
Pumpers unite!

LC, my DH was kinda creeped about by the milk donating too. I met some random dude at a Sonic near our house and gave him milk from my body. I worked so hard for that milk and absolutely could not waste it! I was so happy to give it to him. He was able to give his daughter breastmilk (exclusively, I think) for an entire year and it was ALL donated milk.
Pupp, that's it! I didn't want the milk to be wasted since I worked so hard to make that milk. I think DH would feel less weird if it just got dumped down the drain. THe first time I pump and dumped it felt so hard to pour the milk down the drain. In my head I knew I had a whole freezer full of milk and Ethan's not going to go hungry, but it was still a weird feeling.
Hi Girls,
Has there ever been a discussion about taking Reglan to increase milk production? My son is eating 22 oz while I am gone during the day and the most I have ever pumped is 15 oz. On the weekend when I nurse all day I have to give him formula for his last feeding b/c I don't have enough and he gets upset after a while. My supply has been decreasing so I asked my OB for something to help. She prescribed Reglan for me. Has anyone used it? How much did it help?
BB, I have no experience, but would love to know if it's working for you. I've had supply issues and have thought about asking my OB or K's pedi for an rx.
NewEnglandLady|1336598166|3191491 said:
BB, I have no experience, but would love to know if it's working for you. I've had supply issues and have thought about asking my OB or K's pedi for an rx.
I have been taking Reglan for about a week now. I do notice that on the days that I am good about taking it when I am supposed to I produce about 1oz more than I was before. That adds us when I pump 4 times a day. I haven't noticed any side effects either.
Hoping to get some help from pumping mamas. Ethan's decided he's preferring the bottles and doesn't nurse as much anymore. So I've been pumping more. I suppose it's just a matter of time, I'll be heading back to work at the end of this month, so he'd taking mostly bottles anyway. So in preparation for going back to work I was wondering if what I should do in terms of number of pumping sessions.

Thankfully Ethan's STTN, so I don't have to wake up for MOTN sessions, or should I still try to do that? Right now I kind of pump when I have time to, so once in the evening after dinner, and probably once in the morning and once in the afternoon, probably around 60-90 mins of pumping on top of the short nursing sessions Ethan has during the day. With the pumping I'm doing I get about 600ml, or 20oz a day.

Kunzite posted her sessions a few pages back and I believe she was doing 6 sessions/day at 13 wks.

What are/have your pumping schedules been? Does pumping in the MOTN at 13 wks still make sense? Any tips for pumping at work? I have a Medela PISA, so I'll be lugging that to work with me. I walk/bike/ride the bus to work.

BB, how's the Reglan going?

NEL, have you gotten a scrip to help with your supply?

LC, I didn't get a script--I meant to ask when I was at the pedi last week, but I was so focused on K's acid reflux that I forgot.

I just cut down to 4 sessions per day. Not ideal, but realisitically I won't be able to pump more than that when returning to work in two weeks. I'm assuming 1 session before work, 2 sessions at work (which could be a challenge) and 1 session after work since I get home at 6:30. I take public transit, otherwise I'd try to squeeze in commuting sessions.

I went from 8 sessions/day to 7 session/day over a month ago (cut out the 1am session). Then I did 4 weeks of 6/day, 2-3 weeks of 5/day and just switched to 4/day and will continue that for as long as I can.

My supply still stinks and I only get 10 - 12 ounces per day. Some days it's just 1 bottle of breast milk and some days it's 2. I had been having K nurse to try to increase my supply while decreasing sessions, but now I have to thicken my breast milk and she can't nurse anymore.

How many sessions do you think you'd be able to fit in a day while working? That's sort of how I determined what I needed to be working toward. I knew it wasn't possible to pump more than 2x per day while at work, so that was that.
NEL, realistically my guess is that I'd only be able to do 2 sessions at work, probably one during my lunch break. So I think I'd probably do 4 a day as well. I'm thinking one pump before work, hopefully two at work, one when I get home. I doubt I'd be able to do an early evening and a late evening pump, since I'm doing pick ups. If DH would do daycare pick up, then maybe, but DH "can't" (read: won't) leave work on time to do pick up on time. But I suppose ideally I'd do two sessions in the evening.

My supply I think has leveled out to just enough for Ethan during the day. Actually, if I were to do only bottles I'd be one feeding short.
LC, if I were you, I would definitely invest in a hand pump to store at work, as well as extra bottles and pump parts for back up. There's nothing worse than getting to work and realizing you left a crucial pump part at home! BTDT and thank goodness I had my hand pump.

Once I went back to work at 5 months, I dropped to 4 sessions a day (and as I mentioned before, 4 was my sweet spot in terms of getting the most oz). The 5th session I dropped was my MOTN pump, which was nice!
Thanks for the tip Logan. I never used a manual pump. Question in general, what do you use if you have to pump, say, at a conference?

Thought I'd give this thread a bump since JulieA had some pumping questions and there are some new mamas in our fold. Also wanted to check in with the not-so-new mamas. How are you guys doing. A few of us are/will be back at work soon.

My update: Started work last Weds. The pumping room @ my office is actually pretty nice. It's in the gym (which is nice because I have access to towels to drape over my pants), and the room has a fridge and sink and 2 pumping stalls. I never had to wait for a stall although I think there are 4 or 5 pumping moms including me. I chatted with one yesterday who has a 2.5 month son.

Pumping sessions for me have been:
5AM nurse then bottle feed E.
6AM pump, typically get 6+ oz
11:30AM pump @ work, typically get 8-ish oz
3:30PM pump @ work, typically get 6-ish oz
6PM nurse
between 10-11PM pump, typically get 6-8 oz.

In general I've been getting between 16oz - 26oz a day.

LC, you are a lactating MACHINE!!! I do not pump regularly like that but when I do, the most I get is about 120ml. But then again, I usually only pump off one side, plus I am being "emptied" 6 times a day by Miss S and she is a fat chops so nothing to worry about. But WOW, mama, your supply is amazing!!!
Hi LC :wavey: Glad to hear your work/nursing schedule is working out so well for you!


Here we go again! I've been pumping for the last week since the twins were born. They're starting to work on nipping but not much luck yet. I got giant blisters on both nipples the first night in the hospital :rolleyes: What a way to start! Apparently I'm a larger flange size now, who knew. I've been super happy with my supply though. My milk came in on day two and I'm up to around 38 oz a day. I was doing a good job of pumping 8 times a day but last night my alarm didn't go off for my MOTN pump and I ended up doing 6. It was really nice but I think I'm still too nervous to do so few!!
Kunzite|1339323936|3213052 said:
Hi LC :wavey: Glad to hear your work/nursing schedule is working out so well for you!


Here we go again! I've been pumping for the last week since the twins were born. They're starting to work on nipping but not much luck yet. I got giant blisters on both nipples the first night in the hospital :rolleyes: What a way to start! Apparently I'm a larger flange size now, who knew. I've been super happy with my supply though. My milk came in on day two and I'm up to around 38 oz a day. I was doing a good job of pumping 8 times a day but last night my alarm didn't go off for my MOTN pump and I ended up doing 6. It was really nice but I think I'm still too nervous to do so few!!

Kunzite, that is so awesome you made 38 ozs I never got that much in a day, 22 on avg! The NICU told me to make sure to get 5 hours of sleep; I bet one STTN didn't mess you up too much! great job lady!! hugs to you, O and the twins!
Kunzite, how are the boys?? Miles and Elliot are so precious! Are you planning to try nursing or just doing EPing again? 38oz a day is fantastic! Fantastic that the boys will be getting plenty of milk. Are you producing enough for them to do exclusive BM? I agree with Skip, one night of missing a pump in the MOTN is probably fine. Clearly you really needed it that night.

Pancake, So far I've been able to keep up with E's consumption. Well, TBH E's drinking frozen milk, I'm about 2-3 wks deep in my stash, and I want to give E milk that's close-ish to his age. But when I was on vacation visiting family I traveled with zero "freezer stash." But still was able to stay 2 bottles ahead of him (the bottle he drinks + 2 reserves) after two days. THat allowed me to enjoy some wine during vacation, which is always nice. :)
Thanks Skippy! I think I'm going to try four hours at night for awhile and see how it goes.

LC - I'm hoping to get them nursing, but it's going to be a hard road. It gives me anxiety just thinking about getting them both to nurse! They're taking about 20 oz total between them right now so I'm making plenty at the moment. I'll be curious to see if they're light eaters like O. He never took much more than 20 - 25 oz a day. If that's the case I should be able to keep up.
Kunzite i'm glad you're making plenty for the both of them. Does/will your body just make more when they get bigger and need more milk? Obviously I can't speak from any experience about BFing twins. Hopefully you can nurse one and bottle feed expressed milk for the other. But don't kill yourself trying to EBF. Did you move yet?
lliang_chi|1339448058|3214024 said:
Kunzite i'm glad you're making plenty for the both of them. Does/will your body just make more when they get bigger and need more milk? Obviously I can't speak from any experience about BFing twins. Hopefully you can nurse one and bottle feed expressed milk for the other. But don't kill yourself trying to EBF. Did you move yet?

I honestly don't know how long my supply will keep increasing. I'm already up to the max I was pumping with Oliver (50oz/day) and it seems to still be increasing. My DH is convinced that somehow my body knows I have two babies to feed. I think it's just that it hasn't been that long since last time so it's like my body just picked up where it left off. Either way, I hope it lasts! It's only been two weeks and I'm already getting tired of all of this.... Then I think about the expense of buying formula and I suck it up :cheeky:
I am sure some answers are within the pages of this thread... but I am having a heard time finding enough time in front of the computer with my 4 wk old son.

Here are some my questions:

1. How soon before going back to work should you start to freeze milk? and isn't frozen milk not as good as fresh stash from the refrigerator so we should only use frozen as last reserve?

2> what storage bags do people like the best?

3. How many bottles should you give baby each week to make sure they are comfortable with bottle before going back to work? i am just breast feeding now and we have given baby 3-4 bottles and he did fine.

4. If I dont have an office- but work out of my hot car, what is the easiest way to pump each day? I understand I will have to bring a cooler for milk, but do I need one large enough to keep all the pumping equipment cool (flanges, etc. that touch breast milk) in between pumps sessions? Should i buy extra so have clean stuff for each pumping session? i wont have a sink to wash anything off, but do have the luxury of pulling over and pumping as often as I need.

5. i was told to try to pump the same time each morning in between breast feeding sessions... but it is hard for me to find undisturbed time since baby not on regular sleep/nap routine yet. is it ok to just pump whenever i get a chance? or am i confusing my milk supply and will lead to engorgement problems?

6. any good books out there about getting organized with juggling breast feeding, pumping for work, and how to be successful with both?
Hi Julie,

I can't answer all of your questions, but I would definitely recommend getting two sets of parts, or I suppose you could take a separate cooler into the car with you each day to put the pump parts in. Does your pump come with its own little cooler for bottles?

I am not sure if there are any good books out there, but you might find this link useful: I would say to expect the first few days to be a bit stressful, but in a week or so, it will all become very routine for you.
Julie, I'd recommend getting 2 sets of flanges, connectors and extra bottles. I have an AM session @ home, then 2 at work, then one last one in the evening. So having the 2nd set means I don't have to quickly wash stuff before leaving for work etc. I just always keep a clean set in my pump bag ready to go to work when I need to. My typical routine is:
- Pump my AM session, rinse then store the parts in the fridge (in a tupperware).
- Pump @ work with the clean set in my pump bag, and store in the cooler at work with.
- If LO doesn't nurse when we get home or if I skipped my 2nd work pump, I'll usually pump after feeding LO using the fridge stored parts from the AM session.
- Then I (or DH) do both sets along with all the bottles from day care and feeding. I throw one clean set in the pump bag, and use the other one for pumping my night session.
- Rinse and store the set from night session in the fridge for the AM session the next morning.
- Repeat.

If it were me, I'd keep milk and parts all in the same cooler. But make sure the cooler STAYS COOL.

I've used the Lanisoh, Simplex and Medela bags. The only ones I didn't like is Medela, but it's all personal preference. I like that Lanisoh, you can buy in boxes of 50. I buy 3 boxes of 50 from Amazon.

Giving Bottles: it took LO 5 wks to learn how to nurse so he's been OK with bottles. Once he was nursing like a champ, I'd give him one, two bottles tops a day, so Daddy could feed him too. He still prefers bottles and at times goes on boob strike. I'd say don't be shy to give bottles, I think it's a great way for Daddies to bond with baby. If baby prefers nursing then please tell me what that's like because I have no idea ;))

When to pump: TBH, whenever you can. I tried to have regular pumping scheduled, but LO had a completely different idea in mind. He would cry whenever I *just* hooked up to the pump. So I'd have to disconnect etc to tend to him. I resolved to nurse if I was home alone with LO and pump only when DH or Sis was home with me. That way, if baby cries I could continue pumping and the baby can still be looked after. That gave me at least 1 maybe 2 sessions in the evening/night. Eventually as your baby gets bigger you'll get used to her routine. I'm sure you'll find that she has one or two times in the day that she takes a solid nap; you can pump then.

Freezing milk: I started freezing milk when LO was 2.5-ish weeks old. My supply kept increasing and it was taking over fridge space. So I started freezing milk. TBH, LO gets mostly thawed frozen milk for his bottles, my stash is about 2 wks deep. Occasionally he'll have fresh milk mixed in with his frozen milk, but for the most part it's just frozen. If he nurses then he gets fresh milk. He used to normally nurse when he first wakes up and when we get home from day care, so he gets fresh from the tap 2x a day. The rest of the day is frozen.
Hello pumpers! I have been breastfeeding, pumping, and formula supplementing my 4 week old and have been perusing this thread whenever I have time for tips to help with pumping/supply increase. Today I found a really awesome video about maximizing production with hands-on pumping and wanted to share. My apologies if it has already been posted. You have to give an email address and follow an authentication link to watch the video and it is 9 minutes in length, just a heads up, but I thought it was very helpful content.

I feel like the past four weeks have been such a roller coaster of emotions and I am just coming to terms with the fact that there is no one right way to feed a baby. I'm an all or nothing person and it has made me really uncomfortable not to be able to exclusively BF. I bought a pump early thinking I would be able to use it to build up a storage supply for when I go back to work...ha! I have barely been able to pump enough every two days for one 4 oz. bottle for her. I am persevering, though. I try to have her on the breast as much as possible, pump a few times a day when she is sleeping, and my husband gives her a couple bottles of formula at night. I had to be gone from her for 7 hours yesterday (work-related) and my husband had to give her formula all day. They were both happy and relaxed when I got home and I admit I was jealous that my husband could just mix up a bottle, feed her, and work from home because she slept so much for him. When I am home all day I have her on me nonstop it seems and I go crazy trying to get stuff done. It would be so much easier to be able to give her expressed milk more often!

Thanks for letting me vent. I know things will get better with time and I just keep taking it day by day. This thread has been really helpful--thanks to all those who have participated and shared.
Monnie, you're doing a great job with your little A. It's hard hard hard, but keep the faith. In the end you know what's best for both you AND your little one. One of the mamas, BlackBerry has taken Reglan, a scrip to help with milk production.

Skip, I think I'm going to try that Mother's Milk tea.

So, I started to notice that my supply is decreasing, or well, Ethan drinks more in one day than I pump in one day. I have a 1 wk stash in the freezer but the crazy lady in me says I need to make more milk! Am I just crazy? It's not like he doesn't have milk to drink... Yeah I'm just crazy.

Other than that, I"m down to 1 pump a day at work. So I do AM, work (around lunch time), PM, Night. Sometimes I only get 3 sessions a day, that is if DH decides to work late or do something else so he only gets home past 8PM.

Kunzite, how are the boys??? Have they gotten the hand of nursing yet?
Thank you Skippy and LC! I am currently taking Fenugreek and have not noticed any difference really since I started it last week, but will definitely look into Mother's Milk tea. My SIL drank it and although I don't recall if she said it helped I know she pumped and BF'd until 8 months with my niece. (Bless her heart, she came over to our house the third day I was home and cleaned my kitchen and all sorts of other stuff, I just love her.)

I will call and ask my doctor about Reglan. Thanks again ladies!!!
LC - You are not crazy! Yes, one week is enough, but I understand the panic of running out. When the LO's were in the NICU I would ask the nurse all the time if I was bringing in enough milk (mind you they ate a set amount on a set schedule... It's not like I wasn't doing the math!) because I didn't want to be surprised one day! We still haven't tried nursing :oops: There's always some reason (excuse).... I'm too tired, we need to use the bottle in the fridge... and right now both of my nipples are bleeding from blisters (nice, right?) so I don't really want them sucking on blood! So it seems I'm falling back into EPing. Sigh.
Monnie, keep up the great work you're doing. Remember your job is for A to thrive. And going from here 4 week check up, she is. So even if supplementing with formula is necessary, she's staying healthy and gaining weight. Plus she's still getting your milk. It's never an all or none thing, parenting in general. So don't be too hard on yourself.
Kunzite, ouch re: milk blisters. :knockout: tbh, I think with twins I'd prob be leaning towards EPing as well. I mean the thought of BFing them both :eek: you're doing great though. Plus now they're home you can try nursing at your leisure

And for us: in Boston forwarding. Got to the hotel and our room wasn't ready yet. But I needed to pump. The staff was nice enough to let me pump in their office.
I'm done.

I can't take this anymore. Pumping has been such a nightmare for me this time around. The blisters I got in the hospital on day one still haven't healed, I basically have open sores on both nipples. One side is so bad it looks like it's been chewed to shreds. I have the worst clogged duct known to man. An entire half of my left boob feels like a bowling ball. I haven't been able to get it to clear so I was laid up in bed yesterday with a fever and chills. Bring on the mastitis! I'm always engorged still, to the point that I can't even hold the babies. What good am I if I'm only providing milk but can't even hold my babies (never mind trying to pick up Oliver.....ouch!!)? Every time I pump it's like being stabbed with a knife, it hurts so bad. Oh yeah, and the bloody milk :knockout: The first ounce is always bloody milk thanks to the blisters, what a waste.

Given all of that why do I feel so guilty to say I'm done? I still have lingering guilt for only getting Oliver to 10.5 months! What is it going to do to me to only get the twins to 2 months? Even though logically I know it's the best decision for me, emotionally it's tearing me up inside. Why is my body giving me this gift of a huge milk supply (I could feed triplets on what I'm pumping right now) only to torture me in the process of getting that milk. It's like I can't reconcile in my head the idea of NOT pumping while I'm making plenty of milk. It feels so selfish to turn that milk down. Like suck it up already!!

I need a hug.
Kunzite. <<<HUUUG>>> Giving you the biggest virtual hug ever. I'm so sorry you're plagued with blisters and clogged ducts. Do you think you can get some help from something like acupuncture or something? I dunno what it'll do, but that's the only thing I can think of right now... Do you think the "stabbing" pain could be a very active let down or that other nipple pain that starts with a 'V' (the name escapes me right now). I know my let down does not feel "tingly" it feels almost painful, like someone's squeezing my nipple. I could only imagine with such an ample supply that you're faced with, the "let down" would be even more exaggerated. And look at it this way, you have options on how to feed M&E. But there's no replacement for Mommy-Love. ANd if things are keeping you from giving them and O your Mommy-Love then that's what you need to spend your energy on. Not worrying about your milk supply. BIG HUGS!!!!!
Kunzite - Big hugs!! Just wanted to say that if you are done, you ARE DONE, and it is totally OK!! Give yourself permission to let go of that pump and let yourself heal!!!!!! Seriously, it is OK!! I know that guilt, but I think weighing the totality of the circumstances right now, it totally makes sense to stop, and it really sounds like it's everyone's best interests that you do stop. Sorry that you are going through this. I kind of know already that nothing I can say is going to make you feel better (because you and others posted really kind things to me when I was struggling, and though it was nice, the guilt was still there! Uggh) All I can say is try to let go of that guilt sooner rather than later, because in many ways, it doesn't even make sense that we women feel guilt about this. Ok, rambling now. Hope you are doing better today!!