Thanks for everyones response to my original question about puppy. My fiance got into a long and emotional conversation about the well being of that beautiful puppy. I was actually sick w/worry today and threw up over it....not a good sign, my body new what the right thing to do was! I love that puppy and she was so cute and snuggly and wonderful but after many tears I decided that leaving her alone for almost 9 hours a day in a crate was really not humane and was unfair to such a wondeful creature. I am also 24 years old, fresh out of grad school and ready to start my career...which in itself is a very stressful life event. We are getting married in 4 1/2 months and are trying to save for a house, baby, etc. We have discussed a dog for awhile and thought now was the best time, that was before I was offered a job that was an hour total commute, over a bridge that has heavy traffic and was emotionally draining ( I will be a therapist for emotionally disturbed/JD adolescent boys). I am so so so so sad over this, I miss her already and only had her for 5 days. Breeder signed a contract stating they would try to sell her and give us our money back or after 4 months they would keep her and return the money at that time. I felt so bad giving her was not her but our current situation. I feel like a "failed parent"....but it was the best decision for the puppy. Hopefully a nice retired couple or stay at home mommy will take her!!! I also learned a valuable babies until I can afford to stay home...I couldn''t leave a puppy let a lone a baby!!!! Thanks again everyone for your lengthy and thoughtful responses!