'm glad to hear you guys aren't having too many troubles. Pumping is hard work! It's exhausting and stressful. What a lot of pressure on one person!

NEL, max suction? Holy crap. I never made it past the mid-point on my PIS!
DH can't even watch me pump, he says it's like watching me being tortured.

I'm still at the max setting--I tried other suction amounts and nothing got as much milk out. And I need every drop!

LC, thanks for the video. I hand express each time I pump, but it's good to know what technique works best. I occasionally have to pump in the car while driving and can't hand exress and it makes SUCH a difference.

Slight vent: I'm still pumping 8+ times a day including the 1am and 4am pumping sessions. And drinking lots of water. And eating oatmeal. And taking Fenugreek. And I can only feed her about half breastmilk. I'm just so tired of working this hard--it would be fine if I could feed her 100% breastmilk, but it SUCKS working so hard and only being able to give her half breastmilk. Today I spilled 4oz, which is 2+ pumping sessions for me, and I nearly cried.
NEL, sorry to hear about the milk. I've cried on more than one occasion when I've spilled milk or accidentally left pumped milk out. DH thought I was nuts!
NEL, Sorry to hear about the milk. I'd totally cry too. I'm sorry you're feeling very frustrated with your supply and yourself. Take a deep breath and pause for a second. It's really easy in this relatively "new mom" stage to harp on one thing, but remember you're doing a great job. And the reason why you're frusrated is because K is a champion eater and drinking 3+ and sometime 4oz bottles at a time. She's super healthy and growing like crazy. So keep that in mind. But in the end K is growing and getting bigger.
NEL: you're doing great...think about all the thousands of ounces over time you're giving with 1/2 breastmilk. It's not like a grading system - anything you give is huge. The 1am and 4am pumps sound bad though, I'd cut the 4am out. I don't think missing one 3hr shift will decrease your supply now that you've established a bit, but that's my opinion. I think we've all cried over spilled milk - I get upset over spilled drops! One time I left a bottle out (12am pump half asleep) overnight. Just went ahead and fed it to her though and she was fine. Another late night pump I was frantically washing up after finally being done and just dumped and started washing the bottle I'd just pumped! OMG, I couldn't believe it.
Keep it up everyone, you guys are doing great.
Thanks, ladies. The support is helpful. I'm feeling better--I cut out the 4am pumping session. The reason is that K has been sleeping for longer stints, so I still do the 11pm pump, but now I do 2am and 6am instead of 11pm, 1am, 4am, then 7am. I'm basically trying to stick to K's night schedule. It's helping me mentally and I don't notice a decrease in supply--I just get more milk per session. It's only been 2 days, so maybe the impact on my supply comes later. But so far, so good.

Back to feeling like I can keep doing this. The first few weeks were actually harder. I'm at 6 weeks now, so I'm used to it, I just sometimes still get frustrated with the supply issue.

Oh, and Janine, that's actually how I spilled my milk. I was tired and poured it out thinking it was a formula bottle. I realized my mistake as it was swirling the drain. I cursed loudly. Pouring it out feels worse than spilling it.

I'm just thankful I only have one! If I had to pump regularaly and chase a toddler around, I don't know if I could do it. I'm already worried about my supply for the next one!

Thanks again!
NewEnglandLady|1333555894|3163330 said:
Thanks, ladies. The support is helpful. I'm feeling better--I cut out the 4am pumping session. The reason is that K has been sleeping for longer stints, so I still do the 11pm pump, but now I do 2am and 6am instead of 11pm, 1am, 4am, then 7am. I'm basically trying to stick to K's night schedule. It's helping me mentally and I don't notice a decrease in supply--I just get more milk per session. It's only been 2 days, so maybe the impact on my supply comes later. But so far, so good.

Back to feeling like I can keep doing this. The first few weeks were actually harder. I'm at 6 weeks now, so I'm used to it, I just sometimes still get frustrated with the supply issue.

Oh, and Janine, that's actually how I spilled my milk. I was tired and poured it out thinking it was a formula bottle. I realized my mistake as it was swirling the drain. I cursed loudly. Pouring it out feels worse than spilling it.

I'm just thankful I only have one! If I had to pump regularaly and chase a toddler around, I don't know if I could do it. I'm already worried about my supply for the next one!

Thanks again!

You must think I"m stalking you , lol. Good move on cutting out a session - I agree it doesn't seem to affect supply and makes that first pump in the morning more satisfying! Plus if that's what the baby's cues are, that's how it is right? Once I tried a 3am pump and it was hell so just stopped it.
My supply got much better with #2 (but still low compared to others, a friend of mine pumps exlusively and donates the extra!). And I cursed too with the tossing. I mean the idea that I sat pumping for 15mins while everyone was snoring, then tossed it was just too hard to deal with. I mean not like I could go pump it out again. All I can say is I never let it happen again.
Oh and my toddler is at the controlling stage so helps me with the pumping. Turns it on (to right level) makes comments on how much is in one bottle vs. the other ("that one is not making much milk for A."). Thankfully she never asks to try it like I've heard other toddlers do! What's tough is pumping while working and dragging the damn ball and chain, I mean pump. But you don't have to worry about that yet!!!!
does anyone have suggestions for increasing supply when you are a few months out (5 mo's). I notice mine dropping, especially from one lazy boob. I pump about every 4hrs (middle of night one is actual nursing).

I do fenugreek and keep hydrated, not sure if there's much to do at this later stage. I am supplementing with forumula (have from the beginning).
NEL, I'm glad you're feeling sane again. Sounds like a great plan to keep to Katie's schedule for the pumping times. And who knows, maybe your supply will remain the same. If you're getting more rest and you're staying sane, it's all for the best I'd say.

Janine, I can't help much on the boosting supply advice. Perhaps DRK will see this and maybe post some suggestions? I think there's some teas you can drink that might help as well?

I'm still looking for a way to donate my excess milk. I don't want to toss it, and the person from Human Milk 4 Human Babies isnt' getting back to me. THere's MilkShare which I found through some google sleuthing, going to try that:

I've been building up my store b/c I am going back to work on Tuesday. I have been pumping about two hours after LO is put to be and agin in the middle of the night. I have put the milk from the first pump in the fridge and then adding the fresh milk from the middle of the night to that and freezing it. I just read somewhere that I can't add warm milk to cooled milk, is that really true? I can't believe that I can't use any of that milk. I plan to give him fresh milk pumped from the previous day once I start pumping at work.

Also, it seems that most of you feel it is ok to reheat thawed milk up to two time in one day. Do you put it in a different bottle of just use the same one?
blackberry16|1333939812|3166472 said:
I've been building up my store b/c I am going back to work on Tuesday. I have been pumping about two hours after LO is put to be and agin in the middle of the night. I have put the milk from the first pump in the fridge and then adding the fresh milk from the middle of the night to that and freezing it. I just read somewhere that I can't add warm milk to cooled milk, is that really true? I can't believe that I can't use any of that milk. I plan to give him fresh milk pumped from the previous day once I start pumping at work.

Also, it seems that most of you feel it is ok to reheat thawed milk up to two time in one day. Do you put it in a different bottle of just use the same one?

definitely no expert here, but I believe it is ok to add warm milk to cool milk. Not ideal, but if you've already done it it's fine. I had a few issues where I pumped at work and only brought 2 bottles so had to merge the 2. I've done it at home when in a rush too...from everyone I asked it's fine and not like adding warm milk to frozen milk,etc.
I do think it's best not to re-heat the milk too takes away some of the nutrients, so I typically I have done it once and then just given it cold if it cooled down. There's a lot more leeway with breast milk though which is nice...
BB, I've added fresh milk to chilled milk before. Not a big deal. I really don't think it'll be too bad, but that's just my opinion. Re: frozen breast milk, I let it thaw (1 reheat), then heat it up again (for feeding). If he doesn't eat, I give it one more shot for him to eat then I toss it. I also have a very ample supply right now so I'm not in super conserve mode.

Question for you mamas, how do you store your breast milk in the freezer? I"m looking for storage ideas. I have those freezers that are on top of my fridge.

LC, I think it's on this thread or the Newborn thread somewhere but one of the gals (I wish I could remember who so I could give her credit) shared a great idea. Freeze in BM storage bags - lay flat to freeze. Once frozen, you can stand them up in an ice cube storage bin. It's nice because you can store a lot in a small space and you can easily see the dates as you flip through. I found it easiest to store in Lansinoh bags (I found the Medela ones too small) and to freeze in quantities of 4 oz or less.

My whole routine was:

- pump into 4 to 6 bottles at work
- combine those bottles into a 32 oz jug (have no fear, i usually didn't fill it!)
- *label* that tupperware jug (using a fat rubberband with the day of the week on it)
- MIL would dispense the milk from that jug into bottles
- after 3 days, I would freeze what remained in 4oz or less increments (you can store in the fridge for longer than this but I pumped a lot so if I didn't freeze every 2 or 3 days, there was just too much BM in the fridge.)
- thaw bags on demand by placing in the fridge overnight or laying in warm water. the great thing about freezing *flat* is they thaw quickly
blackberry - I never mixed warm milk and cold milk on purpose because I'd read that you're not supposed to (it's essentially warming the cold milk like you were going to feed it), but I also wouldn't worry about it either. I'd just be conscious not to heat those frozen bags up more than once at this point. I would thaw frozen milk so that I could put it in bottles for daycare the next day, but I wouldn't heat again after that feed. If it was fresh milk I would feed it up to twice though. Really, as long as the milk smells fine it probably is.

LC - I also used the freezer storage that pupp referenced. A visual is here:


The Lasinoh bags are really the best for this because they freeze especially flat so you can fit more in the ice bucket. I was able to fit 6 of these in my freezer. I actually thought about portioning my milk like pupp mentioned, but in the end I'm glad I didn't so it was easier to get exactly the amount I needed by mixing and matching bags to thaw since at one point I was using part fresh and part frozen milk. I never froze over 5 ounces together though because they took too long to thaw.

Have you had luck with your milk donation? What we found on HM4HB was that when we would reply to milk wanted posts the people weren't nearly as grateful (not sure if that's the right way to put it), in that they would show up late to pick up milk, not offer to replace freezer bags unless asked, etc. But when we would post milk to donate the people who responded that they wanted the milk were fantastic! They would tell you their story, make sure to be on time, bring bags, send thank you cards, etc. It was such a night and day difference. Not sure which you're doing, but I would suggest doing a milk to donate posting if you're not already. We even got Christmas cards from a few because they wanted to tell us again how grateful they were for the milk.
Ooh, great idea using hte ice cube bins. I'll have to try that. I was using the gift bag technique, but 1) it doesn't fit in my freezer that well, too tall, and 2, it doesn't hold the bags perfectly so they slide around and rip the bag.

Kunzite, I didn't get much luck wiht HM4HB, so I posted on MilkShare and was able to off load 375oz. The recipient mother was gave me some bags and was really happy. She was like, "WOW, I can't believe you have so much milk, how do you do it?" She had a 5 month old, and said she was very grateful for the milk. She drove in from the suburbs, quite a far ways in too.

Kunzite, I had similar experiences when donating milk. I posted on Milkshare and had a guy drive from PA for 700 or 800 ounces. He was extremely grateful and gave me 200 bags which I wasn't expecting at all. He was flexible on the meeting time and place too. He even sent me pics of his daughter growing! The next time I had a stash to donate, he didn't need any since his daughter was one and he had transitioned her to cow's milk. So, I responded to a post of a woman about 30 miles away. She was so needy! She even asked me if I could drive it to her because her baby didn't like the car. :roll: She stalked emailed me for two weeks too. I finally just stopped responding to her. I tried for months to find another recipient with no luck and I had to stop posting on milkshare because she was the only one who responded.
Wow, pupp, you're donating your milk to her and she's asking you to drive to her? Wow! THat's pretty ridiculous.

DH said he felt kind of weird that some stranger was accepting my breast milk and giving it to their kid. He's like isnt that kind of weird to you? I don't think it's that weird. I mean, everything is self disclosed and I'm perfectly happy answering any of their questions. Maybe DH is just a weirdo, lol!