
Pumpers unite!

Hi pumpers! Question- do you leave the speed on your pumps the same throughout a session? My manual recommends starting fast and then slowing it down once let down occurs, then speeding it back up when you need another letdown. I tried this and swear I got less milk doing it this way.
AMC, I had the Medela PIS and it started with a rapid pump which would induce let-down then move into a more slow/steady pump. I never attempted to get a second let down but my pump has a button you push to "restart". I never adjusted to speed unless for some reason it felt like the suction was too strong and caused discomfort.
puppmom|1348163900|3271756 said:
AMC, I had the Medela PIS and it started with a rapid pump which would induce let-down then move into a more slow/steady pump. I never attempted to get a second let down but my pump has a button you push to "restart". I never adjusted to speed unless for some reason it felt like the suction was too strong and caused discomfort.

Thanks. I have the Ameda Purely Yours and it has separate dials for suction strength and speed.

Also, any tips for increasing output? I'm 6 weeks pp and get about 3oz per session (total). I've gotten as much as 4oz, but that was just one or two times. One side consistently does about 2-2.5oz and the other does 1-1.5. It has slowly built up to this. I'm assuming it's still building. At what point will I reach max output?
amc80|1348164149|3271760 said:
puppmom|1348163900|3271756 said:
AMC, I had the Medela PIS and it started with a rapid pump which would induce let-down then move into a more slow/steady pump. I never attempted to get a second let down but my pump has a button you push to "restart". I never adjusted to speed unless for some reason it felt like the suction was too strong and caused discomfort.

Thanks. I have the Ameda Purely Yours and it has separate dials for suction strength and speed.

Also, any tips for increasing output? I'm 6 weeks pp and get about 3oz per session (total). I've gotten as much as 4oz, but that was just one or two times. One side consistently does about 2-2.5oz and the other does 1-1.5. It has slowly built up to this. I'm assuming it's still building. At what point will I reach max output?

I think at about 12 weeks you hit your max output. I think people vary though. I remember at the NICU there was a chart saying how much you should be pumping by when and I didn't hit their guide marks within their goofy timeframe but I guess I am trying to say you still have time to increase output. Another thing people don't mention is that even though your baby keeps eating more and more they won't eat a ton more a few months from now so you don't need to worry so much. Have you tried Mother's Tea? that could help you.
AMC, I didn't pump consistently until 12 weeks (when I went back to work) but started here and there for *practice* at about 6-8 weeks and would get about 3-4oz total. By the time I went back to work, I average about 6 oz per pump (in lieu of feeding not in addition to). The one exception was my first pump of the day where I averaged 8oz per pump. My supply pretty much peaked there but there was a window right after DS dropped the MOTN feed that I would get much more in the morning pump. That eventually leveled out too though.
Thanks gals. It sounds like I'm right on track.
Hi Ladies,
Perhaps this has already been addressed, I didn't read the entire thread, I need advice on letting my milk dry up. I have been pumping at work and nursing at home for 9 1/2 months. DS won't nurse anymore (he was ready to be done 3 months ago) and I am ready to stop. I was down to a pump first thing in the morning, one at lunch and one before bed. I then began to pump only when I was uncomfortable (2 times a day). This week I tried to cut down to once and day and then stop all together. I'm super uncomfortable but I don't want to encourage continued production by pumping anymore. I'm going on vacation next week and I was hoping not to have to pump. How long did it take your milk to dry up (those who have reached this point)? Am I going about this correctly?
blackberry16|1349874445|3282703 said:
Hi Ladies,
Perhaps this has already been addressed, I didn't read the entire thread, I need advice on letting my milk dry up. I have been pumping at work and nursing at home for 9 1/2 months. DS won't nurse anymore (he was ready to be done 3 months ago) and I am ready to stop. I was down to a pump first thing in the morning, one at lunch and one before bed. I then began to pump only when I was uncomfortable (2 times a day). This week I tried to cut down to once and day and then stop all together. I'm super uncomfortable but I don't want to encourage continued production by pumping anymore. I'm going on vacation next week and I was hoping not to have to pump. How long did it take your milk to dry up (those who have reached this point)? Am I going about this correctly?
when I was uncomfortable I would just express the milk in the shower and then before I knew it I didn't need to do that much longer, maybe 3 or 4 days. Also cool leaf cabbage leaves help; I stuck them in my bra. I didn't produce much milk so it happened pretty fast for me, so maybe that makes a difference?
Hi Blackberry
It's a little fuzzy for me but I had cut down to only feeding my son at bedtime for a long time. Then I just stopped. Never had any problem. Surprisingly had a long flight with a cranky 2 year old and tried bf for comfort. I think there was still milk in there- I never experienced much or any discomfort.
I would say that in addition to decreasing number of pumps it might be helpful to decrease the minutes you pump. I think your body responds pretty quickly to increased needs so it seems like the reverse would be true. I guess that's the same as what Skippy said- basically if you just express a little till you feel comfortable maybe that would work. good luck.
Blackberry, I second what Pave suggested. Don't empty yourself when you pump. That should definitely help your cause. Good luck!
Thanks ladies, I used your tips and I think I'm through the worst of it. I haven't felt the need to pump or express since Wednesday night. I think the end is in sight. I can't believe how much work I've gotten done this week when I don't have to pump.
Is it possible to increase the time between feedings without impacting supply? I always thought that doing so would tell your body to make less, rather than just getting more at each session to even it out. Until recently, I would almost always BF when home and pump at work (and go home at lunch to BF), plus an additional pumping session in the evening. I was really good about making sure I was pumping or feeding every 2-4 hours. I was consistently getting anywhere between 2-4oz at a session (total), which worked out to be a little over an oz an hour. Then, this past weekend, we had friends in town and were out and about, and I didn't pump or nurse as often as usual. I pumped just over 24oz over the course of the day.

Today, I'm back to pumping/feeding more often. This morning, I gave him bottle at 2am (I had pumped at 11pm the night before), then nursed around 5, then pumped at 9am. I was able to get 6oz. I just pumped again (2.5 hours later) and was able to get another 4oz. So 10oz in about 6 hours (from the last feed). Or, 10oz + a BFing session (which is probably 3-4oz) in 11 hours. So still just over 1oz/hour. It was awfully nice to be able to not have to pump at that 2am feeding. But that means I went about 6 hours between pumping/feeding sessions. It doesn't seem to have impacted anything, since I still got a lot of milk. I'm wondering if I continue to skip pumping in the middle of the night if it will screw up my supply. Baby B will be 10 weeks on Wednesday, if that matters. When does supply stabilize?
AMC, when DS first stopped nursing in the morning before I went to work, I would pump almost 15oz in my first session at work(ridiculous, I know). Within just a few weeks, that dropped to 8oz. It stayed there pretty much until I stopped pumping. So, I think eventually your supply will level out but it's just a matter of how much. If it does decrease your supply, it's reversible (at least as far as I know) maybe start spreading it out a little more and, if over time, you're not happy with what you're getting just start pumping more often.

Basically, the impact on my supply was not immediate - in fact, at first it seemed like I would get MORE milk going longer between sessions.
Thanks Pupp! I think I'll try skipping the 2am pump every other night and see how that works. The thought of only being up long enough for B to suck down a bottle makes me sooo happy :) Hell, even 15 minutes for pumping and another 10 for the bottle still puts me way ahead of the game.
Hi Mamas!

Newbie here with some questions.

How long did it take you to really be able to pump large amounts (I mean anything more than 1-2 oz at a time)? Baby Hannah is only almost 3 weeks but I'm jsut wondering how long it takes to be able to regularly pump more than just a tiny bit. It usually takes me more than one pumping to get her a good 2 oz bottle - occasionally I'll get about 2 oz total in one pump and that's my max so far. I know everyone is different and I think my supply is increasing - I'm taking more milk plus and extra fenugreek to try to keep it on the upswing, but I haven't been able to pump much the past few days to gague supply because baby is jsut nursing nonstop and with my DH being at work it's just not happening when I'm by myself.

When you are refrigerating pump parts to use later the same day do you rinse them or just bag and refrigerate as-is?

missrachelk|1351112252|3291627 said:
Hi Mamas!

Newbie here with some questions.

How long did it take you to really be able to pump large amounts (I mean anything more than 1-2 oz at a time)? Baby Hannah is only almost 3 weeks but I'm jsut wondering how long it takes to be able to regularly pump more than just a tiny bit. It usually takes me more than one pumping to get her a good 2 oz bottle - occasionally I'll get about 2 oz total in one pump and that's my max so far. I know everyone is different and I think my supply is increasing - I'm taking more milk plus and extra fenugreek to try to keep it on the upswing, but I haven't been able to pump much the past few days to gague supply because baby is jsut nursing nonstop and with my DH being at work it's just not happening when I'm by myself.

When you are refrigerating pump parts to use later the same day do you rinse them or just bag and refrigerate as-is?


Apparently I've already forgotten...but I'd say 1-2oz at 3 weeks is totally normal. I went back to work at 6 weeks and by that time i was pumping 4oz a regular basis. Now I'm up to 5-6, but I don't pump as often. Now that I'm exclusively pumping, I do a little over an oz an about 24-28oz a day. And that's whether I pump every 3 hours or every 4-5 hours.

As for the parts, I pour my milk into a storage back, wipe off the flange, screw the collection bottles back onto the flange, and stick them in the fridge. Then I wash at night. Same thing at home, I stick the parts in the fridge at night and wash in the morning. I had a friend who was hard core cleaning her parts after each pumping session at thanks!
Missrachel: I'd say you're right on target. I'm nearly 12 weeks pp and usually make 3oz a session. I maxed out at 7, but that was after not pumping or nursing for just over six hours- which isn't recommended! Between nursing and pumping, I produce about 20-22 ounces a day... just under what Eloise eats.

I have TONS of suggestions for improving supply, but part of pumping is just learning to have a let down for the pump. It helps to be relaxed and to do the same thing each time you pump, so that your body has some type of let-down cue.

Keep trying the Fenugreek. Blessed thistle can help with let-down. Goats rue might help increase milk-making tissue. You could also order Domperidone... Or power pump! Pump for 20 minutes, then take a break for 10 or so, pump again for 10, break for 10, pump for 10, etc.
Okay ladies, I need your help. I'm weaning off the pump (I can't even express how happy this makes me!). My supply never fully recovered from when I got norovirus last month. Not that I really tried all that hard....

Anyway, due to Thanksgiving and a really busy week at work, I had dropped from my usual 6x a day pumping to about 4. I'm now down to two pumps a day- one around noon and another around 10pm. Where do I go from here? It seems like such a huge drop to go down to one session. My only thought was to start doing that noon session a bit later and then changing the 10pm session to the morning, so I'm gradually lengthening the time between sessions. Does that sound right?
AMC, IIRC you EP right? Hopefully some BTDT moms will weigh in but this is just my $0.02. I'd say you should pump until you're comfortable, not completely draining the breasts. Your body will start diminish it's supply since it's being told it's making too much.

I'm still nursing, but have pretty much stopped pumping and give Ethan formula bottles when he takes bottles. If he goes on nursing strike (which he's apt to do), I'll pump but that's it. I must say, it's a GLORIOUS THING to not have to bring hte pump bag to work! GLORIOUS! And what's this? I get to have my lunch hour back?? Imagine the possibilities!
lliang_chi|1354134712|3317636 said:
AMC, IIRC you EP right? Hopefully some BTDT moms will weigh in but this is just my $0.02. I'd say you should pump until you're comfortable, not completely draining the breasts. Your body will start diminish it's supply since it's being told it's making too much.

I'm still nursing, but have pretty much stopped pumping and give Ethan formula bottles when he takes bottles. If he goes on nursing strike (which he's apt to do), I'll pump but that's it. I must say, it's a GLORIOUS THING to not have to bring hte pump bag to work! GLORIOUS! And what's this? I get to have my lunch hour back?? Imagine the possibilities!

Thanks! Yes, I EP. I haven't pumped at all today. I'm slightly uncomfortable but not in pain or anything. I'll pump when I get home from work. I'm hoping that means that tomorrow I won't have to pump until right before bed time, and then I can just keep that session for a bit until my supply dies completely. I'm also only pumping for about 10 minutes (vs. 15-20), so that should help as well.

I can't even tell you how much a relief it is to have my life back! Well, my boobs at least. Once everything dries up I'm hoping I can comfortably wear a sports bra again and start working out. Also hoping my hormones regulate a bit so I can actually lose some weight!

It's funny, this week B has been eating like crazy. As in 6oz before bed, then waking up 2 hours later for another 6oz, and then again 2-3 hours after that. Can't imagine what I'd be doing if I wasn't giving him formula.
I'm resurrecting this thread. I just saw an ad for the Kiinde Twist system and it looks amazing. Have any of you used it? It's similar to the Playtex Drop-Ins, in that it goes directly from pump to freezer to bottle. The difference is that the pouches have thread and screw directly into the system (instead of screwing an adapter ring over a plastic bag like with Playtex) so there's virtually no chance of leaking. The main benefit is this means no bottles to wash! Only the nipples need to be washed. I felt like I was constantly washing bottles with B and it got so old. The downside is it's expensive when compared to the Playtex system- an 80 count of bags is around $25. But, worth the time savings of not having to wash bottles.

Anyway, I'd love feedback if anyone is familiar with it.
AMC, I've used the Kiinde twist. It is very easy to use and convenient. I don't know how old your LO is, but I found the slow nipples to be a little fast, somewhere between my Dr. Brown level 1 and level 2 nipples, so for a brand new baby, too fast. Milk would pour out of DD's mouth when I first tried the bottles for her. The other downside - my biggest gripes now that she can handle the flow just fine - is that the measurements are nowhere near accurate. And I have the smaller set, so they only hold about 5 oz. I no longer EP, and just use them on occasion. If I were you, I would get the 8oz size and do some testing to visualize where on the bags actual volumes fall. With those 2 solved, I think you might love the setup.
danners84|1409231395|3740656 said:
AMC, I've used the Kiinde twist. It is very easy to use and convenient. I don't know how old your LO is, but I found the slow nipples to be a little fast, somewhere between my Dr. Brown level 1 and level 2 nipples, so for a brand new baby, too fast. Milk would pour out of DD's mouth when I first tried the bottles for her. The other downside - my biggest gripes now that she can handle the flow just fine - is that the measurements are nowhere near accurate. And I have the smaller set, so they only hold about 5 oz. I no longer EP, and just use them on occasion. If I were you, I would get the 8oz size and do some testing to visualize where on the bags actual volumes fall. With those 2 solved, I think you might love the setup.

Thanks for the feedback. It seems like such a great system. Did you ever use other nipples with it? It says you can, but I'm not sure how that connection would work, and whether or not it would be prone to leaks.
You know, I did not even know that you could use other nipples with them. I guess using an adapter?
danners84|1409243474|3740809 said:
You know, I did not even know that you could use other nipples with them. I guess using an adapter?

Apparently it's the same adapters that you use for pumps.

My decision was made easy- the Kiinde FB page has a 50% off code for their kits. So I got the basic kit for $20. I'll still need to buy more pouches, but I couldn't pass up the $20 deal.